第48話  タナー家のハワイアン・ナイト  Tanner's Island


Da: Okay, everything is just perfect.. Oh, it's just so great.
St: They're coming. They're coming.
Da: Come on, everybody. Come on. Okay. Is everybody ready?
Mi: Ready!
Da: Shhh..
Mi: I'm sorry.
Da: Okay, let's go.
Re: All right..

Ev: Surprise!
Je: Thank you. Why are they doing this?
Jo: I don't know.
Da: Boys, come with me.
    Today is the anniversary of the day we all became a family.
    As you know, you guys moved in here a couple years ago
    to help me out for a couple months.
    Now, of course you can never leave.
Je: Oh, well, let me tell you guys something. We're happy to be here,
    we love you very much. We can never leave?
Da: That's right. And to celebrate, I have planned seven days
    and seven nights of nonstop family fun.
Ev: Alright.
Da: In Hawaii.
Ev: Yeah! Alright!
St: Hawaii. I love their punch.
Da: I got the station to run reruns of Wake Up San Francisco.
Je: Oh, Becky, you'll be able to go with us, come with us, then.
DJ: Oh, yeah, Becky. You and I would have so much fun.
Re: Oh, no. It sounds like a family vacation.
Da: I got your ticket right here.
Re: Ahh... Danny, thank you.
Da: You're welcome.
Re: Oh, Jess. You and me in Hawaii.
Je: I know, this's gonna be great.
    We'll make a pilgrimage to every single spot where Elvis shot
    Blue Hawaii in sixty-one and Paradise Hawaiian Style in sixty-five.
    Uh, Becky, What could be more romantic?
Re: Uh.. I'll start making a list.
DJ: Michelle, isn't this exciting? We're going to Hawaii!
Mi: Good. Cut the cake.
anniversary 記念日
punch パンチ《酒,砂糖,湯,レモン,香料などを punch bowl の中で混ぜて作る飲み物》
pilgrimage 巡礼、聖地巡り


W : Aloha!
Je: Have..
Be: Careful.
Je: Uh.. a nice day.
St: Look, look. Hawaii has a swimming pool and an ocean and a soda machine.
    No wonder they call it a paradise.
W : Aloha little girl.
Mi: Aloha, lady. I see your belly button.
St: Joey, Joey.
Jo: Did you see that girl? First she smiled at me, and then she winked at me,
    and then she.. turned into someone else. I hate when that happens.
Da: OK, I have plans for you guys.
DJ: See you later, bye..
Da: Yo! **************, tartars. Where is everybody going?
DJ: Surfing.
St: Swimming.
Jo: I've got to find that hula girl.
Je: We're gonna take the same drive Elvis took in "Blue Hawaii"
Be: We are?
Da: Everybody just calm down. You're all gonna get to do everything you want to,
    but, and this is the beauty part, we're all gonna do everything together.
Ev: Why?
Da: That's a good start. We came here to celebrate our two-year anniversary
    as one big happy family. So I have carefully scheduled every minute of
    every day with everyone's activities. It's all right here on my Clipboard of Fun.
    Ladies and gentlemen, let the vacation begin.
    Alright we only have fifteen minutes to check in. let's go.
Jo: Are you sure? Nobody else wants to play golf?
Ev: No.

Da: OK, Joey had his turn for fun.
    Now I've scheduled us to study the history and culture of Hawaii.
Je: Where are you taking us, Don Hone(?) Musium?
St: Look, a little hula munchkin. 
Be: No, it's a menehune. According to the ancient legend, they were the first people
    to inhabit the Hawaii Islands. The menehunes have magical powers and they help
    people when they're in trouble. But only if you really believe in'em.
St: I do believe. I do believe. I wanna meet a menehune.
DJ: Steph, menehunes are make-bilieve. Like Mickey Mouse.
St: Oh, yeah? Then how come at Disney land we you shook hands with Mickey.
    Did you shake hands with a make-believe mouse?
DJ: No.. well, yeah.. I don't know.
St: I think you do know. Poor kid!
    Can't tell the difference between real and make-believe.
Da: Alright, everybody. We have an hour and twenty minutes to meet and greet
    over fifty-seven varieties of marine life.
Ev: Alright.
belly button へそ
hula  フラダンスを踊る,フラダンス
menehune メネフーネ 《夜のみ池や道路などを作ったりして働く,
inhabit 〜に住む、〜に存在する
make-believe 偽り、見せかけ


