第63話  悲しき誤解  Just Say No Way


Mi: I cooked you want.
Jo: Oh, Michelle, you are the sweetest girl in the world.
Mi: I know. Eat it.
Jo: Okay. Hmm.. I taste bananas and pickles, jello..
Mi: And bubble gum.
Jo: Uh-huh. (It's) got all four food groups.
Mi: Hey, don't play with your food.
Jo: Oh, nuts!

Je: Alright munchkins, we got chocolate moo juice here.
    Extra-chocolate, easy on the moo.
St: Thanks, uncle Jesse.
Jo: Hey, everybody.
Je: Hey, Jo-jo.
St: Hi, Joey.
Jo: Guess what, Michelle. I got you a tape of children's songs by Raffi.
Mi: Thank you. What is a Raffi?
Jo: Oh, he's the guy who sings "Baby Baluga".
St: Oh, I used to love that song. Dad, remember our dance?
    Come on, let's show Michelle.
Da: Oh, this will be fun.
Je: I'll just put it here, your little baby boom box.
Da: Okay, Joey.  Rock'n roll.

    Baby Baluga in the deep blue sea
    you swim so wild and you swim so free.
    heaven above and sea below
    and a little white whale on the go 1, 2, 3, 4,
    Baby Baluga, Baby Baluga, is the water warm?
    is the mama home with you so happy
    Where the dolphins play ******

Je: This is great. I got the Baby Baluga dancers, I'm drinking moo juice.
    When did my life become a G-rated movie?
Da: Hi.
DK: Bye.
Da: Girls, wait. How about a little "Hello, how was your day?"
DJ: No time to talk. We're in charge of the dance.
Jo: What about your homework?
Ki: If we do our homework now, what will we do while they take attendance?
DJ: Don't worry about me. I'm almost finished.
Je: Oh, yeah?  Let's see it then.
DJ: Did I say I'm almost finished? I mean almost started.
Ki: Great. The dance is next Friday. Don't be late. Dogface said "Yes."
DJ: Alright. We've got a band.
St: Dogface? I never heard of 'em.
Ki: That's because you're in second grade, and Dogface is a high school band.
St: So? The Rolling Stones are about a hundred, and I've heard of them.
DJ: So what's next on our list?
Ki: Well, this is a backwards dance.
    That means we have to get some guys to be our dates. Call up Kevin.
DJ: I can't right now. I don't have his phone number.
St: Yes, you do. It's the speed-dial button with the heart drawn around it.
DJ: Stephanie!
St: It's ringing.
DJ: This is the phone company. Your phone works fine. Good bye.
St: Quack, quack, quack...
DJ: Kimmy!
Ki: Oh, sorry, but sometimes she's funny.
St: Hello. Kevin?
DJ: Stephanie!
St: This is Stepanie Tanner, and I was wondering if you would like to go to 
    the backwards dance with my lovely sister DJ.
DJ: I'm gonna kill you.
St: Okay, bye. Kevin said "Yes."
DJ: I'm gonna hug you.
St: Teenagers. You make such a big deal of everything.
moo  牛乳
Extra  たっぷり余分に
boom box  ラジカセ


