第45話  ボディコンD.J.  Back To School Blues


Je: Nine, ten. Okay, ready or not. Here I come.
Mi: Here I am.
Je: Michelle, come here. Now, we're gonna have to have
    a little chat, you and I.
    See the name of the game is hide-and-go-seek.
    You're playing hide-and-say-here-I-am, coppish?
Mi: Coppish.
Je: Alright. Let's play again, but this time I'll hide
    and you'll come and seek me, Okay? Are you Okay?
    So you count to three, cover your eyes. Cover your..
    No, no peeking. No peeking. Are you ready? Alright, count.
Mi: One, two, three, four, five. Here I am. I won again, coppish?
Je: Coppish. Look out!
hide-and-go-seek かくれんぼ
coppish わかる、了解する
peek そっとのぞく、垣間見る


St: DJ, if it's not right by now, put on a hat.
DJ: Stephanie, today is my first day at junior high school,
    now I wanna look perfect. Wait, almost. There, quick! Spray.
    Alright. All over, keep spraying, get every inch. Alright. Perfect.
St: Very natural.
DJ: Finally, I'm going to a school that doesn't have a sandbox.
St: How can you be so happy? This is the first time we won't be at the
    same school. Are you gonna miss me like crazy?
DJ: Stephanie, try to understand. You are a child, I'm a young adult, 
    and starting today we'll live in different worlds. 
St: We don't even live in different rooms.
DJ: Please, don't remind me.
St: Come on, Deej. Stay at my school. I need my big sister to stick up for me.
    What if some kid calls me.. uh.. lamia zombie dog?
DJ: I don't know, bite him. Look, I didn't have a big sister to stick up for
    me, and I did fine. So will you.
St: Well, when I get to junior high, you'll be in high school.
    When I get to high school, you'll be in college.
    When I get to college, you'll be working at McDonald's.
sandbox 砂場
stick up for 〜の味方になる、〜をかばう、〜を守る
lamia 吸血鬼、魔女


Da: My beautiful lawn, hacked into pieces.
    Another senseless act of backyard violence.
Mi: Golfer.
Da: A golfer did this?
Jo: Hello.
Je: Hi.
Mi: Two golfers.
Da: Oh, you mean two golfers.
Jo: No, one golfer, one gofer.
Da: You were hitting golf balls in my back yard?
Je: I swear I didn't hit one ball.
Jo: It took us six hours just to play nine halls. Tell'im your score, Jess.
Je: I got us the motor oil account. I got the client love my ideas.
Da: That's great, Jess.
Je: Thank you.
Jo: Tell'im your score, Jess.
Je: I shot a hundred.
Jo: Jess?
Je: And fifty.
Jo: Jess?
Je: Nine. (Are) you happy?
Jo: Actually, I'm very sorry. Sorry that I don't have it on videotape.
    Hi, Deej.
Da: DJ. Hey, how was your first day of school?
DJ: Oh, it was your typical first day.
    I got my classes, I went to'em, and now I'm home. Oh, Dad,
    would you mind, tomorrow if I dressed a little more junior-highish?
Da: Oh, no, hey. I understand. You wanna be hip like your rad dad.
DJ: Yeah, that's it. Thanks, dad. You're the best.
St: Second grade is so cool.
Jo: Hey, great. What happened?
St: Everything. You happen to be looking at the room-seven official
    fish feeder.
JJ: Ooh.
St: And, Uncle Jesse.
Je: What?
St: Now that DJ is finally gone.
    When people say, "Hey Tanner", I know they are talking to me.
Je: Alright, kid.
Jo: Way to go
St: And Daddy, you'll love this. One of the should-be little first graders
    asked me, "Where's the cafeteria?" I said, "Can't you read that big sign
    that says, 'Cafeteria'?" And the kid said, "No, I can't read."
    They can't even read. What a great day!
hack 刈り込む
senseless 無意味な、野暮な
gofer 雑用係、使い走り
account 顧客, 常得意; 《広告代理店への》 委託業務
hip (最近の流行に)詳しい、最新の、センスのいい


