第36話 ママの思い出  原題:Goodbye, Mr. Bear


Mi: Baby, baby, baby...
Je: Heh heh...
Mi: You sing.
Je: Oh, Michelle. That sounds great.
    I mean that's your song. You made it up. You keep singing it.
Mi: Please.
Je: Alright, if you really want me to sing your song. Baby, baby, baby...
Mi: Stop. My turn. Baby, baby, baby..
Je: Hey, you wrote it. You know how to sing it.
Mi: Baby, baby, baby...


Da: Well, Michelle, my kitchen is immaculate.
    How are you doing with your kitchen?
Mi: Dirt gone.
Da: Yes, dirt gone. But never forget dirt come back.
    Oops, some dirt came back right there. Daddy will get it.
Je: Yo, Danny. Oh. You waxed the counter?
Da; And you just buffed it. Thanks Jess.
Je: I'm all finished cleaning, man. I even hosed down the hose.
    Everything is perfect.. Did I say perfect?
Da: You broke off the handle. You just ruined my kitchen.
Je: Don't worry. I'll take care of it. I'll get a new one.
    Next time you see this kitchen, it'll be back to perfect.
    Come on, Michelle, you wanna go for a ride in the car?
Mi: Car dirty.
Da: I hope you're proud of yourself.
St: Daddy, Daddy. Have you seen Mr. Bear? I can't find him anywhere.
Da: Steph, I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Maybe, Joey's seen him.
St: If you see Mr. Bear before I do. Tell him he's in very big trouble.
Da: I'll give him the message.
DJ: Come on, Dad, let's go. We're gonna be late for my karate match.
Da: DJ, just a minute. Joey, is the living room ready for an inspection?
Jo: Yes, you neurotic compulsiveness.
Da: Well, this might look beautiful to the naked eye.
    But let's see if it passes the Tanner test for tidiness.
Jo: Yes, Danny. I cleaned all the logs in the fireplace.
    I know how crazy you get about burning dirty wood.
Da: Life doesn't get any better than this.
DJ: Oh, Dad. Let's go. Christmas is over.
Da: Boy, I hate to leave.
Jo: Don't worry Danny. I'll stand guard here in case any dust tries to settle.
    Oh, I felt so good.
immaculate 大変清潔な、きちんと片づいた、汚れていない
buff (バフで)みがく
hose down ホースで水をかける
be in trouble 叱られる、罰せられる
inspection 検査、視診、点検
neurotic ノイローゼの、神経過敏な
compulsive 病みつきの、強迫感にとらわれた人
naked eye 肉眼、裸眼
fireplace 暖炉
stand guard 立ち番をする、警備する、見張る


St: Please, please, I looked everywhere, I'm telling you. He was kidnapped.
Po: Slow down. Everything's gonna be OK. Now, who was kidnapped?
St: My best friend in the whole world, Mr. Bear.
Po: Let me get some information. Now, does Mr. Bear have a first name?
St: Teddy. He's exactly this tall, brown hat, gray trench coat, brown snout.
Po: Is Mr. Bear.., he is a stuffed animal, isn't he?
St: Well, technically.
Je: You called the police 'cause I messed up your kitchen?
    I swear, Officer, what happened was the design was discontinued, right?
    So, I put a new thing, I'm drilling new holes, thing breaks,
    I'm shaving the deal when he walks in.
Da: Jesse, I didn't call up police. Officer, what's the problem?
Po: This little girl flagged me down to report a missing bear,
    brown hat, gray trench coat brown snout.
Jo: Steph, I think I know what might have happened. I may have
    accidentally put Mr. Bear in the bag of toys that we gave to charity.
    I tried to track him down, but they've already given away.
St: You gave away Mr. Bear? Officer, arrest this man.
Jo: Steph, I'm really sorry.
St: How could you do this to me?
DJ: Steph, how many of those posters are you gonna make?
St: I'm gonna put one on every telephone pole in America.
    I've got to find Mr. Bear.
DJ: Steph, why don't we try talking about something else besides Mr. Bear.
St: OK, let's talk about Joey. Why did he give away Mr. Bear?
DJ: Don't blame Joey. Accidents happen.
    Like, remember the time you lost my pillow person? He was so cute.
    He had dangling arms and legs. I was mad at for you losing it,
    and but then I got over it. I grew up. I moved on.
St: I found your pillow person under my mattress.
DJ: My Pillow Person! Oh, I thought I would never see you again.
    I mean.. what a pleasant surprise.
Jo: Hi, girls. Steph, I feel terrible about this Mr. Bear thing.
    So, any way I can make it up to you?
St: Do you remember what Mr. Bear looked like?
Jo: Yeah, sure.
St: Then grab a crayon.
Jo: Pass me a brown.
kidnap 誘拐する
snout 鼻
stuffed animal 動物の剥製
technically 厳密に言うと
discontinue 中止する、廃止する、中断する
flag down 旗を振って[合い図して]〜を止める、停止させる
dangle つきまとう、ぶら下がる


