第56話  ジェシーの横暴  Joey & Stacey & Oh...Yeah Jesse


Da: Michelle, what are you doing?
Mi: I'm blowing bubbles.
Da: Well, my little milk and Cookie Monster,
    big girls do not blow bubbles into their milk.
Mi: Why?
Da: Because milk is not a toy.
Mi: Why?
Da: Because they don't sell milk in toy stores.
Mi: Why?
Da: You know, I don't know why.
    Maybe this is just one of those things that grown-ups say
    to keep kids from having a good time.
    I can't think of one good reason, honey, why we shouldn't
    blow bubbles into our milk. Let's go.
    Uh, there's one good reason.
Mi: It's not like that, like this.
Da: Oh.. How's that?
Mi: Better.


Ki: DJ, I promise this is the last time I ever copy your homework.
DJ: Kimmy, if you keep copying, you're never gonna learn anything.
Ki: So what? Once I'm out of school I'm never gonna use English.
DJ: Oh, no. Look at this! The dog ate my homework.
    All that hard work for nothing.
Ki: This is exactly why I never do homework.
Da: Comet ate my favorite tie. Where is that goat in dog's clothing.
DJ: I don't know. But if you find him,
    see if he has a book report on Little Women stuck in his teeth.
Mi: The doggy ate my bunny slipper!
Da: Oh, honey. I don't think he actually ate it.
    I think he just sort of drooled on it.
Mi: Ill, doggy drool!
St: Hi, everybody.
Ev: There he is.
Mi: Yeah, there he is.
St: Oh, hey, hey, why is everyone mad at sweet little Comet?
Mi: You ate my bunny slipper. Bad. Bad. Bad!
St: If Comet could talk, I'm sure he would say.... How rude!
DJ: Dad, no one will believe the old my-doggy-ate-my-homework excuse.
    So, I'll just tell my teacher that Michelle ate it.
Ki: Mr. Tanner, Have you ever considered obedient school?
Da: Yes. And tell your parents I'm willing to pay half.
    Steph, Comet is out of control. He thinks this house's one big milk bowl.
St: It's not Comet's fault. 'Cause dog food tastes terrible.
Da: You tasted it?
St: Of course not. I fed it to Michelle.
Mi: I hate dog food. Yuk!
Da: Steph, listen to me very carefully. Do not feed dog food to your sister.
St: Okay.
Da: Hey, Comet. You've gotta learn rules around here.
    Rule No.1. Never lick my nose when I'm lecturing you.
    Comet, I know it's an easy mark, but don't do it.
a wolf in sheep's clothing 【聖】羊の皮を着た狼
Little Women 「若草物語」
slipper スリッパ◆かかとの付いた靴
obedient school《主人のすぐわきをついて歩くなどのしつけをする》犬の訓練学校
lick 〜をなめる


Jo: Okay, okay, now, name this TV show, right?
St: Okay.
Jo: Here's your hint.
St: Mission impossible.
Jo: Mission impossible.  Mission how to get this.
    Mission it's impossible.
St: You're so cute.
Jo: Oh, come on.  Cut it out.
Je: Yeah.
Jo: Ai, Chihuahua.(?)
Je: Ai, Chihuahua?(?)
Jo: Or I could've said "Have mercy".
    But it felt more like uh "Ai, Chihuahua.(?)".
 スペイン語で huahua は「赤ん坊」の意味なので、 もしかすると、
 !Ay, che, huahua! で、Oh, baby! みたいな意味合いかもしれませんけど、


St: Mr. Bear's hat. Mr. Bear's scarf. Trench coat, and pants.
    This means Mr. Bear is naked. Help. Call 911, call 911. Help!
DJ: What's the matter?
St: Mr. Bear.
DJ: It's better not to look.
Mi: I'll make him better. It didn't work.
Da: Steph, what's going on? Oh, bummer.
Mi: The doggy did it.
St: Comet, how could you? After all I've done for you. You ate my best friend.
Da: Comet, come here. This is a doggy no-no. DJ, take him downstairs, 
    read him his rights, and book him. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know 
    how much you love Mr. Bear. These kanda things happen when you have a dog.
St: I have no dog.
bummer いやなこと, 不愉快な体験, 不愉快な状態
no-no 《俗》やってはいけないこと[もの]

DJ がくまたろうを直しているところ

DJ: Don't worry, Steph. The patient is in good hands. I haven't lost a bear yet.
St: Deej. If you make him better, I swear I'll never read your diary again.
DJ: You read my diary?
St: Uh.. not any more.
Mi: What's up, Doc?
DJ: Great! My nurse is here.
Mi: Say ah. Now, get a lollipop.
St: This is all very cute. Now, can we get on with the operation.
    What are you doing in here? Looking for the dessert? Out, out, out.
Mi: She needs a nap.
St: Dad, tell Comet to stay out of my room.
Da: Comet, stay out of her room.
Je: Your best friend is a hockey puck.
Da: Woo Hoo. Problems everywhere. I live for this stuff.
    OK, Jess. Spill your guts.
Je: Uh.. Joey agreed not to pitch his dumb idea, and he did it anyway.
    He stabbed me right in the back right in front of my face.
St: Just like Comet.
Da: All right. I think I want everybody to sit down right now.
    It's time for a little father-daughter-brother-in-law talk.
Je: Joey needs to talk.
St: So does Comet.
Da: I think that two of you should try putting yourselves in the other person's 
    shoes, or paws. This is very simple. Friends deserve a fair hearing.
    And valuables should always be kept out of reach.
    So, Stephanie, next time Comet has an idea, you have to hear him out.
    And, Jesse, if you just leave your advertising-ling around the house,
    there's a good chance Joey's gonna chew it up. You guys understand?
    I'm sorry. I'm a little confused. This is my first double lecture.
Mi: Mr. Bear is all better.
St: Mr. Bear. You are OK.
DJ: He was very brave. The smile never left his face.
St: Deej. You saved his life. You are the best big sister ever.
Mi: Hey, what about me?
St: You were a very good nurse.
Mi: I give myself a lollipop.
St: I'm gonna go find Comet and tell him I forgive him.
    Then I'm gonna teach him there's the difference between food and friends.
DJ: Come on, Michelle let's go write up her bill.
Da: See how nice that worked out.
Je: Yeah, now if we could only stuff Joey, I'd be happy.
    I can't believe that he said I'm bossy. Danny, am I bossy?
Da: Well, Jess. You do like to get your own way.
Je: What are you trying to say?
Da: You're bossy.
Je: Get out. I'm sorry. Don't. I guess I'm a little bossy. I don't know.
    All right. That's it. From now on. I'm not gonna be bossy. 
    Look at this I'm bossing myself around. What do I do?
Da: Jess, Let me tell you a little story about a headstrong young boy named Danny.
    He was bright as a new penny.
Je: Uh.. I'll figure this one out by myself.
in good hands  確かな人に預けられて
hockey puck  アイスホッケー用パック、ハンバーガー
spill one's guts  何もかもぶちまける、腹を割って話す
stab 〜を刺す、中傷する
paw 《犬,猫などの》足
valuable  貴重品 《特に 金銀宝石類》
bossy ボス的な、威張る、横柄な
headstrong わがままな

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