第57話  ステフの不安な夜  Aftershocks


Mi: Play the Teapot song.
Je: Do you wanna hear the teapot song?
    Come on, Joe. Let's give her a little teapot blues.
Jo: Alright, Jess.
Je: Hit it, young man.

  I'm a little teapot short and stout.
  Well, here's my handle, here's my spout.
  When I get all hot, you're going to hear me shout and sing,(?)
  and tip me over baby and pour me out.

Mi: Rock'n Roll!
Je: Shake that tushie, Michelle. Yeah..
spout  吐水口
hit it 《俗》演奏を開始する

Je: Michelle, what is this? Michelle?
    How did Gumby get stuck in the garbage disposal?
Mi: Don't look at me.
Jo: Uh, Jess, you found my Gumbee. Hi, Deej.
DJ: Hi, guys.
Je: Hi, Deej.
DJ: I've got my costume for the Christmas play tomorrow.
    You guys are gonna think it's so cute.
    And if you don't, please lie to me, 'cause I've got to wear it anyway.
Je: Don't worry. We'll love it.
Ki: So, boys. (Did you) do any work today? Or did you just play housewife?
Jo: Oh, Kimmy. I called your mom. Great news. You can move back home.
    Your room's been painted and all the repairs from the earthquake are finished.
    Actually they were finished yesterday, but somehow your mom forgot to call.
Ki: Uh, I hate to leave. I feel like I'm part of the family now.
Je: Yeah, you know, you've only been here two days, but gosh, Joseph,
    didn't it seem like a lifetime?
Ki: I'll see you later, kid. It's been a slice. I guess I'll go pack.
Je: Oh, no need. Already packed for you. It's all part of our service.
Mi: Kimmy, don't go. I miss you.
Ki: The little goof ball worships me.
    Would it make you happy if I stay here one more night?
Je: No, no.
Mi: Yes.
Ki: Then I'm staying.
Mi: I take this to your room.
St: Hey, what's going on?
Ki: Well, I was about to go home, but everyone begged me to stay one more night.
St: First the earthquake, now this. Haven't I been through enough?
DJ: Ho ho ho.
Je: Oh..
DJ: Well, what do you think?
Je: Yeah.
Jo: Well, if my belly shook like a bowl of jelly, you would be my kind of woman.
Je: If your belly shook like a bowlful of jelly? You look great, Deej. Have mercy!
Jo: You look cute.
DJ: What do you think, Steph?
St: Great costume, and it matches a red pimple on your nose.
DJ: You're kidding, right?
St: Check it out.
DJ: This can't be, I've never ever had a zit. Oh, no. This can't be happening.
Je: Uh, Deej. It's OK. It's a part of life, you know?
    Sooner or later, everybody gets a visit from the zit fairy.
DJ: I have to be Mrs. Claus tomorrow in front of the whole school.
Ki: You can always visit some part(??) Rudolf.
DJ: What are you laughing at, parakeet legs?
Ki: Ooh. Cranky pimple.
parakeet 《鳥》インコ


St: DJ, DJ. Do you feel that shaking?
DJ: Yes, I feel it. Stop shaking me.
St: I think we just had another little earthquake.
Ki: Stephanie, don't be such a scary cat.
    The little earthquake is a garbage truck.
DJ: Steph, go back to sleep.
St: How can you sleep when there's a garbage truck pretending to be an earthquake?
    I go see if Michelle's Okay.
Ki: DJ, how'd your zit cream work?
DJ: I don't know. I guess I'd better go check.
St: Michelle, Michelle, wake up.
Mi: Good morning.
St: It's not morning. You're having trouble sleeping.
Mi: I am?
St: You are. Come with me. We'll go sleep in Daddy's room.
Mi: This is nuts!
St: Just come with me.
Mi: Daddy sleeps loud.
St: Shhh. you go on that side, I'll get on this side.
St: Good night Michelle.
Mi: Good night, Stephie. Good night, Daddy.
Da: Michelle, why are you awake?
Mi: My eyes are open.
St: Hi, Dad.
Da: Oh, hey. It's a party now. Steph, it's been happening too much lately.
    You know you cannot sleep in my room.
St: I know, but this time it wasn't my fault.
    Michelle came into my room, woke me up and dragged me in here.
Mi: I did not.
St: Did so.
Mi: Did not.
St: Did so.
Mi: Did not, did not.
Da: OK, OK. I think I get the gist of this. Something did or did not happen.
    Alright, it's a slumber party. OK? Everybody go to bed.
St: OK.
Da: Good night.
Mi: Daddy, no more snoring.
Da: I do not snore.
Mi: Do too.
Da: Do not.
Mi: Do too.
Da: Do not. 
Mi: Do too.
Da: Do not. Do not. Do not. Go to bed. Do not.
St: Do too.
drag 〜に引き込む、引っ張られる
gist 主旨、要点


St: I heard a good joke in school today.
    How do you know an elephant has been in your refrigerator.
Da: I don't know.
St: By the footprints in the butter. I kill myself.


