第35話 娘の先生は情熱的  原題:El Prolema Grande De D.J.


DJ: That's mine. You already had two.
St: One of mine was broken. It didn't count.
DJ: Listen, Stephanie Judith.
St: I'm listening, Donna Jo Margaret.
Mi: Stop it. Be nice.
DJ: Okay, you can have the cookie.
St: No, it's your cookie.
Mi: My cookie.
DJ: You know who she reminds me of? You.


St: We've got a root beer. Boys, my report card is awesome.
Je: Alright.
Jo: Way to go, Steph.
St: Three As, a B, and a B-.
Je: Oh, I wish I'd got the grades like that,
    I stayed after school so often people thought I was the janitor.
Da: Steph, these are terrific grades. But your teacher wrote here, 
    "Stephanie is a wonderful student, but she needs to control
    her talking in class."
St: Dad, it's not my fault. Kids are always asking me for help. 
    And who can blame them? Check out these grades.
Jo: Steph, if you're always talking during class,
    you might miss out on something really important.
Je: Yeah, like recess, or reading and writing, and fundamental things.
Da: Steph, you have to stop being such a little chatterbox.
St: So, my own family thinks I'm a chatterbox? How rude!
Da: Steph..
St: No, no. It's fine. From now on, this little chatter box is all locked up.
DJ: Dad, you've got to do something. Lesten to my report card.
    It's so unfair. A, A, A, A, A..
Jo: How dare they! This is an outrage.
DJ: You didn't hear my Spanish grade.. D.
Da: A D, in Spanish? 
Jo: Que pasa?
DJ: Ha? Senorita Mosely hates me. I don't know why, but she just does.
Ki: She loves me, I got a C.
Je: Hold it. You got a C in Spanish, and DJ got a D?
Ki: Hey, man, I saw La Bamba five times.
Da: Six As and one D. Something is wrong here.
    I think I'll have a talk with your teacher.
DJ: Thanks, Dad. I knew I could count on you.
Jo: You know, DJ. One day you're gonna be very happy if you can 
    speak a second language. It always comes in handy.
Je: Oh, excuse me, Mr. Berlitz? What other languages do you speak?
Jo: Well, it just so happens that I speak several. I'm fluent in Frog.
    Let's see, I studied Moose, at what's the matter U.
    And I speak just a smattering of Sailor. Ka, Ka, Ka,... Wow.
janitor 管理人、門番、用務員
recess 休み時間、休憩、休み
chatterbox おしゃべり
outrage 激怒、侵害、踏みにじること、非道、暴力
senorita お嬢さま, スペインの未婚婦人
smattering 生かじり、生かじりの知識


Je: All right, the lighting is a little harsh. Can you turn it down, please?
    You're starting to toast my marshmallows. Thank you very much, nice kid,
    don't change. All right, you see, yeah.
Ir: Look at our son.
Ni: Such a big shot now.
Ir: Seems like just yesterday I diapered this little tushie.
Je: Mom. Please leave(?) my tushie. I have to work with these people, huh?
    What are you guys doing here?
Ir: Oh, you asked us to pick up Michelle.
Je: Yes. It's six o'clock. It's only four, Mother.
Ir: Oh, are we early?
Ni: Irene, you have a camera around your neck, you're not fooling anybody.
Ir: OK, OK. We came to see Michelle. Where is our little superstar?
Jo: Step aside, please. Make way for Miss Tanner.
Mi: Hey, babe.
Jo: Hey, babe. I told you you'd get a laugh with that. No, please.
    No autographs. Miss Tanner can't write.
Ni: Look at this little cutie pie. She's like.. Irene, who's that red-haird I
    like the girl on Gilligan's Island? Not Mary Anne, the movie star.
Ir: Tina Louise.
Ni: That's right. She is a teeny-tiny Tina.
Ir: Look at the little tushie.
Je: Mother, do you have to grab everyone's tushie?
    Come on. All right, here we go our little angle.
    OK, what you do is sit up here in the marshmallows.. Ma!
Ma: Stand by everyone.
Je: Stand by everyone.
Ma: We are almost ready.
Jo: OK, ready.
Ma: Make Marshmallow magic.
Je: That's it. Marshmallow magic.
Jo: OK, Michelle. Let's show Mr. Malatesta just how we practiced it.
Mi: No more.
Jo: This is just how she warms up.
Je: That's right, she throws one first. Meryl Streep's same technique.
Jo: OK, Michelle. Remember, Yummy in the tummy.
Mi: Yucky.
Jo: It sounded like she said Yucky.
Mi: Tummy full.
Je: Well, see, what's happened, sir,.. she's rehearsed all day.
    She went through a whole bag of these.
Ma: Oh, hey, I understand. It happens. Dump the baby.
    See if you can get me that  baby from the dog food commercial.
Je: Sir, let her digest.
Ni: Is this guy crazy? This is the next Tina Louise.
Ir: Nicky, let me talk to him. I can be nice.
Je: Mother, that's my boss. Don't touch his tushie.
Jo: Oh, Michelle. You were terrific. We just let you eat too many marshmallows.
    Now, don't take this personally, you're fired.
Mi: You are fired.
Jo: No, you're fire
Mi: No, you.
Jo: No, you.
Mi: No.
Jo: No. Give me a kiss. You're still fired.
harsh 厳しい、苛酷な、不快な
tushie 尻
teeny 小さな、ちっちゃな【類】tiny
tummy 《幼児語》おなか、ポンポン
yucky すごくまずい、気持ちが悪い
dump 捨てる


DJ: Dad, why did you hide in the closet? That's the first place everyone looks.
Da: I wasn't hiding. I was trying to leave.
    DJ, do you remember that speech I gave you about parents making mistakes?
DJ: Mmm?
Da: You wanna hear it again?
DJ: Mmm.
Da: Look, I just want you to know that I'm not gonna see Linda while she's your
    teacher. And I'm really sorry again that I embarrassed you again. 
    But I think we should talk about what started this whole mess.
DJ: That you wouldn't get my grade changed.
Da: You know you deserve that D.
DJ: Alright. Maybe I just sort of gave up.
    But let's face it, I'm no good in Spanish.
Da: Hold it, Deej. Come here. Look, honey, I understand that's frustrating.
    So many things come so easily to you. But not everything will.
    And if you give up on something just 'cause it's difficult,
    you're gonna miss out on a lot that's valuable.
    There's no better feeling than conquering something that's really hard
    for you. You know what I mean?
DJ: Yeah. But what if I work as hard as I can and I still can't get an A.
Da: Then I'll be proud of you for working as hard as you can.
DJ: OK, I'll try.
Da: Thanks.
DJ: That's "gracious". You're a padre muy bueno.
Da: Huh?
DJ: That means you're a great dad.
miss out (on) (〜を)損する、失敗する、経験し損なう
conquer 克服する、打ち勝つ、乗り越える
gracias => thank you. [Sp.]
padre 牧師
bueno よし, 承知した (good, all right). [Sp.]

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