第32話 愛は霧の中!  原題:Fogged In


Jo: Okay, Michelle, put my act together for tonight.
    What's your favorite impression? Jay Leno?
    So have you seen this in the paper? Now, this is riduculous.
    This never seems to happen to you.
    I always seem to happen to have those two wacky brothers
    living in Idaho somewhere.
    Uh.. is it uh.. Rodney Dangerfield?
    Oh, boy, you get no respect, Michelle.
    You know, when I was a baby, my parents used to save
    the dirty diapers and throw me away.
    Uh, you don't know comedy when you see it, Michelle.
Mi: No respect.
Jo: No respect?
Mi: Me funny.
Jo: You funny? You little monster. Kiss.
No respect.  Dangerfield氏の決めセリフ、口癖。

Da: Ummm, Michelle, that smells delicious. What are you making? 
Mi: Me egg. 
Da: Eggs. Oh, look, and you prepared them my favorite way. Polyvinyl-side up.
St: Daddy, can you make French toast for breakfast?
DJ: Dad, don't listen to her. Waffles, waffles, waffles.
St: French toast.
DJ: Waffles.
St: French toast.
DJ: Waffles.
Da: Hey, hold it. We go to the tie breaker.
    Michelle, you want French toast or waffles?
Mi: Cookie.
St: I can live with that.

Da: Jess, you'd better check the expiration date on that mousse.
DJ: I've never seen anyone looks so wiped out.
St: Ah, Joseph, we did it.
    We stayed up all night and we finally finished that jingle, pal.
Jo: Yeah, that sunrise was real inspiring.
Ki: Good morning. I'm here for the weekend.
JS: Ahhh.
DJ: They're just kidding. Kimmy, we're gonna have so much fun.

Jo: I'll get it.
Ki: Thanks for letting me stay, Mr. Tanner. Don't forget.
    I'm allergic to dairy products feather pillows and six-year-olds.
St: Don't look at me. I'm six and three quarters.
Da: Your parents are coming back Sunday, right?
Ki: Absolutely. Wednesday at the latest.
Je: Who wants to chip in for a hotel?
polyvinyl ポリビニル
expiration date 有効期限, 使用期限
wipe out 《俗》疲れさせる, へとへとにする
dairy product 乳業製品、乳製品
at the latest 遅くとも
chip in 《口》(金・時間などを)提供する, 金を出し合う〈for, forward(s), to do〉

Jo: Uh..
Ch: Joey?
Jo: Oh, Cheryl.
Ch: Are you the same Joey I've been dating for two months?
Jo: Ah, no. I'm Joey's grungy twin brother sloppy Joe.
    Let me go get a handsome Joe.
Ch: Hold on. Wait a minute.
    I'm just on my way to the gym and I thought I'd stop by
    and see if maybe you want to go skiing this weekend.
Jo: Really? You want to go away with me knowing that this could happen
    again tomorrow morning?
Ch: Well, you haven't seen my evil twin yet.
    No makeup Cheryl. I'll pick you up around five.
Jo: Umm.
Ch: Um, strawberry jelly donut.
Jo: I'll take up a dozen for the weekend.
Ch: Good-bye, Joey.
Jo: Good-bye. See you.
Ch: Bye.
Jo: Oh, all right.
grungy = grunge《俗》うすぎたない, 退屈な(もの,人)
sloppy だらしのない

Je: What are you doing?
DJ: The Loco-Motion.
Je: Where did you get this tape?
DJ: It was in there.
Je: On, no. Please tell me you didn't tape over my Casa de Pancakes jingle.
Je: I can't believe it. It's gone. You guys destroyed it.
    Now I'm gonna have to do the whole thing over again.
Ki: Not the whole thing. You still got "Casa de Pancakes ole."
Je: Now, DJ, this is my room,
    and you have no right being in here without my permission.
DJ: But...
Je: I don't want to hear any buts.
DJ: But it was an accident.
Je: What did I just say?
    Now how much is just to check a tape before you record over it?
    I want you guys both get out of here before I get mad.
Ki: Before?
DJ: Look. I'm really sorry. It was an accident. But you don't have to worry
    'cause I'm never gonna come into this room again.