Dr: Come on in. I'll be right with you.
St: Hi.
Gi: Hi.
St: How is it in here?
Gi: It's pretty fun. And the best part is you get to miss school.
Dr: Hello.
Da: Hi.
Dr: I'm Marian Steiner.
Da: I'm Danny Tanner. And this is my daughter Stephanie.
Dr: Hi, Stephanie.
St: Hi.
Dr: We're gonna have a good time in here. I have all kinds of toys.
St: Do you have Nintendo Gambe Boy with Super Mario Brothers?
Dr: No. But I'll put it on my shopping list. Would you like to draw a picture for me?
St: Sure, how about a nice bird?
Dr: Well, I like birds, but what I really like to see is a picture of your family.
St: You're in luck. Families and birds are my two best things.
Dr: You have a very verbal daughter.
Da: Oh, she loves to talk, and she can just babble on about anything
    it would be school or the weather, she just talks and talks and talks.
    I can't believe she does it, and I have no idea where she gets it.
Dr: Please, sit down.
Da: Thanks, uh.. you probably haven't noticed, but uh.. I'm a little nervous.
Dr: I noticed. 
Da: It's just that this is the first time Stephanie hasn't been able to 
    tell me what's bothering her.
Dr: She may not be aware herself. We don't always know why we do the things we do.
    For instance, do you know why you're dusting my table?
Da: Uh.. I love to dust. Something wrong with that?
Dr: What do you think?
Da: Well, uh.. when I was growing up, all the other kids wanted to be astronauts,
    firemen, I wanted to be a maid.
St: I'm through coloring.
Da: And not a moment too soon.
Dr: Alright. Let's hang this up over here. Wow, this is great. Who are all these people?
St: Well, the one with the can of spinach is Joey. He does a great 
    Popeye impression. Ah, ka, ka, ka.. And this is my uncle Jesse. 
    He's got curly lips, 'cause he thinks he's Elvis. And this is my sister DJ.
Dr: What is this big red dot?
St: That's her new zit.
Dr: Stephanie, what's this, uh, squiggly line up here?
St: That's a crack in the wall. 
Dr: Oh, how did that get there?
St: From the earthquake. And here's my sister, Michelle, and my dog Comet.
    And here is me. I think I look taller in person.
Dr: Well, now, who's the man standing outside the house?
St: That's my daddy.
Dr: Why isn't he inside with the rest of you?
St: Because he was late.
Dr: Was he late the day of the earthquake?
St: Uh huh. I didn't know where he was for three whole hours.
Dr: Oh, how did that make you feel?
St: Terrible. I didn't know where you were, and what happened.
    You should've been with me. I was so scared I would never see you again.
Da: Steph, I'm right here.
Dr: So, you are scared after the earthquake
    because you didn't know where your daddy was. 
St: Uh, huh.
Dr: So, you think the reason you want to be with your daddy all the time
    is so that you always know where he is.
St: Yeah. What if there's another earthquake?
Dr: Have you been thinking about that a lot?
St; I try not to. But people are always talking about it, and that's on
    TV. And there are all these garbage trucks that feel like little 
Dr: When it comes to earthquakes, the best thing we can do is to be prepared for them.
Da: That's right. And we are prepared, Steph. We have all of our water, and 
    our food, and our batteries, and everything else we talked about. Remember?
St: Uh huh. But I still worry about you.
Dr: I've got a good idea. Why don't we make a list of things that you can do,
    so you won't worry when your dad is away.
St: OK, like what?
Dr: Well your dad can call you whenever he knows he is gonna be late.
Da: That's good. Then you'll always know where I am.
St: Yeah, I like that. What else you got?
Dr: Well, if you're still a little scared you can spend a couple of more nights in 
    your dad's room, but in a sleeping bag on the floor.
St: OK.
Dr: Only if you need to.
St: We'll see what happens. Now, what can we do about those garbage trucks.
    What a racket!
Da: I'll call. I'll cancel'em into the morning.
St: OK, I'll put this on the list.
verbal 言葉の、口頭の、文字どおりの
〜 on  《気に入らぬげに》くどくどとしゃべる 〈about〉
spinach  ホウレン草
curly  ねじれた
squiggly  くねった
racket 騒音

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