第50話  ジョーイの挑戦  Star Search


DJ: Okay, Michelle. Open your eyes.
Mi: Wow. What is it?
DJ: It's a tutu and a tiara. They were mine, and then I gave them to Stephanie.
St: And I'm passing them on to you. Now you are a ballerina.
Mi: Wow. What is a ballerina?
DJ: A ballerina is a girl that does beautiful dancing. Watch us.
Ki: I'm glad I took bowling lessons.
tutu  チュチュ◆バレリーナ用衣装
tiara  ティアラ、宝石付きの頭飾り
pass on to (財産を)譲る、譲渡する、与える

Da: Come on guys, it's time for the big surprise.
Je: Danny, it'd better be important. We're working on a commercial for
    Rocket Feet Running Shoes, trying to get inspired by running around.
Jo: So far, we haven't come up with any idea, but we're in great shape.
Da: Wait till you all see this. I found one of my old videotapes.
JJ: Bye.
Da: Guys, come back. It's not a home movie.
    It's a tape of Joey and me on my old collage talk show.
Je: Oh, I wanna see that.
Da: Watch this.
DJ: Dad, the mustache!
Ki: It's gross.
Da: This is Danny Tanner for reminding YOU that disco will never die.
Ki: Mr. Tanner, don't take this wrong way, but.. What a geek!
Da: Welcome to Campus Rap, the show that takes a hard-hitting look at.
    Whatever the heck I want because this is my show. Well, here is a 
    hard-hitting look at a brand-new picture of my very own little girl. 
    Could you zoom in there?
St: I was adorable!
DJ: No, Steph, that's me.
St: It is? My, How you've aged!
Da: Well, today my guest is my very best friend. He is my fraternity
    brother, and this guy is a party animal. Here's Joey Gladstone. 
Jo: Four yeas of collage, look what I learned.
Je: You were the big man on campus.
Da: Do something from your act. Do your Jetsons routine.
Jo: Alright. Bbbbbb.. Now, Spacely, you are out of ball(?), Jetson.
    Woo, Cogswell. Don't worry Mr. Spacely, everything will work out just great.
    Woo, Jeston, You are fired. I love you, RUDI Oh, come on now. Cut it out. Thanks.
Da: Very funny. You're one talented guy, Joey.
Jo: You're right, Danny. In fact, I guarantee you that in ten years,
    you'll be seeing this face sitting between Ed McMathon and Johnny Carson.
    We're talking Vegas, concert tours, and of course my own TV series,
    "Rebirthing(?) Joey".
Jo: We gotta check the date on that tape.
Je: What are you doing?
Jo: I can't believe my ten-year deadline is almost up. I've got two weeks to
    become a star. Jes, can you handle that Running Shoe account without me?
Je: Sure, I can do one account by myself. Joseph, you have a dream,
    man, you've got go for it. I'm there for you babe. I know that seat
    Johnny and Ed, it's there for you too. Why, now you can fit in it.
Da: We are all there for you, Joey. Right, girls?
DS: Oh, yeah.
Jo: Thanks, guys. Darn! What have I been doing? I gotta focus on my comedy 
    career, I've gotta get down to the clubs, work up some new bits. From 
    now on, Joey Gladstone is gonna be all comedy, all the time.
Je: All the time?
Jo: Why, certainly. ****.
Da: Come on, let's watch the rest of this.
St: Okay.
inspire イメージさせる、気持ちを強く動かす、人をその気にさせる
mustache くちひげ
remind 〜に思い出させる、〜に気付かせる
hard-hitting パンチのきいた、活気のある、強力な
fraternity 兄弟愛
big man on campus 学内の人気者[ヒーロー] 《略 B.M.O.C.》
The Jetsons  「宇宙家族」 《1960 年代に Hanna-Barbera プロダクションが制作したテレビ漫画;
             21 世紀の宇宙時代に住む Jetson 一家をめぐるホームドラマ》


St: Daddy, Uncle Jesse, DJ, everybody but Joey, come here.
Da: What is it, Steph?
St: We got a letter with Ed McMahon's picture on it. It must be from Star Search.
DJ: Well, the good news?
St: It's great news. We may aread(?)/already(?) to be millionaires.
Jo: Hey guys, I'm gonna make some French toast.
Je: Joey, are you sick? How come you're not acting goofy?
Jo: Who am I kidding, Jess? My ten-year deadline is up today.
    I'm not famous, I'm never gonna be famous.
    The only thing that could save my carrier now is a miracle.
Ki: Mail call. Letter for Danny Tanner.
Da: I'll take that.
Ki: What? No tip?
Da: Here's a tip. Stay out of my mailbox.
Ki: It so happens that the mailman delivered that to my house by mistake.
    It happens all time. But we only keep the magazines.
Da: Yes! Joey is gonna be on Star Search.
Ev: Wow. Joey.
Jo: Really? I'm gonna be on Star Search.
Ki: As a spokes model?
Jo: This is great. How did this happen?
Da: Joey, (because) we had so much faith in you, we sent your tape to Star Search.
Jo: You guys are the best. This is so great. Finally after all the 
    years of struggling playing those little comedy clubs, it all pays off right
    I am going on Star Search. And I am gonna win, and I am on my way to 
    the top.
Je: Right.
Jo: Thank you people.. because I love
Ev: You.. uuuuu.
aread, arede, areed:vt.《廃》占う,予言する,述べる《古》推測する,〈夢を〉解釈する
millionaire 大富豪、百万長者
goofy とんまな、おろかな、ばかな
deadline 期限、期日、締切
stay out of 〜にかかわらない、〜とは関係を持たない
have faith in 〜を信じている
struggle もがく、苦心する、奮闘努力する