Da: The clipboard of fun says today I get to be the skipper.
DJ: Skipper, we've been out here for hours.
Je: Danny, do we even have a clue where we are?
Da: Ahoy, meinies. Gather around the skipper.
St: Aye, aye, skipper.
Da: According to my map, we should be arriving any minute at the beautiful island
    of Pua, for a picnic on the beach and the Polynesian show.
Jo: Which island?
Da: This island. Hey, where did the island go?
DJ: It's on your finger, dad.
Je: Ahoy, meinies, your skipper has been sailing all morning to a potato chip crumb.
Ev: Oh..
Jo: Great.
St: Dad, we are lost?
Da: Of course not. We're exactly uh.. two hours and forty-six minutes' 
    due this way of our hotel.
Be: Look! An island!
Da: Alright. See? I told you.
DJ: Skipper, exactly where is that island on the map?
Da: Well, it's right.. uh.. it's.. uh.. one of those.

Da: What a beautiful beach! Anybody find anything?
Be: Nothing up the beach.
DJ: There's nothing down the beach.
Je: I haven't seen one sign of intelligent life, skipper.
Da: Oh.. Island crankiness. Look, nobody, panic. Let's just go back to where
    your skipper tied up the boat. I'll safely radio the coast guard, 
    tell them our location, and they'll guide us to Pua. OK? Now, follow me.
Mi: Aye, aye, skipper.
Jo: Michelle, don't encourage him.
Da: OK, guys, we're gonna have a picnic on the boat.
    Now, (if) the trade winds are favorable, we can still make the Polynesian show.
    Of course if we're late, this could spell disaster for the clipboard of fun.
Mi: Bye bye, boat.
DJ: How cute! Michelle was saying bye-bye to.. Our boat!
Da: DJ, don't be silly. I tied up our boat right.. There! It is our boat. Come back!
St: Hurry Dad.
Be: You'll never catch that boat.
Je: I don't wanna catch the boat, I wanna catch Danny.
skipper 船長
ahoy おーい!
meiny, meinie 《古》従者たち, 随行員, 家族
aye aye 【海】はいはい 《上官に対する返事》
crumb 少量、小片、かけら
crankiness 狂っていること, ぐらぐらすること
radio 無線通信
coast guard 沿岸警備隊
trade wind 貿易風
favorable 好意ある、好意的な

Da: Jesse, leave me alone.
Je: **********, skipper!
Da: Not till you calm down.
Je: All right, fine. I'm calm, cool, not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk to you.
Da: That's better.
Je: The first thing I'd like to say is I HATE THIS CLIPBOARD OF FUN. 
    How can a person lose a boat?
Da: It's not my fault. The rope must have slipped off the rope thingy.
Je: The rope thingy? Skipper? We're stuck. What are we gonna do?
Jo: Well, if we were on Gilligan's Island, the professor would make 
    a radio out of coconuts.
Je: Joseph, it's no time for comedy, it's time to blame Danny.
Jo: Relax Jess, we have a rest of our lives to blame Danny.
    Right now, we need to keep things light and easy so the girls don't get scared.
DJ: Are we in really big trouble?
Ev: No..
St: If we believe in the menehunes, they'll come and help us.
    And then we live happily ever after.
DJ: Seven year olds. Aren't they adorable?
St: Don't ever pet me.
Be: Well, we'd better start looking for food, shelter, water,
    and some crazy glue, 'cuz I know I'm gonna break a nail.
Jo: What the heck is this? The clipboard comes back, but the boat keeps going.
Je: Come on, let's go for it. We got a lot to do, you guys. Come on, let's go.
Da: Oh, I hate to say it, Michelle. But the old skipper really goofed up big time.
Mi: It's OK, skipper.
Da: Oh, thanks, little buddy.
thingy 何とかいうもの
goof up 《俗》へまをやる, だいなしにする

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