第46話  ジェシー・愛の危機  Breaking Up Is Hard To Do


Da: Tanner yo-yos a dribble. He fakes left.
    He drives right. He puts Michelle on the popcorn machine,(?)
    and he jams in right over two feet eight inches of towering toddler.
Mi: My turn.
Da: Okay, here we go. It's Tanner versus Tanner for all the marbles.(?)
    Michelle breaks for the basket and goes right through my legs.
    Okay. She's going for that superduper high flying baby-skying
    and junior junior slammer jammer.
    Talking about serious hangtime. Michelle scores! In-your-face.
Mi: In-your-face.
Da: NBA action, it's..
Mi: Fantastic!
jam 〈ボールを〉バスケットに押し込む
toddler よちよち歩きの幼児
hangtime ハングタイム 《ボールが空中にある時間》
in-your-face  押しの強い, 挑戦的な. [バスケットボールでディフェンスを


Jo: Well, the sandbox is already for Michelle's play group.
Da: Great, and I have prepared a nutritious plateau of celery sticks
    for her little friends.
Jo: Um, celery sticks.. every kids' favorite. I remember every Halloween
    I used to have(?) straight to the houses that gave out celery.
St: Daddy, daddy, #$%&#$%&.
Da: What did she say?
Jo: She said #$%&#$%&.
Da: Honey, take that apple out of your mouth. Now, what did you say?
St: I said don't pull that apple out of my mouth. My loose tooth's stuck.
Da: Not any more. It's in this apple.
St: It came out. I was jiggling it around with my tongue for a week.
    I could bend it all the way back. But it kept hanging by this
    little *** slimy skinny string of tooth-gut.
    I'm gonna go put this on the **** pillow right now for the tooth fairy.
    This thing is money in the bank.
DJ: Stephanie.
St: DJ.
DJ: Wait till you hear what happened to me.
St: Wait till you hear what happened to me. My tooth came out.
DJ: That's nothing. I jumped my first fence today.
St: Big deal. You didn't jump it, your horse did.
DJ: So you didn't lose your tooth. Your gums did.
St: I'll tell you what happened.
DJ: No. 
nutritious 栄養分のある、栄養価が高い
plateau 飾り皿
stuck くっついてとれない, はまりこんで抜けない
jiggle 軽く揺らす、軽く引く
slimy ねばねばする、ぬるぬるした
skinny けちな、やせこけた
string ひも、糸, 〜をひもで吊るす
gums  歯茎


Je: *** Can I help you, young lady?
Mi: Kiss, please.
Je: Oh.. Alright, upside down kiss. Upside down kiss.
    See? Somebody still loves me. Michelle, can I talk to you?
Mi: I'm a monkey. Tutu...
Je: Can I tell you my problem first? Alright, listen to this.
Mi: My toy.
Je: Oh, Michelle, now, you don't want to grow up and be selfish like Becky.
Je: Next thing you know, you don't want to go hear your boyfriend sing.
    Well, I don't know what's got into Becky lately, but she's really
    starting to get on my nerves. 
Jo: After seven already? I'd better check that garbage disposal.
Je: I mean, sometimes she gets so stubborn and pigheaded.
Be: Excuse me.
Jo: Sometimes those things pick up other people's houses.
Je: Oh, Michelle, why can't Becky just realize that your Uncle Jesse is right?
    I mean, it's so simple.
Je: It's so simple. Hi, oh, you found the baby monitor.
    Michelle do that imitation of me again.
Be: I wanna talk to you alone.
Je: Hey, anything you can say to me, you can say it in front of my niece.
Be: No, that's not true.
Je: You see what I'm saying? Here, hold this. Becky.
Be: Stubborn! Pigheaded! Well, it just so happens that this stubborn 
    pighead only goes to that club to be with you.
Je: Why are we arguing? Let's go.
Be: No way. If you don't wanna do what I wanna do, why should I do what 
    you wanna do.
Je: Oh, I get it. This whole thing is about revenge. You're punishing me.
    You don't wanna go to my club, because I don't wanna ride your stupid
    horses, is that it?
Be: Oh, well. It just so happens that those stupid horses are a lot 
    smarter than you.
Je: Just admit it. Say that I'm right. Say I'm right.
Be: OK, I'm right.
Je: Funny. Don't you dare walk out that door. Don't you dare leave
    this hallway. Hey, I'm talking to you. Don't you dare take that step,
    Oh, that step, Oh, that step. Oh, that step.
Be: OK, what do you wanna say?
Je: I just wanna tell you that uh.. that this whole thing is your fault.
Be: Oh, oh. My fault? Well, I disagree. What else do we always disagree?
    We're completely different people with completely different interests.
Je: Well, fine. Maybe we should start dating other people we are more in
    common with.
Be: Oh, so, That's what you want.
Je: Oh, it's obviously what you want.
Be: Well, then, fine. This relationship is over. Good-bye Jesse.
Je: Fine. Good-bye, Rebecca.
upside down さかさまに、さかさまの、ひっくり返って
get on one's nerves しゃくにさわる、気に障る
garbage disposal 生ごみ処理
pigheaded 頑固な、強情な
revenge 報復、仕返し、復讐, 復讐する


