第34話 20年前の誓約書  原題:Pal Joey


DJ: Now you're never too young to learn who's cute and who's not.
    Now, Michelle. This is George Michael.
Mi: Cute.
DJ: He was cute when he was with Wham! He's graduated to rad.
Mi: Rad.
DJ: Now this is Michael J Fox.
    The bad news is he's married. The good news is he's our size.
    Now out of all these pictures, pick the cutest guy.
Mi: Big Bird.
DJ: Big Bird? No one even knows if he's a guy.
Wham ワム:英国のポップデュオ; メンバーはリードヴォーカルの George Michael とギターの Andrew Ridgely
graduate to レベルを上げる
Big Bird ビッグバード: 米国の幼児向けテレビ番組 Sesame Street に登場する巨大な黄色い鳥

Da: Oh, good work, Michelle. I am very proud of you.
    Now, honey, now I'm gonna teach you the Tanner family motto.
    Clean is good and dirt is bad.
Mi: Dirt bad.
Da: Her future is in good hands.
JJ: Ah, a, a, a.
Da: Stop. I just finished cleaning the floors.
Je: Daniel, ********** think about.(?)
    If you hang a vine up here, then we can swing in like Tarzan.
Jo: Aaaaaaa. We're trapped.
Je: No, we are not. Observe, Joseph.
Jo: Jess, don't get any dirt on the paper towels.
Je: Dirt on paper towels, dirt on paper towels. Ha, ha...
Da: Look at those nutty guys, Michelle.
    If it wasn't for me, Joey and Jesse would never have met.
    Now they're inseparable. Isn't life ironic?
Mi: Yep.
DJ: Dad, we're home. 
Mi: Stop. Dirt bad.  
DJ: No!  Dad told Michelle the Tanner family motto.
Da: Deej, I'm working on a new Tanner family motto.
    Don't make fun of Dad until you can afford your own apartment.
    OK. Here we go, Michelle, good girl. OK. These are for you.
St: Come on, Harry.  Let's do our math homework.
Ha: Forget it. I can't learn subtraction.
    I'm gonna quit school and join the Boyscouts.
St: I don't want my boyfriend to be a first grade drop out. How embarrassing!
DJ: Okay, look. If you have four oranges and then you take away two,
    how many do you have left?
Ha: Two.
DJ: That's subtraction!  Very good, Harry.
Ha: Thanks, DJ.  You are the martest woman in the world.
St: Oh, yeah.  Four minus two.  Real genius!
Ha: DJ, can you tell me where babies come from?
DJ: Harry, stick to fruit.  
vine つる、つる草
in good hands 手入れの行き届いた
observe 観察する
inseparable 分けられない,切っても切れない仲
ironic 皮肉な
subtraction 減法,引き算


Lo: Off to a bad start in your school, Joseph Gladstone.
    Clowns belong in the circus, not in the schoolyard.
    Now unless you want to be suspended on your first day,
    sit right here, and don't move a muscle. How's that nosebleed, Daniel?
Da: Clotting nicely. Thank you, Miss Borland. 
Je: Who wants a kiss?
Girls: Ill/Eeek.
Sh: What's the matter? Doofy Danny got a booboo?
Da: You threw a ball in my head when I wasn't looking.
Sh: Oh, well, you're looking now. Made your flitch.(??)
Jo: Hey, I uh.. like your hair.
Sh: Thanks.
Jo: Who cuts you? ********* would do?
Sh: Oh yeah?
Jo: Good come back.(?) Is that your head, or did your neck blow a bubble?
    Oh, thank you, thank you. Cut it out.
Da: Where did you get all those great jokes?
Jo: This book, "A Thousand and One Insults", pretty groovy, huh?
Je: Hey, one at a time.
Sh: There's the kid who was picking on me.
Lo: That's it. I'm calling your parents.
Jo: But..
Da: Wait, Miss Borland. That boy's lying. Joseph has been a perfect angel.
Sh: Tanner is a liar.
Lo: That's not possible. Daniel Tanner has never been in trouble a day
    in his life. Let you and I visit the principal, Sheldon.
JD: Sheldon?
Jo: Thanks, man. You saved my life.
Da: You saved me first.
Jo: We saved each other. That means we're soul brothers.
    To make it official, we each have to bury something really important to us.
Da: Bury something? Won't we get dirty? It's OK, I'll be careful.
Jo: Good. Let's do the soul shake.(?)
Lo: Until you learn to stop chasing the girls, Jesse Katsopolis.
    You're gonna sit right here with me.
Je: Have mercy.
off to 〜へ出かける
suspend 一時停止する、停学を命じる
nosebleed 鼻血
clot 凝固する
doof ばか、あほ
booboo 《幼児》打撲傷, ちょっとしたけが;《俗》へま, 失策
Cut it out. 《口》やめろ, 黙れ
insult 侮辱
groovy かっこいい


