第59話  得意なもので勝負  No More Mr. Dumbguy


St: Michelle, you're gonna look so pretty for grandma.
Mi: I really hope so.
DJ: Well, don't worry. We're gonna make you look like a movie star.
    Go take a look. What do you think?
Mi: No good. I look like me.
St: Doing her hair was so much easier when she was a baby.
DJ: I know. She was bald.
Mi: Now, I'm a movie doll. Let's go see grandma.
St: Right behind you, jaja.


DJ: Hey, Joey, what's for dinner? 
Jo: Thin strands of pasta with petit bits of beef, and a light tomato sauce.
DS: Spaghetti again?
Mi: Mmm. Pasghetti.
Jo: No, Michelle, that's Spaghetti.
Mi: That's what I said. Pasghetti.
St: You wanna play Michelle phone?
DJ: What's that?
St: It's what you whisper stuff in Michelle's ear,
    and then laughing comes out her mouth. Watch.
Mi: You're chicken legs.
DJ: Let me try that.
Mi: You're a cheesehead.
Mi: How rude!
Je: Hi, Steph. Hi, Michelle. Hi, DJ. Hi, Joey.
    Bye, Joey. Bye, DJ. Bye, Michelle. Bye, Steph.
Jo: Ah, girls. I'll be right back. You keep an eye on the pasghetti.
Jo: Jess, what are you doing with all the books?
Je: What? Can't a man go to the library and check out the classical selection
    of literature for a weekend of good reading?
Jo: Who are you, and what did you do with Jesse?
Je: Ah, Joey, I got grouped into this cultural party thing this weekend,
    and you know, I never went to college,
    so I figure I might as well bone up so I don't look like a bonehead.
Jo: Jess, this is great. I'm very proud of you. Pretty soon you're gonna be smart.
    So you would not be just a nothing, your head all full of stuffing,
    your heart all full of pain. With the thoughts you'd be thinking
    you could be another Lincoln, if you only had a brain.
Je: I'll get you, and your little dog, too.
Da: Cynthia  I'd like to introduce you to my daughters. This is DJ.
DJ: Hi, it's nice to meet you.
Cy: Hello.
Da: That is Stephanie.
St: It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Da: And this is my little lass, Michelle.
Mi: Hi, ya, cheesehead.
Cy: Cheese what?
Mi: Cheesehead!
Da: Isn't that cute? It's her very first insult. Girls, you shouldn't teach
    this kind of stuff to your sister. Now when I get home from this party tonight,
    I want my sweet little Michelle back to normal. OK?
Mi: OK, chicken leg.
DJ: Bye.
Da: Bye. I'm sorry about that cheesehead remark.
    Actually in Wisconsin, cheesehead is a compliment.
strand より糸
petit 《仏》小さい、些細な
cheese-head 《俗》 ばか.
bone up  くそ勉強する
acquaintance 知人、面識
lass 若い女、少女、娘
insult 侮辱
compliment 挨拶、お世辞、賛辞


M1: And in the end, only the hunger, the hunger, the hungry, the hungry. Hunger.
Cy: What are you doing?
Da: You don't want to know.
Je: Hello, Hi. How are you. Nice to see you, all. Good evening. Hi. Evening Evening.
    Enchanted. Hi. Nice to see you all. Hi. This is so **** both of you.
    Hi, Becky, How very nice it is to see you. How are you?
    Professor Trent charmed I'm sure.
Be: Jess, Honey, I thought you were sick.
Je: Oh, the bacteria hasn't been born that can keep me away from
    intellectual conversation.
M2: Pardon me.
Je: Oh, uh. My good man. We were just about to discuss the cinema.
Be: We were?
Je: Yes, Wouldn't you say, "The Citizen Kane" was the finest film ever made.
M2: Absolutely. May I check your overcoat, sir?
Je: Speaking of literature, wouldn't you say the two finest books ever 
    written would happen to be "Crime and War" and "Peace and Punishment"?
Er : Ha ha..
Je: What?
Er: I think you have transposed the titles of "War and Peace" and 
    "Crime and Punishment" inadvertently.
Je: Well, I see. You missed the joke. I transposed them quite advertently.
Be: Jess, can I talk to you?
Da: Excuse me, gents.
Be: What are you doing?
Je: I'm doing *** *** buddies. Let me tell you something. They dig me.
Er: Has anybody seen the new Picasso Exhibit an the Museum of Modern Art?
Je: Oh, I heartily doubt it's worth the journey. I find Picasso to be.. 
    Interesting, but terribly overrated.
Er: You can't be serious. Just consider Picasso's Blue period.
Je: Yeah, well, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
    I just think he should've used more colors.
Er: Jesse, I'm curious. Where did you go to college?
Je: Oh, yeah, I went to college, back East, way back East.
    They're out of business now.
Er: I can see why.
Je: What's that supposed to mean?
Er: Which word didn't you understand?
Je: I'll tell you which word I didn't understand.
Be: Excuse us, Eric. Jesse, you're making a fool of yourself.
Je: Oh, and he's a genius? You think.. watch this. Yo, Brain wave.
    What's the housepower of a Harley Davidson ** 1340 c.c.?
Er: 85.
Je: Lucky guess. Who wrote Hound Dog?
Er: Leiber and Stoller.
Je; How tall is Sammy Davis Jr?
Er: 5'' 3.
Je: You wanna arm wrestle?
Er: Excuse me?
Je: You wanna arm wrestle. You heard me. Right here and now.
Er: That seems a trifle absurd.
Je: Why? You are a trifle chicken?
enchant 〜を魅了する、うっとりさせる
intellectual  知的な、聡明な
transpose  置き換える
inadvertently 迂闊に、うっかりして、不注意に
trifle つまらないもの、取るに足りないこと


