第54話  ア・ブ・ナ・イ・男  Dr. Dare Rides Again


Da: Okay, girls. We have to name our new puppy.
    Michelle, do you have a name for the puppy?
Mi: Yes. Michelle.
Da: That's your name.
Mi: I like my name.
St: Mr. Bear and I have the perfect name, Mr. Dog.
DJ: Mr. Dog? Steph, when you have a kid someday,
    what are you gonna name it? Mr. Baby?
St: No, if it's a girl.
Da: I think we should name the puppy something that fits its
    personality. like puddles.
DJ: Dad, I have a perfect name. Comet.
    Because he is fast, and he's got a tail.
Da: And he only hits the newspaper once every seventy-six years.
St: Comet. I can live with that.
Mi: I like Michelle.
puddle  水たまり
comet  彗星, ほうき星


Be: Oh, what is taking your dad so long?
    Danny, come on, we're gonna miss our plane to LA.
Da: I'm coming, I'm coming. Guys, don't forget to watch our show tomorrow.
Be: Not only are we live from Fashion Expo '90,
    but Danny and I are gonna get total fashion makeovers. 
Da: That's right. I'm leaving as Danny Tanner, but I'll be returning as Danny Style.
St: Dad, while you are gone, can Comet sleep with me in my bed?
Da: No, Honey. Comet sleeps in the kitchen,
    and I don't want to hear about you sleeping in his box.
Jo: Good night
St: Good night.
Da: Bye.
DJ: Bye, Dad. Have fun.
Da: You, too.
Be: Bye, Deej.
Je: Bye. See you guys.
Jo: See you later.
DJ: Have fun, guys.
Je: Fly safe.
Jo: OK, now it's time for my extra-sloppy-can't-help-but-make-a-mess-
    but-it's-OK-'cause-Danny-is-out-of-town ice-cream sandae.
St: Comet wants a sandae too.
Je: Steph, Comet is a dog.
    If he wants a sandae, tell him to go chase the Good Humor man.
Jo: OK, Michelle, here you go. And Deej, knock yourself out.
DJ: Thank you.
St: Michelle, look! Pee Wee Herman
Mi: Where is Pee Wee Herman?
Jo: Hey, Steph. What are you doing?
Mi: Hey, our doggie ate my ice cream.
Jo: Alright, alright, here, here, here. I'll take the dog, come on.
Mi: Bad doggie.
St: Michelle, don't have a cow.
Mi: Bad doggie.
St: Here, trade with DJ.
DJ: I don't want a dish with doggie drool.
Jo: I'll get it.
Mi: Uncle Jesse.
Je: Yes, may I help you?
Mi: Doggie ate my ice cream.
Je: The doggie ate your ice cream? Oh, come here. I'll cheer you up.
    Come on, let's cheer Michelle up, shall we? OK, you wanna sing?
sloppy ずさんな、だらしのない、ルーズな
cannot help but do 〜せずにはいられない
Good Humor 【商標】グッドヒューマー 《米国 Good Humor 社製のアイスクリーム》
Don't have a cow  = Don't be angry.


Je: Oh, boy, does she look mean?
    Everybody, I'd like you to meet the love of my life, Rebecca Donaldson.
    And quite frankly, doesn't she look beautiful this evening?
Be: Who's the blonde?
Je: Well, this is my old girl friend, Donna. My old old... girl friend.
Do: Hi, Becky.
Be: Hello, Donna.
Je: Why don't we go meet some people I haven't dated, shall we?
Jo: Danny, is that really you?
Da: Yes, Joey. And I would be really steamed if I did not look so cool.
Jo: Well. May I say that you look just like cappuccino-come-alive.
Da: Oh, thank you. Joey. Joey. Joey.
    But, look around at these people, they have no sense of style.
    Jesse, can I talk to you?
Je: Excuse me. Look, I have everything under control.
    You look very cute, by the way. Girls, it's time to go to bed.
DS: Aw...
Be: Jess, I'll say good night to the girls, and you say good night to Donna.
Be: OK, Michelle, time for bed.
Mi: No more party?
Be: No more party.
Mi: Oh, nuts!
Da: Well, girls. What do you think of your new rad bad dad?
St: Daddy, you look so handsome, I wanna take you to show and tell.
Da: Oh, thank you, Stephanie. The dog slept in your room last night, didn't he?
steam  人をカーッと怒らせる
show and tell  生徒に珍しいものを持って来させて説明させること


Pe: Good seeing you, Jess.
Je: Good seeing you, man.
Pe: I've got to hit the road.
Je: I've got to hit the sack, I've got to get up early tomorrow, and take 
    Stephanie's class to the fire station. I'm living on the edge, aren't I?
Pe: Look, as far as tonight goes, you didn't chicken out.
    You just uh.. came to your senses.
Je: Dr. Sensible. Quite have the same ring, doesn't it?
Pe: Hey, Jesse, maybe, the guy I came back here looking for is not the 
    same guy any more, but so what? I like this guy, too. You know? 
    I'll tell you something else, you've got a good thing going here.
Je: I do, don't I?.
Pe: I love you, man.
Je: Right back at you.
Je: See you, dirt bucket.
Pe: See you, filth bawl.
DJ: Hi, Uncle Jesse.
Je: Deej.
DJ: Joey told me what happened tonight. And I'm glad you didn't try that stunt.
Je; Deej, I was this close. I'm up on that ledge,
    and I'm this close to do it, and I chicken out.
DJ: Uncle Jesse, sometimes it takes more courage to just say "No".
Je: Sounds pretty smart. Where did you get that from?
DJ: From you, and Nancy Reagan.
Je: Deej, uh.. maybe I'm smarter than I was when I was twenty,
    but let me tell you something, kid, I miss those old days.
DJ: I kinda remember you at twenty. You were this cool guy with long hair,
    who would drop by, give me a present, and then ride away.
    I like this Uncle Jesse a lot better. The one I see every day.
Je: Really?
DJ: Yeah.
Je: I tell you something. When I was up there, all I could do was think about
    my family, and Becky, and you girls. I started thinking, you know,
    if something happened to me, I'd miss out on being part of your lives.
    And there's nothing more important to me than that.
    Maybe I gave up a little bit, but I've also gained quite a bit, haven't I? 
DJ: Yeah. Good night Dr. Dare.
Je: Oh, no, That's Uncle Dr. Dare you.
DJ: Good night.
Je: I still got it.
sack 寝床
chicken out (怖気づいて)手を引く、尻込みする、びびる、やめる
filth 汚いもの、不潔なもの, 悪党
bawl  叫び, わめき声; 泣き叫び
ledge 《壁から突き出た》 棚; 岩棚 【建】(太い)横桟

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