第62話  骨折り損のステフ  Mr. Egghead


Da: Okay, this is a very big moment for you, Michelle.
    It's your first message on the family answering machine.
    Now, all you have to do is say "hello", "leave a massage"
    and "wait for the beep". Are you ready?
Mi: I'm ready.
Da: Okay.. on your mark.. get set.. Go.
Mi: Hi, people. Twinkle twinkle little star.
    How I wonder what you are!
Da: Please leave a message after the beep.
Mi: Hey, that was my job.
Da: Okay, you can do the beep.
Mi: This (is) me again. Beep!

St: Stop the music. Stop the music. Uncle Jesse, you've got to help me.
Je: Alright, what's the matter?
St: You have to help me practice for my class picture.
Je: Steph, it's a week away.
St: I know. But don't you remember last year? Right when the photographer said,
    "Cheese" I sneezed. And the picture came out, I was like ..
Je: Oh, yeah. Everybody called you sneeze burger.
St: All year.
Je: Alright, well. This year you're going to flash'em that picture perfect smile.
    Alright? Get away and let's practice.
Mi: Are you having fun without me?
Je: Well, I tell you what. You stay right there, and I'll get right to you,
    OK, young lady? Alright, here we go. Show me love. Oh, yes.
    Like/Let a wind blow through your hair. Very nice. Be happy. Be happier.
St: If I get any happier, my cheeks're gonna fall.
Je: There we go.
Mi: My turn.
Je: Alright. Show me love. Let me see the teeth. Let me see your teeth.
    Let me see. Put them together. All right. Let's see. Here we go, Michelle.
    OK, here it comes. Here you come, hey, there you are!
Mi: I've got a big mouth.
Da: Look at this. I did not deserve this traffic ticket.
    Now my perfect driving record's ruined.
Je: Just put it on mine. No one'll notice.
Da: Jesse, don't do that. This is (a) government paper. Now I have to iron it.
DJ: The right-turn-only sign was hidden behind a big bush. Dad's ticket is totally bogus.
Da: And a humongous injustice. I tell you what.
    I'm gonna fight this thing, and DJ, you're gonna be my star witness in court.
DJ: Hey, can we do it on Wednesday? 'Cause there's a math test I'd really like to miss.
Jo: Hi, everybody. 
Je: Hey.
DJ: Hi.
Jo: Oh, I love you, Stretch. Thanks to Danny,
    I have an on-the-air tryout to be the new Mr. Egghead.
St: Alright.
Da: That's fantastic.
St: You're gonna be Mr. Egghead? He's the smartest person on television..
    next to Connie Chung.
DJ: Uh, Joey. Mr. Egghead has to know everything about science.
    Oh, (I'm) not saying you don't know everything about science.
    Do you know anything about science?
Jo: What's the difference? Is Captain Kangaroo a real Real Captain?
    Hey, he's not even a real kangaroo. Besides, all I have to do is be hip,
    and funny and follow the script. And with Jesse as my sidekick. How can I miss?
Je: That's right. With Jesse as a sidekick.. Sidekick?
bogart 一人占めする, タフに振る舞う
tryout オーディション、テスト
sidekick 助手、相棒


DJ: Dad, don't you think that maybe we're overdoing this blue thing?
Da: DJ, It's been psychologically proven that judges are more 
    sympathetic to people wearing blue.
    That's why you never see a Smurf on death row.
St: What a week! Tomorrow's Class Picture day. Friday is Pizza day in the cafeteria.
    And today, my whole class gets to see Joey on the Mr. Egghead show.
    I love my life. This is so cool. I can't believe someone I actually know
    is going to have their very own TV show. 
Da: Ah, Steph, Honey, uh, I have my own TV show: Wake Up San Francisco.
St: I know. But this is a show that people I know watch. See you.
Dj: Come on, Dad. Let's practice for court.
Da: OK, now DJ, the first they're gonna do is swear you in,
    Now, please place your right hand on the Fred Savage.
DJ: Anytime.  
Da: What was that?
DJ: Oh, nothing.
Da: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
DJ: Aye, Fred.(?) I mean I do.
Da: Ok, Miss Tanner, now please step into the witness stand and 
    explain to Judge Bear here everything that happened in every detail.
    I will demonstrate with these extremely-easy-to-follow visual aids. Ok? Miss Tanner.
DJ: My dad and I were driving north on Free Monte.
    And my dad was cleaning between the buttons on the car radio.
Da: Ahh, DJ, there's no need to bring up that minor detail.
DJ: Dad, I can't lie to the judge. 
Da: Oh, I'm not asking you to lie. If the judge asks you directly
    "DJ, was your farther dusting between the buttons on the radio?"
    then you can say "Yes."
DJ: Well, we came to a corner and there was a Right Turn Only sign,
    except we couldn't see it because of a bush.
Da: And now our big finish. The face of truth and innocence.
overdo 誇張する、使いすぎる
psychologically 心理学的に
sympathetic  共感する、同情する
death row  死刑囚、死刑囚監房
witness 証人、証言、目撃者