DJ: OK, Michelle, let's try it again. Now, tell Stephanie she is a very sweet girl.
Mi: You're a cheesehead. A ha, ha, ha.. You're not laughing.
DJ: We shouldn't've taught you to say mean things. Because it can hurt other people's
    feelings. Tell you what. Before you go to bed, let's all say something really nice
    to each other. I'll go first. I love you, Michelle.Mi: I love you, DJ.
St: I love you, too, Michelle.
Mi: I love you, Stephie.
DJ: Oh, that's my sweet little sister.
Mi: I love you, table. I love you, chair.
DJ: That's really good, Michelle. Now, why don't you go into your room and
    tell all your furniture that you love it. And we'll be right there to tuck you in.
Mi: I love you, door. I love you, Uncle Jesse.
Je: Right back at you, kid.
Mi: Uncle Jesse, are you sad?
Je: Yeah, I guess I'm a little sad, Kid. Thank you, Michelle. I needed that.
    Listen, don't grow up and be stupid like your Uncle Jesse, OK?
Mi: OK.
Je: I want you to be smart, I want you to go to college,
    I want you to learn everything you can learn. Alright?
    I wanna hear those ABCs I taught you. Okay? Ready.. Go.
Mi: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. Q, R, S, T, U, V.
    W, X, Y, and Z. Next time, won't you sing with me.
Je: Yeah, next time I'll sing with you. You're very smart, Michelle.
Mi: You're smart, too.
Je; Uh, if I were so smart, I wouldn't have blown it with Becky and I..,
    you know what I mean?
Mi: I know. 
Je: I should straighten this thing out with Becky, right?
Mi: Right.
Je: I should tell her exactly what's in my heart, right?
Mi: Right.
Je: I sh.. I should find a special way to do it, right?
Mi: Right.
Je: Thanks for the talk, Michelle. I don't know what
    I would have done if you weren't at home tonight. I love you, sweetheart.
Mi: I love you, cheesehead.
Je: Did she just call me a cheesehead?
tuck 寝具などでくるむ

♪ Tell me how it feels to know love is real
I still can't believe my love for you is so strong
I belong to you.  (3 times)
For all time I belong to you ♪

Be: Oh Jess, That was beautiful.
Je: I wrote it for you tonight.
Be: I loved it.
Je: Oh Becky.
Be: Freeze! Romeo. About tonight.
Je: Was I that bad?
Be: Jesse, you were arm-wrestling at the artist festival.
    I was surprised you didn't yell "Food-fight!" and start flinging the pate.
Je: Well, I'm sorry I embarrassed you. It's just that.. It's a whole other
    side of your life that I'm not part of.
    Tonight I...I felt that I wasn't good enough for you.
    I can't compete with all those smart people.
Be: It's not a competition
Je: Yes, It is. I'm afraid some guy who wrote a book or some guy who read a book
    is gonna come around and sweep you off your feet.
    I don't know if I'm smart enough for you.
Be: How can you say that?
Je: Ah.. you know I never went to college.
Be: So what? Jesse, just because you missed out on some formal education.
    Dosen't mean you are not intelligent.
    Look at everything you've accomplished on your own.
    You're a success in advertising.
    You wrote a beautiful love song for me in one night that touched my heart.
    And your smartest move yet was you picked me for your girl friend.
Je: You know, when I was cramming for this party, I.. I read a few of those
    books and they were pretty good, you know.  Plato, a nice Greek kid.
    I think maybe I.. I'll read some more and maybe you and I can talk about it.
Be: Ok. That's great, Jess. Challenge yourself, enrich your life.
    But do it for you, not for me. You never have to be anyone but
    the sweet, caring, sensitive, lunatic I fell in love with.
Je: Uh..I have no choice. You leave me no choice, Have mercy!
fling 〜を投げつける
pate 肉のペースト、シュークリームの皮、肉を入れた小型のパイ
sweep someone off one's feet  抱き上げる
enrich 〜の質を高める、豊かにする
caring 気遣う、思いやりのある
lunatic 気違いざたの、ばかげた、狂気の

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