Da: Steph, I know you miss Mr. Bear,
    but it's not like you are all alone in the world. You still got us.
St: I guess so.
Je: Alright, that's it, young lady. I'm tired of this moping around.
    Now, you come out here, and you lay one of those killer smiles on me,
    OK? Come on.
Da: Steph, a real smile. Mr. Bear would want you to be happy,
    because that's the kind of bear he was, right?
Jo: And wherever Mr. Bear went,
    I'm sure he's bringing happiness to some other kid.
St: That's true. He was very good at that.
    He's been making me happy since I met him.
DJ: I remember the exact day, it was when Mom came home from the hospital
    with our new baby sister, Michelle.
Da: That's right. She gave DJ a charm bracelet, she gave you Mr. Bear.
Jo: Oh, so, that's why Mr. Bear is important to you
    because it was a present from mom, huh?
St: Oh, yeah. I forgot Mom gave me Mr. Bear.
    That must be why I love him so much.
DJ: You know, after Mom died, I could remember everything about her,
    how she looked, her voice, the way her perfume smelled. She used to
    sing to us at bedtime. Now it's getting harder and harder to remember.
St: Daddy, am I ganna forget all about my mama?
Da: No, honey. Listen, at first after the car accident,
    we talked about your mom all the time, but lately, well..
Jo: You know, maybe the reason we haven't talked about your mom in a while is 
    because we're afraid we'd bring all that pain back again.
Da: Maybe so. 
Je: You know what, girls? You know, what I do when I start to miss Pam
    and I'm feeling sad and stuff? I just think about all the good times.
    That's she was a great sister. I remember my first junior high school
    dance, right? Thanks to John Travolta, I had to get a white suite and
    learn how to do the Hustle. She worked with me the whole weekend,
    forty-eight hours of dancing to disco inferno.
    She must have really loved me, God, I loved her.
Jo: Your mom had that great laugh, it was contagious.
    Every time I'd worked on some material, I'd bring her down to the club,
    use to set her right in a front row. Pretty soon, she'd start laughing,
    then she'd have the whole place cracking up.
Je: Those were great.
St: I remember her laugh. Like every time we sang that silly song with Mom.
DJ: Oh, yeah. "On top of spaghetti,
DS: All covered with cheese, I lost my poor meat ball,
    when somebody sneezed." Achoo!
Da: You See? You girls don't ever have to worry about forgetting your mom,
    because you can think about those happy times whenever you want.
Je: That's right. See, the key thing is just to keep those happy 
    memories of Palm in our hearts. That way she'll always be with us.
Da; You know, another thing that helps me remember, I see so much of Pam
    in you three girls. DJ, everything you do, you try to be the best at.
    That's just like your mom.
St: What about me?
Jo: Well, you know how you get so excited about everything?
St: Yeah, yeah.
Da: That's exactly like your mom.
St: All right.
Je: Hey, let's not forget little Michelle.
    Every time I see this kid giggle, I think of Pam.
St: It's good that we remember Mommy,
    'cause we have to tell Michelle what she was like.
Je: You know what I'm thinking, girls?
    It's been a long time since we watched those home movies of Danny's.
    What do you say, you guys wanna go look, huh?
DJ: Yeah, let's go watch 'em.
St: Can we do it now?
Da: Are you kidding? If spring cleaning is my Christmas,
    home movies are my New Year's Eve.
inferno 地獄、地獄のような場所
contagious 移りやすい、伝染性の
crack up ゲラゲラ笑い出す

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