DJ: Sorry, Michelle, but you can't live here. Now, go back to your room.
St: No, this is my room. You live with DJ, now.
DJ: Michelle, don't listen to her. Go back to your room.
Mi: What a day!
Ha: Hi, Steph. Hi, honey.
St: Your boyfriend is here.
DJ: He is not my boyfriend. All I did was teach him how to subtract.
St: You hypnotized him with oranges and you put him in a love trance.
Je: All right. Enough this. Everybody step into my room, and we are 
    gonna play a little game of junior love connection. Come on.
St: I'd rather play divorce court.
Je: Michelle! What are you doing? Don't read my mail, that's personal.
    What am I saying? All right. Come on, now.
    You go to your own little room, OK?
Mi: What room?
Je: First she reads my mail, and she gives me lip.
    Come on, get out of here. Alright, DJ, Harry, come here.
    Now, DJ, as nicely as you can, tell Harry how you really feel about him.
DJ: Kid, you don't have a prayer.
Je: Nicer, huh?
DJ: Oh, Harry, Don't blow a good thing.
    You already have a great girl right here, Stephanie Tanner.
Ha: Sorry, Chief. Forgive me?
St: In your dreams.
Je: What Harry is trying to say is, I made a big mistake, the biggest mistake
    of my life. Come on, Chief. Don't forget the good old days, kindergarten.
    Please. I'm begging you. Take me back, take me back.
DJ: Oh, Harry, I forgive you.
Je: Oh, I'm so happy. Shake. There you go.
St: OK, you're my boyfriend again.
Ha: Great. Uh, what was that for?
St: You are it. 
subtract 引算をする
hypnotize 洗脳する,催眠術をかける
trance 意識もうろう、夢中
give sb lip 人に生意気を言う

Jo: Danny, come on. You dig slower than you play basketball.
    There goes the glacier again.
Da: You think you can do better? Here, you dig.
Jo: OK. I hit something. I don't believe this.
Da: Wow, this is it. Oh, man. It's my old Giants cap.
Jo: My very first insult book. 
Da: What's this? 
Jo: That's the pledge. I forgot all about this.
    This is the proof(?) that on February 23, 1968,
    we pledge on our most sacred possessions to be soul brothers for life
    even if one guy moves real far away. Right on, get down, stay funky.
    Singed Daniel Ernest Tanner, and Joseph Alvin Gladstone.
Da: We have horrible middle names.
Jo: The worst. But we kept this pledge, didn't we?
Da: It's amazing when we were growning up, man, we did everything together.
Jo: We're still doing everything together. 
Da: Yeah, but.. Joey, it's not the same. I feel really stupid saying this,
    but uh.. ever since you and Jesse became good buddies,
    and now you are partners. I don't know, I feel left out.
Jo: Is that what this is all about?
    Why didn't you just tell me this in the first place?
Da: I didn't want you get the wrong idea. I'm glad you and Jesse are friends.
    I just miss the way our friendship used to be.
Jo: Danny, I live in your house, I'm helping you raise your girls.
    I've always been your best friend and I'll always be your best friend.
    It says so right here in the pledge.
Da: I've been acting like a jerk.
Jo: No.. Yes, you have. But you had a good reason.
    Danny, I'm sorry I've been taking our friendship for granted.
    But just remember this. No matter what happens,
    we are always there for each other.
    Hey, what do you say we bury the stuff again, and,
    come back when we are little old men and dig it up.
Da: Yeah, by then I'll be so shriveled up this cap might fit me.
    OK. Here is my cap. 
Jo: My book. 
Da: The pledge. Wait a minute. Something's missing here.
Je; You guys are nuts. Men, I had to stash the girls at the Gibblers,
    rushed down here just to bring you my blow dryer?
Jo: Sorry, we needed your most prize possession.
Da: Sign here.
Je: This is the prove thet Danny T., Joey G. and Jesse K. are 
    official soul brothers, pals, best friends forever.
    You guys don't have to do this. I mean, this is your thing.
Da: Now it's our thing.
Jo: We're on this together.
Je: Thank you guys, I'm was touched. But my blow dryer? All right.
    But if my hair looks like hell tomorrow,
    I'm coming back here and digging that thing.
Da: Now we've gotta do the official soul brother hand shake.
Je; Guys, isn't this a little silly?
Da; We could all hug?
Je: Let's do the shake.
Da: OK, ****.
glacier 氷河
pledge 堅い約束,〜を誓う
get the wrong idea 思い違いをする
jerk とんま、ばか、まぬけ
shrivel しなびる、しぼむ、縮む
stash 〜を隠す、しまう

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