第40話 ミシェルの初恋  原題:Baby Love


DJ: Look, Michelle. Look what Kimmy brought to see you.
    Do you wanna pet the baby shar-pei?
Mi: Uh-huh.
DJ: Yeah.
Ki: Come here. They're new puppies.
    Say hi fast before my mom sells them for a bundle.
Mi: Hi, doggy.
Ki: Let's teach him some tricks.
DJ: Okay. Uh, roll over. Roll over. Michelle, you make a great pet.
Ki: I wonder if she can catch a Frisbee in her mouth.
DJ: Come on, Michelle. Pet the puppies.
shar-pei シャーペイ《中国産の大型の犬; 茶色の毛をもち体にはしわがある》

Jo: OK, Michelle, I'm watering my big plant, Scooby-Doo.
    You water your little plant, Scrappy-Doo.
    I'm thirsty, Michelle, water me, water me.
Je: Good morning, kids. Come on, we gotta watch Danny's show.
Jo: What's up?
Je: Well, Becky is gonna let me know with her wink if I have a date
    with her tonight. One wink for "Yes", two winks for "No".
Jo: If she gets something caught in her eyes, you could end up engaged.
Je: Alright, here we go.
Da: Wake up San Francisco. I'm Danny Tanner.
Re: And I'm Rebecca Donaldson.
Je: Was that a wink or a blink?
Jo: I don't know. I was staring at her legs.
Re: Anyway, before we bring our first guest out, I have a surprise.
    I thought it'd be fun to see our city fresh through the eyes of
    a typical tourist from the Midwest. Mr. Anderson.
Da: Hi, there. Mr. Anderson.
Mi: Ooh.
Da: What brings you to San Francisco?
Ho: Mommy.
Re: Howie, say Hi to the Bay Area.
Ho: Hi Bay!
Mi: Hi, Howie.
Re: Howie came all the way from Nebraska to visit with his aunt Becky.
Da: Oh, hold it. You said "tourist". This is your nephew.
Re: Yes, my nephew, the tourist. Howie, before you give us your impressions
    on this city, wave to grandma, Rose, and Grandpa, Wilbur.
Mi: Howie, cute.
Da: Rebecca, this is a shameless display of using our show just to talk 
    to your family. I'm sorry you had to see that, Mom, Dad, Cousin Ed.
Re: Sorry, Danny, I just thought it would be a nice ges..ture.
Je: Hot dog, Joseph! A double wink. Chill that champagne, pal.
Re: Howie, you're out of here, blow a kiss to San Francisco.
Da: Oh, that was sweet. Come back any time, Mr. Anderson.
    We'll be back with some real guests, so don't go away.
Je: Oh, Michelle. Jeseph, it looks like our girl,
    Michelle's got her very first crush.
Jo: You mean that, Michelle? You really like Howie?
Mi: Nice boy.
end up  結局〜になる、最後には〜することになる
visit with おしゃべりする
shameless  恥知らずな、不謹慎な
crush  夢中、ほれこみ、片思い


