第39話 大どろぼうステフ!?  原題:Little Shop Of Sweaters


Je: What are you doing, eating with your hands?
    Now, someday you're gonna be invited to the White House
    to eat fruit cocktail with the president.
    And if you eat with your fingers, there's very good chance
    you're gonna gross out the commander in chief.
    Now, you eat with the spoon, alright?
Mi: No, thank you.
Je: No, thank you. Michelle, grab that spoon, and eat.
    Okay. But you're on your own when the soup comes, young lady?
    I see you, I see you that you sneak it off with your hands. I see you...
gross out 《俗》 むかむかさせる、うんざりさせる、あきれさせる
commander in chief 最高司令官
be on one's own 一人で、一人で〜する、独力で


St: DJ, what's wrong?
DJ: Don't ask.
St: It's too late, I've already asked. Hey, where is your new sweater?
DJ: Right here, and here, and here.
St: What happened? Did it blow up?
DJ: I was so stupid. I was playing soccer at recess,
    and I took my sweater off so I wouldn't get all sweaty, next thing
    I know the gardener drives the stupid lawn mower right over my sweater.
St: Daddy's gonna freak out.
DJ: Not if my plan works.
Ki: Have no fear, Kimmy Gibbler is here.
St: If she is part of your plan, you need a new plan.
DJ: No, I need a new sweater. My plan is to go back to the store and buy one.
Ki: Here's eleven dollars and eighty cents. It's all the money I have.
DJ: Oh, Kimmy, you're the best friend in the whole world.
Ki: OK, here's the other five dollars.
DJ: Well, I have twenty seven dollars in my
    I-gotta-get-a-car-the-day-I-turn-sixteen fund.
St: You can have all the money in the piggy bank, too.
DJ: Great.
St: Just turn around and shut your eyes. It's in my secret hiding place.
DJ: Steph, we're in a hurry. Just get it out of the toy chest, and let's go.
St: That's just the old secret hiding place, I don't keep it there anymore.
    Just turn around and shut your eyes.
blow up 爆発する、破裂する、粉々になる、だめにする
recess 休み時間、休憩
get sweaty 汗をかく
gardener 植木屋
freak out 怒る
chest たんす、収納箱


DJ: Thanks for the ride, Joey. We'll be done in ten about minutes.
Jo: OK. I'm gonna go down to the one-hour photo store
    and watch people's vacations go by. Bye girls.
Ev: Bye.
DJ: Oh, here it is. Oh, it's so pretty, it's so perfect,
    it's so in one piece, it's so.. Eighty dollars?
W1: Hi, may I help you girls?
DJ: Uh.. Yes. By any chance, will this sweater be going on sale soon,
    like in the next ten minutes?
W1: No, I'm sorry.
DJ: Well, we only have forty three dollars and eighty cents.
St: Plus.. three hundred and twenty two pennies in cash.
W1: I'm sorry you're a little short.
St: I can't help it. I'm only six.
DJ: That's it. I'm gonna have to tell Joey, Uncle Jesse, and Dad 
    that I turned their beautiful Valentine's day present into
    eighty dollars' worth of royal blue dishrags.
Ki: That's too bad. But as long as we're here, let's try stuff on.
St: Excuse me ma'am.
W1: Yes?
St: Is this sign true? I can buy something now and pay for it later?
W1: Why, yes, people buy now and pay later all the time.
    It's called "credit".
St: (Did you) hear that, Mr. Bear? I can buy DJ's sweater now,
    and when I save up enough money. I can pay for it later.
DJ: Come on, Steph. Let's go find Joey.
St: OK.
W1: Oh, excuse me, ma'am? I need to look inside your bag.
Ki: I hate shoplifters. They drive up the prices for everyone.
DJ: Thanks for the ride, Joey.
Jo: You're welcome. You know, girls, I'm still amazed that three of you 
    went into a mall for twenty minutes, and not one of you bought a thing.
Ki: We were practicing our browsing.
Jo: You know, Kimmy.
    One day you're gonna make some lucky young men very confused.
DJ: Great. How am I gonna tell everybody about the sweater?
St: You don't have to. Tada! 
DJ: Stephanie, how did you pay for that sweater?
St: I didn't have to. The lady said I could buy now and pay later.
    So I took it for you. You're welcome.
DJ: Oh, Stephanie.
St: What's wrong?
Ki: You ripped it off.
St: No, I didn't. It's wrong to steal.
DJ: Look, Stephanie. I know you were trying to help me.
    But you took the sweater without paying.
St: That's called credit.
DJ: Well, if you don't have a credit card, it's called shoplifting.
St: It is?
Ki: I've got to get out of here. If the police ever connect me with this crime,
    I might be banned from the mall forever.
St: I'm a criminal? I broke the law? DJ, I'm scared.
    I don't want to go to jail.
in one piece 壊れないで、無事に、無傷で
penny  1セント銅貨
dishrag ふきん
shoplift 万引きする
rip off 〜を盗む、奪う
ban 禁止する

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