第53話  地上最大の誕生日  The Greatest Birthday On Earth


DJ: Michelle, do you wanna say hi to grandma?
Mi: Okay. Where is she?
DJ: Well, she is at home, but we're gonna make her a tape.
Mi: Okay. Give me that.
    Hi, grandma. It's Michelle. Do you remember me? Now what?
DJ: Uh, why don't we sing the spider song. Ready?
DM: One, two, three, four..

The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider walked up the spout again

DM: Yeah..
itsy-bitsy ちっちゃな, ちょっとした
spout 吐水口、噴出口

Je: Joseph, we're gonna come up with a good campaign for this
    Captain Hook peanut butter chunk.
    I'm afraid we're just gonna have to break it down and try it.
Jo: I was afraid of that. Okay, let's take a taste of this stuff,
    and say the first thing that comes to mind. Ready?
Je: ***
Jo: ***
Je: *** having my teeth?
Mi: Happy birthday to me!
Jo: No, Michelle, it's not your birthday till you get down to one last birthday cake.
    Now, take one away for today. Good girl. Now, how many till your birthday?
Mi: One. Two. Three. Four... too many.
Je: Oh.. hang in there kid. It's not gonna be long before you are how old?
Mi: Three years old!
Jo: Then you and your play group friends get a big circus party.
Je: Joseph, forget about it. This circus is for kids. I've got a better idea.
    Excuse me. Michelle, wouldn't you rather have an Elvis party? 
    I've got an idea. In stead of all those goofy little hats,
    your friends can wear little tiny sideburns. What do you say, little mama?
Mi: No thank you, big daddy.
Jo: Jess, sorry. What can you possibly have against a circus?
Je: Clowns. I hate them.
Jo: How can you hate clowns?
Je: They bug me, man. I think they are so funny.
Jo: Come on! Get in the spirit. Danny and I are gonna dress up like clowns.
Je: You already are clowns. Look, Joseph. I'm happy to do what I can.
    I'll cook, I'll put up decorations.
    But if you want me to dress up like a chucklehead, I say take
    your rubber nose and honk it. 
Mi: Look. Happy birthday to me!
Je: Michelle, did you pull off all those birthday cakes?
Mi: Who, me?
Je: Who, me? Who, me? Who, me?
St: Comet, listen to this poem I wrote about you for school.
    My family has a new puppy. He's bigger than a guppy.
    My dad puts down paper for Comet. But, he always forgets to go on it.
DJ: I decided what I'm gonna be for Michelle's circus party.
    I'm gonna be a lion-tamer.
St: Oh, yeah. Like dad's really gonna let a lion in the house.
DJ: I'm not gonna need a lion. I'm gonna tame Comet.
    Okay, Comet. Try to look mean. Try to look tough. Try to look ferocious.
St: I'm gonna be a juggler.
DJ: Steph, do you know anything about juggling?
St: Technically... No. But how hard is it gonna be? All you do is
    throw three balls up in the air, and keep them there.
come up with  <案など>を示す, 提案する
chunk [チーズ・パン・肉片・木材などの]大きいかたまり,厚切れ
get down to に(真剣に)取りかかる, 取り組む
goofy まぬけな,とんまな
sideburns ほおひげ, もみあげ
clown (劇・サーカスなどの)道化役者,道化師
chucklehead ばか,低能
honk  <ガンが>鳴く
guppy グッピー
tamer  (野獣などの)ならし手,…使い
ferocious  獰猛な,凶暴な
juggle [ボールなどを]次々に空中に投げあげて受ける曲芸をする