DK: Ill.
DJ: Um. Well, it's almost time for school.
    Do you think we look old enough?
Ki: How old do we wanna look?
DJ: Old enough to keep me out of that phone booth during lunch.
Ki: At least you got to eat. I had to gave my lunch to a girl with a tattoo.
    We could use a little more mascara.
DJ: Yeah.
Ki: Assume the position.
St: All right, a makeup party. I wanna look just like Superstar Barbie.
DJ: Chill, child. You are way too young.
Mi: I want to make up.
DJ: Here, Michelle. You can put on a little lipstick.
St: And I'm too young?  How rude!
Da: Let's go, girls, it's getting late.
DJ: Oh, we're coming, dad. Well, how do we look?
St: Cheap!
Ki: All right.
DJ: Kimmy.
Ki: Wait. 
DJ: Kimmy?
Ki: Call me, Kimberly.
Je: Joseph, it's finally happened. He's cleaning liquid soap.
Da: Don't be silly. I'm just cleaning my rubber gloves.
Jo: Danny, there's no shame in therapy.
tattoo 入れ墨
therapy 治療、療法

ダニーが DJ を説得しているところ

Da: DJ.
DJ: Leave me alone.
Da: I can't. I'm your dad. It's my job.
    Honey, I want to know what's going on with you.
DJ: Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Everyone looked so much older
    than me. I was just exactly like the teacher that everybody hates.
    I ate lunch in a phone booth listening to the time lady for
    twenty five minutes and thirty seconds, beep.
Da: I wish you would've told me this yesterday.
DJ: I was too embarrassed. I don't know what happened.
    In the sixth grade, I was cool. Now I'm a joke.
Da: Oh, I know it feels that way.
    That's just because you were a big fish in a small pond.
    Now you are in a big pond, so you feel like a small fish.
    But you don't have to look like the big fish.
    Especially if the big fish are bad fish, and smelly fish.
    And, well, now I'm lost, and I'm rambling, and I just wanna hug you,
    and take you to Sea World.
DJ: I just want people to like me.
Da: They will. As soon as they get to know you.
    But look, DJ, this girl isn't you.
DJ: And who am I?
Da: Well, I guess, to me, you are still my little girl.
    Honey, I don't wanna stop you for growing up.
    But you just can't go from twelve to twenty five overnight.
DJ: Kathy Santhony did.
Da: You've got to realize this, teenage stuff is all new for both of us.
    But, honey, we can work it out. If we keep one thing in mind,
    we have no choice. 
Be: Danny, let's go. We're gonna be late.
    Oh, DJ, don't ever let your father do your makeup.
DJ: I did it. It looked better before.
Be: You know, when I first started wearing makeup, I made the same mistakes.
Da: Really? How old were you? Eighteen? Nineteen?
Be: No, actually I was right around DJ's age.
Da: (I'm) glad I asked.
DJ: Really? You wore makeup when you were my age?
Be: Uh-huh. And my mom taught me that the secret to wearing makeup is to 
    make it look like you're not wearing any.
DJ: Well, how do you do that?
Da: Yeah, how do you do that?
Be: Well, by bringing out DJ's natural beauty.
    For instance, you want a very settle pink eye shadow. Can I show her?
DJ: Can she?
Da: Go for it.
DJ: Thanks Dad. And don't worry, no matter how old I get,
    you can always think of me as your little girl. Give me a hug, Dad.
Da: Oh, I love those words. I love you.
Mi: I look pretty.
Da: Oh, yes, little jaja(?). You look very pretty.
    But the secret to makeup is to make it look like you're not wearing any.
Mi: Dad, pretty.
joke 笑い草, 物笑いの種
ramble 四方八方に広がる、ぶらつく、散歩する、探求する
overnight 一夜のうちに
bring out 引き出す、発揮させる

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