St: Somebody, do something. It's been one solo week of Baby Baluga.
    I'm going bananas.
Mi: Baby Baluga, baby Baluga.
St: Joey, you gave her that tape, you take it away.
Jo: Michelle, what do you say, we fast forward this thing to another song. Huh?
Mi: No.
Jo: Well, baby Baluga is tired. He needs a nap.
Mi: Don't make me cry.
DJ: How do I look?
Ev: Oh, yeah.
Da: You look great.
DJ: Dad, do you have to tape everything?
Da: Oh, sorry. OK, I'll stop.
DJ: Well, maybe a few more seconds, I'm having a really good hair day.
St: I'll get it.
DJ: Wait, that's Kevin. Now.
Ki: Hi, neighbors. Hi, camera. I've got the rad stuff, oh..
Da: Kimmy, I've got to save the batteries for later.
Ki: DJ, bad news. We don't have a band. Dog Face broke up.
DJ: This is terrible. I promised we'd have a great band.
    Everybody is gonna hate me. Unless..
Je: Wow, wow. What unless? What are you looking at me for?
DJ: Oh, come on.
Je; DJ, you know, I'd be happy to help you out,
    but I can't get my band at this late unnoticed.
DJ: Well, what if I got you another backup band?
    Wait. I know who I can get. They're hot. Please!
Je: Deej, get a grip. Actually, loosen your grip. Alright, I'm there for you, babe.
DJ: Oh, thank you.
Ke: Hello.
DJ: Hi.
Da: Hi.
St: Hi.
Da: Oh, Kevin, I missed your entrance. Could you go back out and come back in again?
DJ: Dad. Kevin's mom is waiting. And don't you dare follow us out to the car. Bye.
Je: Bye.
Ki: Thanks for asking me out, Steph.
St: My pleasure. Any little brothers like you at home?
DJ: Steph.
Ki: Adios, Tanners. Jesse, be there by seven.
    The gig pays fifty dollars, but since you don't have a whole band, you get twenty.
Mi: Everybody, sing.
Je: I've got to go get ready for the *****.
Mi: Wait! You're missing the best part!
fast forward テープの早送り
gig パーティー、クラブ出演、ジャズ演奏の仕事

DJ がケビンがビールを飲んでいるのを見つけたところ

DJ: Kevin.
Ke: Hey, DJ.
DJ: What are you doing out here?
Ke: Just hanging out.
B1: Dance is lame, so we started our own party.
DJ: You're drinking beer.
Ke: Yeah, tastes horrible, want some?
DJ: No, I don't want some. You guys aren't supposed to be drinking beer.
B1: Big deal. We're just having some fun. Try it.
DJ: Cut it out.
Ke: You didn't have do that. Oh, I'm sorry, DJ. I'll go get some paper towels. 
DJ: Why don't you guys just get out of here?
B1: You are so uncool.
DJ: Oh? And you think you're cool? "The dance is lame, now we're having a party."
B1: Forget it, DJ, we don't want any beer.
B2: Yeah, we're only thirteen.
Je: DJ Tanner.
DJ: Uncle Jesse.
Je: You're in big, big trouble, young lady.
hang out  たむろする、うろつく
lame ださい、古くさい、時代に遅れている


DJ: Dad!
Je: Danny!
DJ: I'm talking to him first. I am.. You don't even know the whole story!
Je: No, I'm talking to him first. I am..
Da: Hold on, what's going on here?
DJ: I was NOT drinking beer.
DA: You were not drinking what?
JE: Danny, I saw the whole things. She had a beer in her hand,
    she was waving around, she was trying to party in.
DJ: The other kids were drinking, I was telling them how stupid they looked.
Jo: Hey, Deej, everybody makes mistakes and we know how hard it is
    when the other kids are drinking and they offer you a try and..
DJ: I know drinking is wrong. We already had this talk,
    that's why I didn't do it. I'm telling you the truth.
Je: Alright, like you were telling us the truth about your homework?
    You weren't exactly honest about this marching backup band tonight.
DJ: That was totally different. You believe me, don't you, Dad,
Da: I'd like to, but you do smell like beer.
DJ: Someone spilled it on me, really.
Da: DJ, go to your room. I'm gonna talk to Jesse, and I'll come up and talk to you.
DJ: This is so unfair. How could you take his side instead of believing your own daughter.

St: Baby Baluga, Baby Balu.. Oh, no, get out! get out! get out!
DJ: How could they do this? I was telling the truth.
    I don't deserve to be treated this way. I didn't do anything.
St: What didn't you do?
DJ: It doesn't matter, nobody believes me anyway.
    Not uncle Jesse, not Joey, not even Dad.
St: I believe you, DJ.
DJ: You do?
St: Of course, I do. You're my big sister, and besides that,
    you were looking right in my eyes.
    When you lie, you look at the top my head.
DJ: Thanks Steph. I've gotta find a way for them to believe me.
party《俗》酒を飲む, 非合法的な快楽行為をする