St: Alright, it's morning. I've been waiting all night for this.
DJ: Stephanie, it's Saturday.
St: It's also tooth fairy day.
DJ: What did it do?
St: Wow, Baby!
DJ: You're wow-babying about a dollar bill?
St: Does this look like a dollar bill?
DJ: Twenty dollars? Wow, Baby!
St: I knew those milk and cookies would pay off.
DJ: You nerd bummer, I ate the milk and cookies.
St: You'll have trouble at Christmas.
    The tooth fairy and Santa Claus are like this.
Da: I don't know, Jesse.
    Maybe, you'll feel a lot better if you just call Rebecca and apologize.
Je: Oh, Danny, I've got to face it. I knew it'd happen to me. We don't 
    have one thing in common.
Jo: Oh, sure you do.
Je: What's that?
Jo: You are both crazy about me.
St: Guess what? The tooth fairy left me twenty dollars.
Da: Twenty dollars? Wow, Baby!
DJ: This isn't fair, Dad.
    How come the tooth fairy never left me that kind of cash?
Da: Well, possibly the tooth fairy was fumbling around in the dark,
    and accidentally took the wrong bill out of his.. or her wallet.
DJ: Well, I certainly hope the allowance fairy makes the same mistake.
Je: Alright Alright. Everybody, get your pancakes here.
Da: Hey, alright.
Mi: My pancakes.
Da: No, no, Michelle, honey. Those are for everybody.
Jo: Why don't we all show Michelle how much fun sharing can be?
Je: Good idea.
Da: Excellent idea, Joey. Now, Michelle, watch this.
    I am gonna share my pancake with Joey.
Jo: Thank you, Danny. And I am gonna share my pancake with DJ.
DJ: How thoughtful! And I'm gonna share my pancake with my incredibly
    fortunate little sister.
St: You're too kind. And I am happy to share with my Uncle Jesse.
Je: Thank you, very much. And I'm gonna share with one of my three favorite 
    nieces, Michelle. There you go. Now, isn't sharing fun, everybody?
Ev: Oh, yeah.
Da: I wish someone would share that pancake with me.
Mi: Here, Daddy.
Da: Thank you, Michelle. I'm so proud of you. And I won't even have to chew it.
pay off 効果を生む、うまくいく
fumble around ごそごそ探る
thoughtful 気が利く、思いやりがある
incredibly 信じられないほど

Da: It's Becky.
Je: I knew she'd be back to apologize.
Da: Hi.
Be: Hi, Danny. Hi, everyone.
DJ: Hi.
Be: Mr. Katsopolis, you left some things in my apartment.
    I assume you want your emergency blow dryer back,
    and your emergency styling spray.
Je: Oh, I think you made a mistake. This must be yours.
    It's for hard-to-manage hair.
Be: Oh, no, no. This must be yours. It's for vain and pompous hair.
St: Are you guys having a fight?
BD: N.. No.
Be: We've just decided not to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore.
DJ: You can't break up.
St: Yeah, you're just like Ken and Barbie.
    Daddy, make them hug and say "I love you".
Da: Would you guys hug and say "I love you"?
Be: Well, it's nice to see you everyone, but I really should get going.
DJ: Oh, Becky. I have an idea.
    Why don't all of us, and I mean all of us, go to the movies tonight?
St: It's a mean to(?) tooth fairy.
Be: Oh, it's nice, girls, but I have plans tonight.
    Uh.. I'll see you guys later.
Da: See you.
Jo: Bye.
Je: I can't believe it. She already has a date.
DJ: Becky, wait. You and Uncle Jesse are gonna get back together, aren't you?
Be: DJ, I can't promise you that.
DJ: Becky, you have to. I mean if you'd stop coming over, I'd really miss you.
Be: Hey, you and I are always gonna be friends.
DJ: You mean we can still go riding and talking stuff?
Be: Absolutely. Any time you need me, I'm here for you.
DJ: Thanks, Becky.
Be: I'll tell you what. This afternoon, you and Stephanie and I can go 
    and see that movie.
DJ: Great, don't forget. It's on Stephanie.
Be: Later, dude.
DJ: Later, babe.
pompous 堂々とした、気取った、大げさな、横柄な

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