DJ: You won't believe who we saw tap-dancing in the hallway.
Je: Ed McMahon?
St: The Junior dance champions four weeks in a row, the tapping Takayamas.
    I wish I could be on Star Search some day.
Ma: Mr. Gladstone? Ten minutes.
Jo: Thanks.
DJ: Why don't you show the nice man from Star Search what a good ballerina you are.
St: Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow, you're only a day away..
Ma: Thank you.
St: Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love you, tomorrow, you..
Mi: No more ballerina.
Jo: Why not?
Mi: Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow.
DJ: Little kids. I'd better go get them before they embarrass themselves. Tomorrow..
Da: We'd better get back to our seats. Go get'em, Joey.
Je: Yeah, and don't be nervous.
Jo: Ha! Why should I be nervous?
    Just 'cause the last ten years comes down to the next ten minutes?
    Just because my entire life is riding on my one and only shot at stardom?
Je: You see? Nothing to be nervous about.
Da: Good luck, buddy.
Je; Have fun.
Jo: Thanks.
hallway 廊下
in a row 連続して、続けて
stardom スターの身分

Come on now. Cut it out. Quit it.


Je: Joey, good show, buddy.
Da: Just remember that guy needed four arms to beat you.
DJ: Joey, you were the best.
St: You were better than the best.  You were the bestest.
    You were super best aroma. you are the best..
DJ: Steph, you're gonna wear out your tongue.
St: You just hate my spunk.
Jo: Well, thanks, everybody. I'm just glad I'm getting outta comedy
    while I'm still young enough to laugh about it. Ha Ha Ha Ha..
Da: Uh, girls, your uncle Jesse and I wanna talk to Joey for a second,
    why don't you go get Ed McMahon's autograph and find out
    when our million dollars is coming.
Da: Joey.
Jo: Look, guys. You can save the pep talk. I already know what you're gonna say.
    Keep working on it. It's gonna happen. You got a perfect score on Star Search.
    You made millions of people laugh. Your deadline was totally arbitrary,
    so if you give up now, you are stupid. Does that pretty much cover?
Je: Actually that's what I was gonna say.
Da: Yeah, that was.. me too.
Jo: Look, guys I know you care about me. But I'm doing the right thing.
    There comes a time when every man's life where he's just gotta face the music
    and say to himself "Hey, I'm a failure".
Je: Whoa, whoa.. hold it.
    Nobody calls my friend Joey a failure, especially my friend Joey.
Jo: How else can you figure it, Jess? I'm a local night club comic.
    That's all I'm ever gonna be. I've been in the same rut for the last ten years.
    I've never been Carson, or Letterman, or Arsenio.
    If that's not failure, I don't know what is.
Je: I'll tell you what is, that attitude. That's failure, man.
    The problem is the way that you're looking at success.
    Do you love being a stand-up comic?
Jo: Well, yah.  
Je: Have you made thousands of people laugh? Millions tonight?
Jo: Well, yah.
Je: Alright, before this stupid deadline of yours, were you happy with your life?
Jo: Yes!
Je: Personal happiness and bringing joy to others. It sounds like success to me.
    Joey, I know how you feel, pal. I'm the same way, man.
    I'm not (the) way I wanna be with my music career.
    But even if I never sell a record, I'm not gonna have one regret. You know why?
    Because I love making music and I'm never gonna stop doing it.
    Now, if you never get up on stage again, would you miss it? 
    Danny, is there anything you like to add?
Da: Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was thinking about that spokesmodel? Phew.
aroma 気品、風格
wear out すりへらす, 使い古す
spunk 勇気、気力、快活さ、活気
pep talk (叱咤)激励、檄
arbitrary 気紛れの、勝手な、独断的な、任意の、不定の
face the music 自分の招いた難局に進んで当たる, 甘んじて報いをうける, 堂々と批判をうける
rut くぼみ、へこみ、溝、穴
Carson カーソン 《米国のコメディアン・テレビ司会者》
McMahon マクマーン《米国のテレビタレント・俳優》
Letterman レターマン 《米国テレビの司会者; 独特なユーモアで人気がある》
stand-up comic《ナイトクラブなどの》 一人で演じる芸人, 独演芸人
spokesmodel (企業の宣伝のためにテレビなどに出てくる)代表的スポークスパースン、モデル

Come on you guys.  Cut it out.

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