Da:Ican't believe this is happening. She's only thirteen, and she's such a good kid.
Jo: Danny, this could happen to any kid.
    There's.. there's a lot of pressure on them to try drinking.
Je: I know. Not just from other kids, from, I mean, you know,
    it's sometimes these celebrities and rock stars and people these kids look up to,
    I mean, they're making drinking look cool.
    I mean they're sending the wrong messages to kids. Let me tell you something.
    DJ's gonna get the right message, OK? She's gotta know that there's no drinking.
    Period. And I say we go upstairs and lay down the law.
Da: Jesse, wait a minute. Just sit down.
    I.. I think it's not as simple as just punishing her.
    I think we have to find out WHY DJ did it, so we can decide the best way to help her.
    I just don't want her to be one of those kids who has to learn the hard way.
St: Your attention, please. Whatever it is you said DJ did, she did not do.
Jo: How do you know, Steph?
St: 'Cause she was crying. And those were not I'm-in-trouble tears,
    those were I-really-didn't-do-it tears.
Da: I think we have to straighten this out right now.
St: She's not in her room.
Da: Where is she?
St; She went back to the dance with Kimmy's Mom to prove she's innocent.
Je: Oh, Great, now she sneaks out of the house without telling us?
Da: What is going on with her.?
Jo: OK, guys, I'll handle everything here. Go ahead, take off.
Da: Thanks, Joey.
St: Bye, Dad. 
lay down the law  叱る、命令する
straighten out 混乱や悩みを取り除く、物事を正しい状態にする、解決する


Ki: I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye. DJ, you missed everything.
    Kevin and Paul and Sam got caught drinking. They're gonna be suspended from school.
DJ: I hate to say it but they deserve it.
    Your mom is waiting outside. I have to find Kevin.
Ki: He is over there waiting for his parents.
    You'd better talk to him now. You may not see him for a long time.
Ke: Hi.
DJ: Hi. You and I have to talk, my family thinks I was drinking.
Ke: Oh, man.
DJ: You gotta tell my dad I'm innocent. Why did you have to go and drink, anyway?
Ke: 'Cause the guys said it would loosen me up. I thought you'd have more fun with me.
DJ: Well, I didn't have fun with you tonight. I had fun with the old Kevin. 
Te: Kevin, your parents are here.
Ke: I'm dead. DJ, I'm really sorry.
DJ: I know you are.
Ke: Is it OK if I call you again sometime?
DJ: Alright. But just make sure the old Kevin calls.
Te: Come on, son. Let's go.
Da: Kevin, have you seen DJ? 
Ke: Yeah, she's in there.
Da: Thanks.
Ke: Uh, Mr. Tanner?
Da: Yeah?
Ke: DJ wasn't drinking tonight. It was me and two other guys. She was trying to stop us.
Da: She was telling us the truth.
Je: I'm sorry, man. I.. I saw her with the beer...
Da: Oh no, Jess. Don't feel bad. It was an honest mistake. Thanks for telling us, Kevin.
Te: Come on, Kevin. Now let's go.
Je: I was pretty rough on her.
    Do you mind if I go in and have a word alone with DJ?
Da: OK.
Je: Hi.
DJ: Oh, great. Now I'm in even more trouble. Look, I came down here to find Kevin. So..  
Je: I just talked to Kevin outside.
DJ: You did?
Je: Yea. (He) told me what really happened. I owe you a big apology.
DJ: You really hurt my feelings. 
Je: I'm sorry for not believing you, pal.
DJ: I guess it did look kind of bad.
    And I did bend the truth a couple of times this week. 
Je: DJ, I want you to know why I lost my temper tonight.
    It's just, it made me crazy thinking of my little niece out there starting to drink.
    I mean this isn't funny games, you know.
    I've seen it happen to my friends, they think they're having it under control.
    And before they know, they have messed up their whole lives.
    That's why I'm so proud of you for making the right decision tonight.
DJ: It's not that hard to say "no". Those kids were acting like idiots.
Je: Well.. you made it through tonight, but the sad truth is that
    you're gonna have to face with a lot of tough decisions in your life.
    And not just about drinking either about.. about drugs and about sex..
    and who knows what. I just wish you could grow up in a world where
    you can enjoy being a kid, but I'm sorry, pal, it's not the way it is.
    So I hope that you'll use the same good judgement that you used tonight,
    'cause I never wanna see you get hurt. I love you so much. 
DJ: (I) love you too, uncle Jesse.  Thank you.
Je: Alrignt, Let's go home, huh?
suspended 停学になった

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