第38話 D.J.のリトルロマンス  原題:A Little Romance


Men: Good night, my love. Doowah.
     Pleasant dreams, sleep tight, my love. Doowah.
     May tomorrow be sunny and bright. And bring you closer to me.
     Do do do do.... wah...
Mi:  Doowah.


St: Okay, grandpa, the name of the game is seven-card stud.
    But this time only sixes, nines, twos, kings and one-eyed jacks are wild.
Mi: Bingo.
St: Wrong game, Michelle.
DJ: Come on, guys. You don't wanna be late. Let's go.
Jo: Okay...
Da: I'm so glad this isn't around.(?)
St: Wow, you guys look so handsome.
Men: Nah.
DJ: Okay, bye.
Da: What's the big rush? We have to wait for Rebecca.
St: DJ doesn't want you meet her new boyfriend, Michael.
JJ: Ooh..
Da: I thought Michael was coming over to do homework.
    Since when was he your boyfriend?
DJ: Since Tuesday at lunch.
St: Did you mention he also gave you a bracelet?
JJ: Ooh..
DJ: Dad, if it's Michael, promise you won't embarrass me.
Da: Me?
DJ: Be Rebecca, be Rebecca. Hi, Michael. Let's go do our homework.
Da: Hello, Michael. I'm Mr. Tanner, DJ's father.
DJ: Dad.
Je: Hu.. I'll get it.
DJ: Come on, Michael. Now's our chance.
Je: Have mercy.
Re: Well, Jess, you cleaned up real nice. Oh, three of you look so handsome.
Men: Nah.
Re: Ahh. Come on, let's go.
Je: Alright, see you later.
Da: Bye-bye. Have fun...
St: Bye. See you later. Have fun.
    I'll see your two Flintstones stickers and raise you three Hello Kitties.
Ni: I call. Seven Queens. Beat that.
| 「Seven Queens だ。どうだ!敵わないだろう?」
St: Seven Aces.
Mi: Bingo.
seven-card stud セブンカードスタッド 《ポーカーの一種》
wild  【トランプ】自由札, 鬼札
bracelet ブレスレット、腕輪
raise 《ポーカーなどで》 …より多く賭ける, 〈人の賭け金を〉せり上げる
call 持ち札を見せるよう請求する


Mi: No way.
DJ: Really.
Mi: No way.
DJ: I swear my dad was alive when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Mi: No way. It's in our history book.
DJ: He said.
Mi: Amazing. Well, I've got to get home.
DJ: So I'll see you at lunch tomorrow?
Mi: I can't.
DJ: Why not?
Mi: I promised Kathy Santony I'd sit with her tomorrow.
DJ: Kathy Santony? You can't eat lunch with Kathy Santony.
    Everybody will say you're boyfriend and girlfriend.
Mi: Maybe.
DJ: But I thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend.
Mi: Yeah, well, you're real nice and fun, and smart. But Kathy Santony is 
    so pretty. Thanks for helping me with my homework. I've got to go.

St: Hi, DJ. How come your boyfriend left so soon?
DJ: I don't have a boyfriend.
St: Uh oh. Did he dump you?
DJ: We broke up. Just forget it. I want to be alone. Here's your 
    sleeping bag, pajamas, and your pillow. Go sleep with Michelle.
St: But.. But.. But.. Aren't you forgetting something? How rude!


Ni: Hi, Michelle. You got a roommate, isn't that fun?
Mi: Shhh... Stephanie, night-night.
Ni: I'll try keep it down.
Mi: Wake up.