M1: We're on the air in 3, 2, 1.
Je: Oh, hey, there, Mr. Egghead. You scientific dude. Whenever you're around,
    I'm in a scientific mood. Tell us how the bird flies, or how the fungus grows,
    the creation of the universe, or how we blow our nose.
    Yes, you know everything under the sun. Thank you, Mr. Egghead,
    for making learning fun. And now, Here is the man who knows everything, Mr. ..
Ch: Egghead.
Jo: Egg-stremely kind of you. Thank you, Professor.
Je: Ain't, no thing, Mr. Egghead.
Jo: Greetings, Jr. Eggheads.
Ch: Greetings, Mr. Egghead.
Jo: Welcome to the new improved Mr. Egghead Show. My special guests, 
    in the egg carton today are from Mrs. Hartesty's second grade class
    at Frazier Street elementary school.
Ch: Hi.
Jo: Don't egg-xhaust yourself. Because now it's time for..
Ev: Ask Mr. Egghead.
Je: Professor, let's find out who has our first scientific question.
Je: Right.
Ch: Me, me, me...
Je: Yes, the scholarly looking gentleman, three eggs in.(?)
Bo: What happened to the old Mr. Egghead?
Jo: Well, he is.. uh.. on vacation.
Bo: I read in the newspaper that he didn't pay his taxes.
Je: Well, he's on vacation for 3-5 years.
Je: And so ends another fascinating segment of..
Ev: Ask Mr. Egghead.
Jo: And now, it's time to discuss our topic of the day. Energy.
Je: Alright.
Ch: Yey.
Jo: How about a little energy music, Professor?
Je: OK, Mr. Egg Roll.. Egghead, sorry.
    OK, you know what, we're all wondering what exactly is energy.
Jo: Egg-cellent question, Professor. Well, to put it in its simplest terms,
    energy is the ability to do work. Energy is all around us. 
    why, energy is in the sun. Energy is in our muscles.
Wa: Hey, Mr. Egghead.
Jo: Why, energy is even in Walter.
Wa: Sorry to interrupt, but I've been wondering, if the speed of
    light is based on a theory that light has a finite velocity, How
    would that calculate in the black hole?
Jo: Let's let the professor fill this one.
Je: Well, son, I'm gonna tell you the same thing my father told me, 
    when I was young. Look it up.
fungus 菌、キノコ、カビ
scholarly 学者らしい、学問的な
fascinating 魅力のある
segment コマ、区分、部分
finite 限りある、有限の


St: Michelle, what are you doing in here?
Mi: What are you doing in here?
St: Is this what you do every day when I leave for school,
    sneak in here and play with my toys?
Mi: Everyday.
St: Michelle, listen to me. I'm ditching school 'cause I'm not taking my class picture
    with this thing on my nose, but you can't tell anyone I'm home. Pinkie swear?
Mi: Pinkie swear.
St: OK, now, you have to do me a favor.
    Go downstairs to the kitchen, and get me something to eat.
    And if anyone asks, "Who the food is for?" you say, "Nobody." Got it?
Mi: Got it, dude.

Mi: Mmm. I'm a good cook.
Jo: Michelle, you just ate breakfast.
Mi: This is not for me.
Jo: Well, then who is it for?
Mi: Nobody.
St: Michelle, the sandwich is inside out.
Mi: You're supposed to say "Thank you."
Jo: Michelle.
St: Oh, no. It's Joey. Remember I'm not here.
Jo: Oh, Michelle, you were gonna make such a mess up here.
Mi: Too late.
St: Hey.
Mi: Uh-oh. Hey, you doggy, that food is nobody's.
St: Oh, hi, Joey. I was just testing my new glow-in-the-dark shoe laces.
Jo: Out. Steph, why aren't you in school?
St: Joey, please don't make me go to school like this. You already broke my nose on TV.
    Now you're gonna make me be teased for a whole  year? 
    What did I ever do to you? All I did was love you.
Jo: Oh, you never have to go to school again.
ditch すっぽかす、さぼる

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