DJ: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.. Take it, boys. 
    Take it, girls.. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life is but a.. nightmare!
    Dad, Joey, I'm dying out here. Why didn't we just go to Chuck-E-Cheese.
Da: There you go.
Jo: Come on, Danny. We gotta start the circus.
Da: Without Michelle? We are gonna put on a circus for the neighbor's kids?
Jo: Danny, it will be lots of fun, and when Michelle gets back,
    we'll do it again for her.
Da: Oh, goody! We'll batter(?) the second show.
Jo: I got it.
Ca: Hi, I hope this is the birthday party.
Jo: It sure is. Come right in. Hi, I'm Joey Gladstone. 
Ca: I'm Karen Penner, Robert's aunt.
Jo: Have we met before?
Ca: No, I think I'd remember that face.
Da: Hi, there. I'm Danny Tanner.
    I'm a single parent, and I love foreign films, and long walks along the beach.
Ca: Well, nice to meet you both.
Da; Thank you.
Jo: Thank you.
Da: Uh.. normally, Karen, I'm a very snazzy dresser.
    You see, Earth tones go well with my big browned ore eyes.(?)
    You may've seen the real me on my talk show, Wake up San Francisco?
Ca: Oh, I love your show. I have breakfast with you every morning.
Da: Really? Well then, why don't you stay for the circus.
    Stay for the birthday cake. Stay for .. Are you married?
Ca: No.
Da: Stay for as long as you like. Circus is right through here.
    Pardon my feet. Here you are.
Jo: Danny, what's with you? I've never seen you so aggressive.
    Quite frankly, I liked it.
snazzy しゃれた,粋な

DJ のライオン使い

DJ: Tada! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
    Presenting the greatest show in this room, The Tanner Family Circus.
Ch: Yey..
DJ: Starring me, Tanner the tamer.
Ch: Yey..
DJ: Stand back. I'm about to release Comet, the ferocious.
Bo: Hey, that is not a lion.
DJ: That's what the last kid said just before Comet ate him.
    Now, watch as this vicious creature obeys my every command.
    Come on, Comet. Come on. Come on, honey, jump the loop. Come on. Tada!
Ch: Yey.
DJ: Now get ready to laugh your heads off. Send in the clowns!
vicious  危険な,危なっかしい, 癖の悪い


Je: Hi.
Da: Oh, come here, Michelle. Hi, honey. Hi, Steph. Jess, I have one word for you. How?
Je: Danny, I told you on the phone, it wasn't my fault.
Da: Sure. You read about it everyday.
    Family trapped in gas station, child's birthday ruined.
Je: Oh, Look. I'm sorry, but what happened was..
Da: How could you let this happen? We just put on a three-hour circus 
    for the neighbor's kids. Michelle, honey. I know you were looking 
    forward to a big party with all your friends, but we can still have fun.
Mi: Daddy, I saw a clown. 
Da: Yes, honey, I know you saw a clown. Daddy's dressed up like a clown.
Mi: Uncle Jesse was a clown.
Da: Uncle Jesse was a clown? Uncle Jesse hates clowns.
Je: More than ever.
St: But he was a great clown. He made a whole circus at the gas station, 
    with a tightrope walker, and a puppet show, and two jugglers, thank you very much.
Da: Jesse, you really put on a circus for Michelle?
Je: Hey, it was my niece's third birthday.
Da: Oh, man, I'm sorry. Shame on me. There's nothing lower than a cranky clown.
    You were a great uncle today. Heck, you're a great uncle everyday. Thanks buddy.
Da: Hey, ho, ho. This is a Bozo-no-no.
| テレビ番組の道化、 Bozo the Clown のパロディですね。
DJ: Oh, Michelle, you're back. We saved you a special surprise from your party.
    Come on. It's in the backyard.
Je: Come on, let's go see it.
Da: Oh, special surprise? What do you think it is?
DJ: Uncle Jesse, how did you get locked in a gas station?
Je: DJ, someday when you are older and you get locked in a gas station,
    you'll understand. Oh.
Mi: Oh.
Jo: Happy Birthday Michelle.
Mi: Bimbo.
Je: No, Michelle, that's Dumbo.
Mi: Big present.
Da: Well, it's not to keep, honey. It's just to ride, and here we go.
Jo: Hey, hold on.
Mi: Oh, baby.
Ev: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Michelle..
more than ever いよいよ多く、ますます
tightrope walker 綱渡りをする軽業師、綱渡り芸人
cranky 気短な、気難しい、偏屈な、怒りっぽい
heck 【間投】ふん!、ちぇっ!
bimbo (見かけはいいが)頭の弱い女、身持ちの悪い女、ふしだらな女

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