Da: Sold for three hundred dollars. Well, congratulations Jeff.
    Who would've guessed that something this wonderful would happen
    to you on your first day of parole. Just kidding.
    And now ladies, feast your eyes on bachelor No. 10.
    For an evening of dinner and dancing at Louise's(?) two weeks from now,
    Mr. Joey Gladstone. The bidding starts at one hundred dollars.
    I have a hundred, do I have one fifty? One fifty, do I see two hundred?
    Two hundred. Two hundred dollars. Ladies, I don't think you understand
    that we have here. This man's a comic, he does impressions.
    (If) you buy him, you buy a date with anyone your fantasies desire.
    Tom Selleck, Arnold Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone.
    Oh, two hundred dollars, do I have two fifty?
    Two fifty, do I see three hundred? Three hundred.
W1: Three hundred.
Da: Three hundred dollars going once, going twice.
    Sold for three hundred dollars to the woman with a bird on her hat.
W1: Hi, handsome.
Jo: Hi, uh.. I guess I'm your date. Nice bird.
W1: Oh you're not for me, honey.
    You're a little gift for my granddaughter. Oh, Heather.
W2: Hi, he's cute. Thanks grandma.
Jo: Yeah, thanks grandma.
Da: And that brings us to bachelor No. 12.
Re: Oh, wait a minute. It seems that Danny has conveniently forgotten 
    that he is bachelor number 11. Ladies, Mr. Danny Tanner, he is my 
    co-host on "Wake up San Francisco", he's a **********.
    Look. He can change colors. He is turning red before our eyes.
    Here you go, go get'em, tiger.
Da: Uh.. Alright. Now, remember this is for a very good cause.
    Oh, uh.. now our date includes dinner, so at least you'll get some food.
    Hey! I got a bid, a hundred dollars. Oh, bless you Miss.
    Oh, thank you, thank you. I got another bid, a hundred and fifty.
    Oh, thank you so much, I'm hot. I'm happy. OK, two hundred.
    Anybody two hundred dollars?  Don't stop now. Ladies, I can go all night.
    No, I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was, uh..
    sold for a hundred fifty dollars to the lady with a bird on her hat.
    Do you have another granddaughter?
W1: Oh, no, sweety. You're for me. We're gonna boogie all all night long.
Da: I'll take a nap that day. OK, it's time now for bachelor No. 12,
    Mr. Jesse Katsopolis. Come on, Jesse. Jesse's an up-and-coming
    advertising jingle writer, he is a musician, and..
W3: Will you just get on with the bidding?
Da: Right. Do I have a hundred dollars? Ooh, stupid question.
    Uh, two hundred. Three hundred.
W3: I bid one thousand dollars.
Da: What do you think of that, Jesse?
Je: Thousand dollars for a night with me? No pressure there.
Da: Thousand dollars going once, going twice.
Re: Eleven hundred.
Je: Eleven hundred?
W3: Twelve hundred.
Re: Thirteen hundred.
W3: Fourteen hundred.
Re: Seventeen hundred dollars.
Da: All right. How about eighteen hundred? Anybody?
W3: Take'im. I could never explain eighteen hundred dollars to my husband.
Da: Sold to Rebecca Donaldson for one thousand seven hundred dollars.
parole 《米》仮出所、仮釈放
feast one's eyes 目の保養をする、目を慰める、目を楽しませる
bachelor 独身の男性
bid (競売・入札で物に)値をつける、入札する
conveniently 都合よく
boogie ブギを踊る、ダンスする(dance)
up-and-coming 有望な、成功が期待できる

ベッキーが DJ を慰めているところ。

Re: DJ?
St: Oh, good. My room is open.
Re: DJ, it's just Becky. Do you wanna come out so we can a talk?
St: (I) forgot my stuff.
Re: Come on, sweetheart, let's go in your room.
St: Sorry, Mr. Bear. You've had a rough night.
DJ: Becky, there's nothing to talk about.
    I'm ugly, boys don't like me, and that's it.
Re: DJ, that's not true. You happen to be a very pretty girl.
    But I know how you feel. When I was on the seventh grade,
    I had the biggest crush on Stefan Anderson.
    But he liked blondes, so I got a big bottle of peroxide.
DJ: Did it work?
Re: It turned my hair orange. I looked like Howdy Doody in a miniskirt.
DJ: Howdy who?
Re: Anyway, my mother said, "Don't you worry about what a boyfriend or 
    anybody else thinks of you. You just be the best Becky you can be."
    and then she made me stand there and list all my good points.
DJ: You're not gonna make me do that, are you?
Re: Yes, I am. Now go on. Try it.
DJ: Well, pretty good at school, I have a lot of friends,
    I have a purple belt on karate, I'm nice to animals, I have great hair.
Re: You see? You know what? Those are just a few of the wonderful things
    about you. Deej, that boy blew it. You are the best.
DJ: Thanks Becky.
Re: You are welcome.
DJ: Do you think I'll have another boyfriend?
Re: Oh, you'll have lots of boyfriends, and some will break your heart.
    And if I'm not mistaking, you'll probably break a few hearts yourself.
    It'll be great. And then someday, when you're least expected,
    you'll meet that one special guy. And before you know it,
    you'll be paying seventeen hundred dollars to go out on a date with him.
DJ: I don't understand.
Re: Neither do I. But you're feeling better?
DJ: Yeah, I guess.
Re: Good.
DJ: Becky, would it be alright if I called you sometime to talk?
    About girls' stuff.
Re: Anytime you want.
DJ: Thanks.
Re: You're welcome.
DJ: You go on. I'll handle this.
peroxide 過酸化物(脱色剤)
Howdy Doody  「ハウディ・ドゥーディ」 《米国の子供向けテレビ番組 (1947-60)
            架空の町 Doodyville でサーカスを経営する赤毛でそばかすだらけの
            カウボーイ姿の少年 Howdy Doody が主人公の人形劇》

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