Da: What happened? 
Je: Oh, They messed up my jingle tape. Joey's gone away,
    I'm gonna have to do this whole thing over again.
Da: Don't you think you are overreacting?
Je: Overreacting? You think I'm overreacting? I'm not overreacting, OK?
    I had this all worked out. I spent the whole night doing it.
    Now whole life is ruined. OK. Now I'm overreacting.
Da: Jess, you lost your temper again, huh?
Je: Well, she shouldn't be in here.. Ah, I'm just tired.
    I lost my cool. I did come down on her pretty hard, didn't I?
    She'll be OK?
Da: I think you'd better straighten this out.
Je: Yeah, right. I know just how to handle this.
Da: Good. Jesse.
Je: Uh?
Da: Do you need a hug?
Je: Haven't I been through enough?
come down on [upon] 〜を激しくしかる、非難する

St: Hi, Michelle. What a day!
    DJ was playing all day with Kimmy Gibbler burger.
    I don't believe I'm gonna say this.
    But would you play with me, Michelle?
Mi: No.
St: Please, pretty please. I'll play anything you want.
Mi: Horsey.
St: O.K. Hop on.
Mi: Go horsey.
St: Hold on.
Mi: Oh.
St: Mr. Bear, I can't believe I've sunk this low.
sink 沈む,落ち込む

Je: Deej, I need to see you downstairs. Ha, ha, ha.
DJ: What'd I do now?
Je: You didn't do anything. I got a fun surprise for you.
Ki: Be careful. It could be a trick.
Je: It's not a trick, huh? Ta-da!
DJ: Harry Levin Trio?
Je: Oh, I got a good deal.
    Harry's gone back to in the deli business. Deej, they're for you.
DJ: For me? Why? 
Je: Well, I just wanna make sure we're buddies. Are we cool now?
DJ: Yeah, I guess. 
Je: All right. This is great.
Ki: Thanks for the skins, bud.
Je: O.K. Give'em a try, Deej.
DJ: O.K. How am I doing?
Je: Well, you're facing to the right direction, yeah, well, let me show you.
    I played a little in junior high school, see if I remember anything.
    Well, see. What you do is, you start up with the bass drum like this.
    Then you add the snare. Then you add the high hat.
    Then before long you get this.

Ni: Hey, what a welcome!
St: Look. We got drums.
Ki: No. WE got drums.
DJ: No, I got drums.
Ch: Come on, Joey. We'd better get to Tahoe.
Ni: You'd better hurry up. The fog is really getting thick.
Ch: How thick is it?
Jo: Well, I don't want to say it's as thick as pea soup,
    but people are throwing croutons out their windows.
Jo: And now let's have a big round of the plaza for the Harry Levin Trio.
Je: Oh, thank you. You're a nutty guy. Thanks very much.
Jo: Thank you boys. Don't forget to turn off the bubble machine.
Je: How are you doing, Pa?
Ni: Hey. Jess, you're looking good.
Je: You, too.
JN: Thanks.
Je: How's it going, Daddy-o?
Ni: Everything is great. 
Ir: I thought I'd find you here. Girls, your grandfather's moving in forever.
    Give grandma a hug.
DS: Hi, grandma.
Je: What did you do this time?
Ni: Well, I simply suggested that she spend a little less time at
    night school and concentrate on her domestic responsibilities.
Ir: His exact words were "Yo, Irene, drop out of that flakey college,
    come on, make me dinner."
Ni: I don't want...
Je: Whoa, whoa... Hold this. There's kids in the room.
Ir: DJ, I didn't know you could play the drums.
DJ: I can't. Listen.
Da: Oh, no. The racket is coming from my house.
DJ: Dad, Uncle Jesse bought me these drums.
Da: Oh, did he really? Oh, good old Uncle J. Uncle J.
Je: Uh?
Da: Can I see you in the K? Right away?
Je: Why, yes, you may.
St: When can I have a turn?
DJ: Right after I get good at this.
St: So I guess the answer is "never".

