第81話  笑ってベイビー


Mi: My turn.
Je: Oh, I knew you had it in you.
    You wanna be just like your uncle Jesse, right?
    Okay. Here we go. Sit over here. You got the sticks?
    Here? There? Alright, now.
    What you do is start up on the bass drum,
    do one and three on the bass drum,
    two and four on the snare, eights on the high-hat,
    do big **** to end up with the cymbal.
Mi: Are you talking to me?
Je: Yeah. Forget all that.
    I just.. just **** hack out of them. Rock'n'roll.
Mi: We like it(?), San Francisco.
have it in one 〈…する〉能力[勇気]がある
snare (drum)  響線付きの小太鼓, スネアー(ドラム)
high-hat cymbals  ハイハット (シンバル)

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