第61話  恋は妥協から  Lust In The Dust


St: Z, my name is Zippy and My husband's Zeme Zoro and   
    we come from Zanzybar, where we sell ... zippers.
Mi: My turn.
DJ: Michelle, you don't know how to jump rope.
Mi: Yes, I do. Make the rope go?
    A, my name is Michelle. B, my name is Michelle.
St: Should we tell her she's doing it wrong?
DJ: Nay. She wouldn't believe us anyway.
Mi: D, my name is DJ.
DJ: Michelle, you got that one right.
St: All right! Good!
Mi: L, M, N, O, P. I'm Michelle.

Je: Alright, Jo Jo, we've got our campaign. Ocean nice sardines.
    The snack fish of the '90s. Now, what we need is a voice for a spokes-fish.
    Eugeen the Sardine. Here. You're the voice-man. Do your thing.
Jo: I've got it. Eugeen the surfing Sardine. Alright, surf's up, fish freaks.
    Wow, bomber, dude. What's that nerly(?) smell? Wow, it's me.
Je: No, Joseph, you're not thinking like a sardine. Now, in order to sound like
    a sardine, you must eat a sardine. Alright, you are what you eat.
    Now, snorkel down one of these silver puppies.
Jo: You mean put one of these in my mouth?
Je: Come on, Joey, it's food.
Jo: Yeah, if you're a seal. You eat it.
Je: I'm not eating that bait. You're doing the voice. It's very simple. 
    Open your mouth and say "Ah.."
Jo: Now, let's hear that sardine voice.
Je: You're a dead man.
Jo: Wow, no chance of Baskin-Robbin is making that a flavor. I get a real fun voice in
    my tape recorder this morning. Here.. Where did my little tape recorder go?
Mi: Ha, ha, ha...
Jo: Oh, no. That's a suspicious little giggle.
    Michelle, do you know where my little tape recorder is?
Mi: Yes, I do.
Jo: And where is my tape recorder?
Mi: The tape recorder is hiding.
Jo: It's not fun to hide other people's things.
Mi: It is for me.
Je: The little puppies aren't harl bad.
DJ: Look. I found this tape recorder in my cereal box. This is a much 
    better prize than those little plastic dinosaurs.
Jo: Thank you, I'll take that. Oh look what I found.
Mi: Oh, nuts!
seal アザラシ
giggle  クスクス笑い

Da: OK, I'm on Saturday bathroom patrol.
Jo: Wait. I thought you had a date with, uh, Joan What's-her-name.
Je: That's June What's-her-name.
Da: It's Jane What's-her-name, and it doesn't matter because I broke off the date.
Je: You broke off another date with another girl? What's the problem with this one?
DJ: Yeah. Dad, I thought you really liked her.
Da: I did. But I don't know. There's just no future in it. I took a look at her, and..,
    one of her earlobes was a little bigger than the other one.
    Sometimes I wonder if there's anybody out there who's right for me.
DJ: Don't worry, Dad. You're the greatest.
    I'm sure you'll find someone with even earlobes.
Da: Thanks, Deej. OK, who wants to help me clean the soap dishes?
St: Hi.
Da: Hey.
Jo: Hi, Steph
St: Karen's dance class is great.
Da: Thanks for giving Steph a ride, Karen.
Ka: Oh, no problem, it's on my way home.
Da: Steph, what did you learn from Karen today?
St: I learned that you still owed check for my lessons.
Ka: Oh, that's not all she learned.
Da: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot.
Ka: It's OK. I know where you live. Steph, show your dad what we've been working on.
St: OK. DJ, go put on some music.
DJ: Why do I have to put on the music?
St: Because your name is DJ. OK, everybody, I just learned this in class today.
Je: Alright, let's see what you got, kid.
St: You're ready?
Je: Yup.
St: Hit it!
Da: Alright.
Je; Good job, Steph.
St: Try with me, Dad.
Da: OK.
Je: You know, sometimes grace and coordination skip a generation.
Mi: Like this, Daddy.
Da: Now, this I can do.
Ka: I don't know that step. How does it go?
Da: It's.. Let's show her, Michelle.  ******* arm.
DJ: Steph, come with me.
St: But.. But.. Excuse us. This better be important.
DJ: It is. Dad wants a girl friend. Karen's earlobes are both the same size.
    They are the perfect couple.
    We just we have to figure a way to get them alone together.
St: How can they be alone if they're together?
DJ: Just stop thinking and help me think.
St: How can I think if I stop thinking?
DJ: New plan. I'll work alone.
St: OK, but I've got a great plan to get Karen to stay for lunch.
DJ: Well, what is it?
St: We ask her.
earlobe 耳たぶ


