第33話 パパ3人お仕事中!  原題:Working Mothers


DJ: All right. Way to go, Michelle. What an athlete!
St: DJ, what's the big deal? We're holding her hands.
DJ: I'm building her confidence.
St: This is a waste of time. She's two years old.
    I didn't skate till I was four.
DJ: Well.
St: She is lying about her age.


Ma: There they are. Very fine work, gentlemen.
Je: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Malatesta.
Jo: You really liked our jingle?
Ma: No, I like my wife. I love the jingle, ha, ha, ha.
JJ: Ha, ha, ha.
Ma: It's so catchy. "Hurry Mart -
EV: the great American general store." Yeah!
Ma: How would you guys like to take that jingle and
    turn it into a whole campaign?
Jo: Really? You want us to do a whole commercial, the dialog,
    the concept, the whole deal?
Ma: Exactly. I want this commercial to be the best one
    you've ever come up with.
Je: Well, no problem there. We've never come up with one before.
Ma: Ha, ha, ha.
JJ: Ha, ha, ha.
Ma: I have faith in you guys.
    You've sold us three jingles in a row and if you do well on this project,
    I'm gonna offer you a full-time job. 
Jo: Great.
Je: Oh, thank you, sir. 
Jo: Thank you, sir. 
Je: Alright, come on, Joseph. We'll be back next week with brilliance.
Ma: No, no, wait.
    We've got a whole presentation to put together today,
    because we pitch it to the client tomorrow.
Je: Ha, ha, ha. Pitch it....
Ma: Come on, guys. Right this way. Right over here. Make yourselves at home.
Je: Thank you, Oh.
Jo: Yes.
Ma: You liked the office?
Jo: No, we like your wife. We love the office. 
Ma: Ho, ho, ho. You like my wife. You....
Je: What's with this guy?
catchy 評判になりそうな、すぐ覚えられる
come up with 〜を思いつく、〜を提案する、考えつく
have faith in 信頼している
in a row 連続的に、続けざまに
client 顧客


Je: Alright, maybe there were a few things we didn't consider when 
    we took this job, Joseph.
Jo: Alright, Jess. Red checkers are reasons to keep the jobs,
    black checkers are reasons to quit.
Je: One major black checker is that we get a lot of great things
    out of raising these kids. I mean, I never thought I'd say this before,
    but I dig being Mr. Mom.
Jo: I've never thought I'd say this, but I think you look smashing in an apron.
Je: Alright. Missing the girls is one good reason not to keep the job.
Jo: On the other hand, the job pays more money than we've ever seen
    in our lives. And that is a major red checker.
Je: Right. And we wouldn't just be writing jingles any more,
    I mean, we'll come up with whole commercial campaigns,
    I mean that's a big step up. Plus we like what we do. Alright, red checker.
Jo: Hey it did feel great sitting in that big office being out in
    the real world. King me.
Je: You got it. Well, looks like we're going to work.
Jo: I guess so.
Je: Joseph, there's one thing I'm forgetting. My music, I mean,
    if we took this job, there won't be any time to write or play gigs,
    that's a major part of my life. Stack a black.
Jo: And hey, I'd have no time to work on my comedy. I mean what could
    with this Bullwinkle voice be at the office. Black checker.
Je; Alright Joseph, really think about this.
    Now, are we.. are we ready to give up our dreams for this?
Jo: I don't want to.
Je: Neither do I.
Jo: But you have to admit. We had more success in the last three months of
    advertising than of all those years in/of music and comedy.
Je: Red checker.
Jo: Red checker.
Je: Oh, boy.
Jo: You know, Jess? Life is like a salad bar.
    You have all these great choices, but you can't help but think to yourself,
    "How often are they changing those beets?"
Da: Hi, guys.
JJ: Hi.
Da: Somebody wants to say good night. Say, "Good night, Joey."
Mi: Good night, Joey.
Jo: Night-night, Michelle. Oh, I love you, Michelle. Black checker.
Da: And night-night, Jesse.
Mi: Night-night, Jesse.
Je: Good night, Michelle.
Da: Guys, I swear I didn't do this to make you feel guilty.
    She really wanted to say good night. Good night.
Je: Good night. Oh, boy.
dig 気にいる
gig クラブ出演
stack 積み重ねる

Ma: Hey, boys, you want to see me about something?
Je: Yes, sir.
Jo: Sir, Jesse and I are having some second thoughts.
Ma: Oh?
Je: Let me ask you something, sir.
    Our job is to sit down and come up with brilliant ideas, right?
    So, it wouldn't really matter where we're sitting
    when we come up with these brilliant ideas, right?
Ma: Is this a trick question?
Je: No, no, no, no, no. The point is that..
    it doesn't really matter where we are sitting.
    OK, yeah, it was a trick question. Joey.
Jo: You see, sir. We'd solve a lot of our problems if we could work at home.
Ma: Work at home? 
Jo: Yes. Umm.. Jesse and I have some dreams we are not ready to give up yet.
Je: That's right. And we have these kids that we'd really miss.
Ma: All right, the stray cow.
    I suppose I could hire you on a project-by-project bases.
    It's a little unusual, buy if working at home makes you happy.
    Although, it would be inconvenient for me.
    I guess it'd be best for everybody concerned if.., you guys,
    got out of here to go home and go to work. I love you guys. It's a deal.
Ma: I got you. @Did you see your face?
Da: Surprise!
Je: Uh.. Mr. Malatesta, these are our kids, and this is Danny..
Ma: Ha? Remember your personal lives are none of my business.
Je: We've brought you some plants for your new office.
Je: Alright, everybody, pack them up on the car and take them home
    because that's where we're working at from now on.
DS: Alright. Yey.
DJ: Did you guys quit your jobs for us?
Je: Well, oh, no, we didn't quit. We just arranged it so we can work at home.
St: Daddy, can you do your TV show at home?
Da: No, honey. All those crew people would scuff up our floors.
    Unfortunately, most parents' jobs aren't that flexible.
Jo: Hey, before we go home, you guy gotta check out this view.
Je: Oh, yeah. Come here.
Je: Let's see if we can find our house.
Da: Come on Michelle, it's out there.
St: Yeah.
Da: Come on, Michelle.
DJ: Could it be like over there?(?)
Je: Yeah, you're right.
Jo: Oh, yeah.
Je: Michelle. 
Da: Michelle. Open the door...
hire 〜を雇う
scuff 擦り減らす

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