St: This thing is broken.
DJ: There. It's fixed.
St: Good. 'cause it's yours.
Ki: I got it. The all-time monster classic, "The Wolf Man"
DJ: All right.
St: All right.
DJ: All wrong. You're not gonna watch this movie with us.
St: Yes, I am. It's my house, too.
DJ: This is too scary for you, and this conversation is over.
| 「反論は一切ダメ!」という感じですね。
St: We'll see about that. Uncle Jesse. Uncle Jesse.
Ki: She's such a tattletale.
St: I am not. I'm telling you said that.
Je: What's all the ruckus in here?
St: They say I can't watch "The Wolf Man".
Je: Wow, The Wolf Man, this is a great flick.
    This guy's got a scarier hair than Don King.
St: I've got to see this movie.
DJ: You're too young. Remember when you watched "The Blob"?
    You wouldn't go near jell-o for a month.
St: So? I watched "the Wizard of Oz" and I wasn't afraid of
    the Wicked Witch of the West. Na na na... See? I'm cool.
Re: Jess, maybe she should wait till she's a little older.
Je: Come on, they can handle it.
    The key to watching the wolf man is to know that
    he's just a regular guy who gets a little cranky when the moon comes out. 
    He gets.. I'm slamming myself.
Ki: You'll be sorry. The Wolf Man is gonna scare you big time.
St: If you don't scare me, nothing will.
DJ: Sorry.
Re: Jess, I don't think that Stephanie is old enough to watch "The Wolf Man".
Je: Come on, it's just a fun little monster movie.
Re: What's fun about a guy with a lot of hair who bites people?
Je: Come here, I'll show you.
Re: Jess, are you telling me that you would let your own kids
    watch anything they wanted.
Je: Well, I'll make sure little Dustin knows the difference between
    the real and make-believe.
Re: Yes, but what if.. Dustin? You would name a kid Dustin?
Je: Yeah, you got a better name?
Re: I sure do. Emily.
Je: No son of ours is gonna be called Emily.
Re: Our daughter's name is Emily. Our son's name is Prescott.
Je: Prescott? May as well name'im Emily. Our son is gonna be called Dustin.
Re: Prescott.
Je: Dustin.
Re: Prescott.
Je: Dus.. When did we have a kid?
Re: I don't know. I'm sorry I missed it.
Je: Uh.. God! I'm embarrassed.
Re: Oh, boy. I make you a deal.
    We won't name our kids until we've been dating at least three months.
Je: Oh, that's a fair deal.
Re: Deal.
Je: Deal.
tattletale  告げ口屋, おしゃべり
ruckus 《米俗》騒動、大騒ぎ
flick  映画
Don(ald) King《米国のボクシングプロモーター; Mike Tyson のプロモーターとして知られ, 独特の逆立った髪型でも有名》
Wicked Witch of the West  西の(国の)悪い魔女 《Wizard of Oz の登場人物; 邪悪な片目の魔法使い》
cranky 気短な、気難しい
may as well do 〜したがよろしい


Je: This is gonna get all fast.(?) You ready?
Mi: Yeah.
Je: There you go. Now, come on, Michelle.
    You know what I love more than anything in this whole wide world?
    That is to see you smile. Now, come on,
    give me one of those famous Michelle smiles, please.
Mi: Howie.
Je: Kid, I know you miss your friend, Howie, but don't forget
    about you family who loves you like crazy right here.
    Remember all the good times we had together.
    I'm gonna sing that song I ** wrote for you, okay?
Mi: Okay.
Je: Okay, let me sing it for you, alright? Alright.
Michelle's at home. It gets a pouring. / It gets so pouring.
She doesn't know what worry is.
She's safe and warm and she's not sorry.
She doesn't know what sorry is.
Michelle's smiling. Michelle's smiling. Michelle's smiling.

Michelle's smiling...

The news is on and Michelle's laughing.
Can't make sense of what the pictures show.
She knows no fear. She keeps on laughing.
If we could only know what Michelle knows.
Michelle's smiling. Michelle's smiling. Michelle's smiling.

Mi: Yeah.
Je: Oh, there you go. That's a girl.
Mi: Where Howie?


Re: Jess, where are you?
Je: I'm coming. I'm coming.
DJ: How's Michelle doing?
Je: Ah, the poor kid's got a broken heart.
Re: I have a tape here that might help.
Je: Let's watch the tape.
Re: Watch this, Michelle.
Mi: Howie!
Ho: Hi, Michelle.
Mi: Hi, Howie.
Ho: How are you?
Mi: I'm fine.
Ho: I miss you.
Mi: Me, too.
Je: Oh, now, that's the smile I was singing about, kid.
Jo: Well, Becky, you might be on a something here, Fisher-Price, "Video dating".
Re: We made it last night at the airport.
    I just thought these two would make great video pals.
DJ: This is weird. I mean I know Michelle is only two, but she's acting like 
    a real person. I guess you're never too young to need a friend.
St: Our little Michelle is growing up.
Re: Well, maybe it's time to put her in a play group with kids her own age.
Da: It's a great idea.
    At least she'll have some friends with the same zip code.
Je: I'm so impressed with you. I mean..
    You're right on about everything, you were right about the monster movie.
    You came up with the idea to make a tape for Michelle.
    You'll make a great mom.
Re: Thanks. You already are one.
Mi: Hawie again.
Jo: Michelle, you just saw Hawie.
Mi: Hawie, Hawie, Hawie,..
Da: Hey, why don't we watch a little HTV, "All Howie, All the Time".

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