Da: I cannot believe you were singing doo-wop songs in the ferry to Sausalito
    in front of all of those people.
Ka: I can't believe we made eleven dollars.
Da: I think they liked you better than our singing.
    I had a really good time with you Karen. I hate to see this day end.
Ka: Me, too. Why don't you come in?
    I wasn't expecting company, but I can make some coffee.
Da: Coffee is great. This was the perfect day with the perfect woman.
    I'll bet you even make the perfect cup of.. Call the police.
    You've been robbed.
Ka: I haven't been robbed. I've just been so busy with my dance classes and
    everything else. I haven't tidied up in a while.
Da: Since when? The 60s?
Ka: Hey, come a little behind of my housekeeping. No big deal.
    This mess isn't a problem, is it?
Da: Messy room? Problem for me? No.
Ka: Great. I'll make some coffee. Danny, are you cleaning up my apartment?
Da: No, I was just looking for your coffee table. I found it.
Ka: Forget about that mess.  How do you take your coffee?
Da: Uh, clean. I mean in a clean cup. With, uh, milk and coffee, of course.
    And some sweet and tidy. Oh, clean and low. Oh, just black will be fine.
| "Sweet'n Low" (ダイエット甘味料のブランド)って言いたかったみたいですね。
Ka: You seem a little tense. You wanna sing Blue Moon again?
Da: No. Don't worry about me. I'm as loose as a goose.
Ka: Come on.
Da: Alright.
Ka: Attaboy.
Da: Attagirl.
doo-wop  ドゥーワップ 《特に 1950 年代の米国で黄金期を迎えた, リズムアンドブルースの
         グループコーラス; 1-2 人のリード歌唱に 3-4 部のハーモニーが基本》
tidy up  きれいに片付ける、きちんとする、整頓する
attaboy  やった、いいぞ、よくやるね
attagirl えらいぞ, うまい

Da: You know, it's amazing how your life can change in an instant.
    One minute I was eating a turkey sandwich, and next thing you know, I was kissing you.
Ka: Surprise me, too. What are you doing?
Da: Nothing.
Ka: Danny, you were rolling my socks while we were kissing.
Da: Alright, it's true. I was making out and folding laundry.
    Karen, listen to me. I can open up a whole new world for you.
    A wondrous world of mops and brooms and dust busters.
    Dishes you can see yourself, and tabletops that smell like lemon trees.
    And toilet water as blue as a Jamaican lagoon.
Ka: Danny, you're scaring me.
Da: Well, Karen, your furniture's under here somewhere.
    Don't you wonder what it looks like?
Ka: Isn't there a place where you can go for help? Like Over-cleaners Anonymous.
Da: Very funny.  Maybe we, uh, don't have as much in common as we thought we did.
    Maybe I should just go. I'm sorry.
Ka: Me, too.
Da: Bye.
Ka: Bye.
wondrous  驚くべき
broom ほうき
tabletop  テーブルの表面


Da: Hey everybody.
DJ: Hey Dad.
Da: What's going on?
DJ: So, what happened with Karen?
Da: I had a very nice time.
Jo: All right. Great.
DJ: Great.
St: We are the love connection.
Da: Girls, it's not what you think.
    Karen and I have decided we're just gonna be friends.
DJ: I'm sorry, dad, but don't worry Steph and I know plenty of single women.
    Come on, let's go start making a list.
St: OK. How about that lady who cuts dad's hair?
DJ: Steph, that's a man.
St: It is?
Jo: So Danny, what excuse did you use this time?
Da: What do you mean?
Jo: I mean you find something wrong with every girl you go out with.
Da: I don't know what you are talking about.
    Come on Michelle. Let's finish that popsicle in the kitchen.
Je: I'll see you, Jo Jo.
Jo: Oh, come on, Jess, you gotta help me with Danny.
Je: (I) gotta go to my rehearsal.
Jo: You're already 6 hours late.  What's a couple more minutes?
    Alright, Danny, what happened?
Da: We had a great time. We, uh, we went up for Chinese food,
    and then we sang on the ferry, and then we went back to her apartment.
Jo: Her apartment?
Je: Oh, yeah.
Da: Well, it was then that I found out that I had spent the entire day kissing a slob.
JJ: No.
Da: Her place was a pigsty. There were clothes everywhere.
    I thought her hamper exploded.
    Why is it every girl I go out with have something wrong with her?
    Maybe it's bad luck. Maybe it's fate.
Je: Maybe it's you.
Da: How could it be me?
Jo: Danny, you're making yourself nuts looking for the perfect woman.
    There's no such thing as the perfect woman.
Da: Yes, there is. I was married to her.
Je: Hey, Pam was my sister, and I loved her very very much.
    Come on, man. She was always late. She spent way too much time in the bathroom.
    When I was little, she used to hold me down and stick carrots at my nose.
    Trust me, she wasn't perfect.
Jo: Danny, she seemed perfect to you because you loved her.
Je: Danny, the bottom line here is that you are afraid to get close to somebody,
    so you look for something wrong in every girl you go out with.
Da: I do that?
Je: Yes, Mr. Her-earlobes-aren't-perfect.
    I mean, you gotta start looking for what's right in people,
    otherwise you are gonna miss out on someone
    who can make your life a whole lot happier. Think about it.
Je: OK. I gotta go to my rehearsal, I'll see you guys.
Jo: See you then.
Da: See you.
Je: Where are my keys?
Mi: Right here.  Give me a break.
Je: I'll go get the keys! Hey, Michelle look, Big Bird!
Popsicle 【商標】 ポプシクル 《棒にさしたアイスキャンディー》
slob  がさつ者
pigsty  豚小屋
hamper 詰めかご, バスケット
explode  爆発する、破裂する
fate 巡り合わせ、宿命
bottom line  肝心、かなめ、結論

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