第37話 タナー家のクリスマス  原題:Our Very First Christmas Show


Je: Alright, here we go. Let's go, Danny.
Da: Okay, This is for our Christmas card.
    Everybody look merry, peaceful and joyous.
    Here we go. Everyone, say Christmas cheese.
EV: Christmas cheese.
Je: Hold it. No, no, no, no.. Come on. Here we go.
Da: Smile!
joyous とても嬉しい


St: Operator, if Santa's not listed, then give me the number for Mrs. Claus.
    Hello? Hello? How rude! Somebody do something.
    I can't get Santa on the phone. He'll never never find me here.
DJ: I'll handle this. I know how to talk to kids. Come here, shrimp/shrew.(?)
Ma: Excuse me, uh.. Is your tribe sitting here?
Jo: Yeah, why?
Ma: Well, then I'm sitting way over here.
Ni: Look at Rebecca over there. She looks miserable. Now's your chance.
Je: Pap, what are you talking about?
Ni: She needs comforting. Time of crises always bring people together.
    Trust me. I met your mother the day Elvis got drafted. 
Je: Pap, that's taking advantage. I.. It might work.
Je: Hi, Becky, how are you doing?
Re: Oh, I'm doing OK, Jess.
    It's just that moving to San Francisco's kind of made me homesick.
    I was really looking forward to spending Christmas with my family.
    Ten of us, kids gathered around a big turkey.
    This was my year for a drumstick.
Je: Well, I'm sure my parents would like think of you as part of my family.
Re: It's been so long since I've seen everyone.
    You know, my little brother says Janis is really blossomed. 
Je: Is your Janis your sister?
Re: No, my cow. I'm gonna call home again. Excuse me.
Ni: What happened?
Je: She wanted to call her cow.
Da: Joey, where is the bag with the presents?
Jo: I don't know. It hasn't come in yet.
Da: They lost the bag with the presents? Joey, what are we gonna do?
Jo: Uh.. Maybe we should look for it.
Da: You are so good under pressure.
DJ: And tomorrow morning when you wake up,
    I guarantee you the roller skates you asked for will be here.
St: How can you be sure?
DJ: Rudolf, the red nose reindeer, will find you because his nose is radar.
St: All these years, I've thought it was just a headlight.
shrimp  《口》 [derog.] ちび, 取るに足らない者
shrew 《動》トガリネズミ、口やかましい女
tribe 一族
miserable 惨めな、悲惨な、不幸な、憂鬱な
comfort 〜を慰める、安心させる、元気づける
draft 徴兵召集する
drumstick 鶏の脚の下半分

Da: Any luck finding the bag with the presents?
Jo: Nothing yet.
Da: This is horrible.
St: Daddy, Daddy. Good news. DJ Explained it.
    Santa will get here with the presents because Rudolf has red nose radar.
Da: Uh, Stephanie, uh, you know, red nose radar does not always work
    in real heavy snow.
St: Are you saying Santa is not coming?
Da: Well, if he doesn't make it here,
    I'm sure he will find you in couple of days.
St: But it's not the same. It won't be Christmas morning.
DJ: Dad, what were you thinking?
    I had her all cheered up, and then you bomb her off big time.(?)
Da: DJ, I think you're old enough to hear the truth.
    The airline lost our bag with the Christmas presents.
DJ: Why? No presents? You mean they have lost my new CD player?
Da: How did you know you were getting a CD player?
DJ: Did I say "CD player"?
Da: Yes, that's exactly what you just said.
DJ: Well, it doesn't matter. I'm not getting it anyway. Stephanie was right.
    We should've never gone on this trip . This is the worst Christmas ever.
Da: This is not going well. Any ideas?

Mi: Kitty.
Jo: Ho, ho, ho.
St: Santa Claus, you found me.
Jo: Merry Christmas.
Ev: Merry Christmas.
Be: Who is that?
Je: Santa Claus.
Jo: Sit on my knee, Stephanie.
St: You know my name.
Jo: Well, I know when you're sleeping, I know you when you're awake,
    I know if you've been bad or good. So, why are you so surprised?
St: I tried so hard to be good this year.
Jo: Well, I know that you've been cleaning your room, and making your bed.
St: Hot for the corners.(?)
Jo: I also know that you ate that last slice of cold pizza that
    Joey was saving for breakfast.
St: You do know everything.
Jo: I also know that you've been very kind to your family and friends.
    Little girls like you make the world a lot better place.
Ir: Come on, let's go see Santa Claus.
Jo: Come here, little girl. Ho, ho, ho, Michelle.
Mi: Ho, ho, ho, Joey.
St: No, Michelle, that's not Joey. That's Santa Claus. See? It is Joey.
Jo: No. I.. I'm Santa Claus. Why, people all over the world come up to 
    me and say, "Aren't you Joey Gladstone?"
St: What a mean trick.
Da: Uh, Stephanie, wait. Uh, Santa can't be everywhere at once,
    so Joey is one of Santa's helpers.
Jo: I cover all the airports.
St: No, you don't. And don't try to make me feel better.
    I'm going back to my phone booth.

Ir: Poor kid.
Ni: What a rotten Christmas!
DJ: Presents are lost.
Jo: I broke Stephanie's heart.
DJ: Presents are lost.
Re: I won't see my family on Christmas, or my cow.
DJ: Did I mention the presents are lost?
Da: It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me we'd be spending Christmas at home
    instead of in a baggage-claim.
Je: What's the matter with you people? First Christmas was in a manger,
    they did OK. I mean, so what if we're stuck in this crummy dump.
    Christmas isn't about presents, or Santa Claus, or cows.
    It's about our feeling. It's about, It's about people.
    It's about us forgetting about our problems and reaching out to help
    other people. Christmas doesn't have to happen in one certain place.
    It happens in our hearts. So, if you think about it,
    we can have Christmas anywhere, I mean, even in a baggage-claim.
    DJ, what do you see right there?
DJ: Coatrack?
Je: No, I see a big beautiful Christmas tree.
Je: Joseph, what do you see back there?
Jo: Vending machine.
Je: No, I see a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.
Je: Pap, what do you see back there?
Ni: Conveyer belt.
Je: No. I see.. OK, yes, that's a conveyer belt.
    But the point I'm trying to make here is that we can give these kids
    the best darn Christmas they ever had. And, you know why?
    'cause outside the snow is falling.. and friends are calling "Yoo hoo".
    Come on, outside the snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoo hoo"..
Jo: Yoo hoo.
Da: Yoo hoo.
Je: And, now it's lovey...  (Sleigh Ride)
rotten 不愉快な
manger 飼い葉桶
crummy 低俗な、下等な、価値のない
coatrack 洋服掛け
vending machine 自動販売機
trimming 飾り、装飾

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