Da: Drums. Did I do something to you?
St: Hey, Danny. Every kid in America wants a set of drums.
Da: Good. Then we'll have no trouble selling them.
Da: Will you stop that drumming?
Ir: Oh, sorry.
Da: What possessed you to buy her drums?
deli = delicatessen,デリカテッセン,調製食料品(店)(ハム・チーズなどの軽食を扱う)
skins ドラムセット
bud 親友 ; buddyの略
before long やがて,まもなく,いつかそのうち
crouton クルトン(スープに浮かす揚げパンの小片)
round 《歓声の》ひとしきり
nutty 〜に熱中して、趣きのある
drop out of 〜から手を引く、抜ける
flakey ひどく変わった
racket 騒ぎ, 騒音


DJ: Dad, did you decide about my drums yet?
Da: No, honey, I wanna sleep on it.
Ki: Isn't it more comfortable my sleep on your bed?
Ni: (I) came here to say good night.
DJ: Good night, Grandpa.
Ei: Good night Danny, good night honey.
DJ: OK, Good night.
Ai: Good night honey.
DJ: Good night..
Ei: I'll be, uh.. sleeping in Joey's room in case anybody wants
    to beg for forgiveness.
Ni: Good night.
St: Good night, Grandma. Good night, Grandpa.
Da: Good night.
DJ: Good night.
Ni: Good night.
Da. OK, everybody in bed.
DJ: Dad, how come everybody is mad tonight?
St: Maybe it's because Kimmy Gibbler is here.
Da: I don't think so.
Da: Maybe.
Je: I meant what I said, and I said what I meant
    an elephant is faithful one hundred percent.
    You look at that elephant, look at that elephant.
Da: Hi, I just came in to check on Michelle.
Je: Don't worry, I didn't buy her a thing. So, Michelle, where were we?
    Oh, yes. So, the nice handsome prince with great hair gave
    the young princess a magical musical gift.
    Just then the tall geeky giant came in, took it, and get away.
    The princess was so sad.
    And that, Michelle, was the day the music died.
Da: Give me my kid.
Mi: Geeky Giant.
Je: Geeky giant, yeah, Michelle, that was my favorite part, too.
    Give me a kiss, give me a kiss..
Da: Let me tell you the real story. Once upon a time, the tall, and lean,
    and elegant prince from the land of wisdom came to save the princess
    from the hotheaded troubadour, who spent way too much time on his hair.
beg for forgiveness 許しを請う
faithful 忠実な,誠実な
geek 《俗語》変態,間抜け
hotheaded 短気な,腹を立てやすい,せっかちな
troubadour 吟遊叙情詩人


Ch: Sorry we never made it out of town.
Jo: Yeah, me too. At least that fog cleared up a little,
    or we'd still be driving around that K-mart parking lot.
Ch: Good night.
Jo: Good night.
Ni: Irene, is that you?
Ir: Oh, sweetheart, you wanna kiss and make up?
Jo: I don't know.
IJ: Ah..
Ni: First collage. Now, this?
Da: What is going on? Oh, my god.
Je: Mom.
Ni: What's going on, here?
Jo: Nick, never in a million, billion years would I be in here with your wife.
Ir: What's wrong with this wife?
Jo: Nothing. You're a very attractive woman.
Je: Hey, back off, man. That's my mummy you're talking about.
Jo: Sorry.
Da: Here, put a robe on. Nobody wants to see this.
Jo: Nick, your wife shouldn't be sleeping alone. She loves the cuddle.
Je: Alright, now that you both awake, sit down and settle this problem.
Ni: Hey, alright, I'm sorry I lost my temper. First thing in the morning,
    we'll go to that shop you like, buy you a brand-new outfit.
Ir: Nick, you can't just buy me a new outfit
    and expect everything to be all better.
Ni: You're right. I'll throw in a pair of shoes.
Ir: Help me, here.
Je: Pap, can't you see she wants to talk about the problem.
    She don't want you to buy her a gift, see you can't just buy.. Oh, boy.
Ir: What's the matter?
Je: Geeky giant was right.
    Well, I know I did the same thing with DJ that you're doing with mom.
    Pap, I got a lot of great things from you.
    I got your pride, your ambition, your hair, thank you by the way, 
    I also got your temper. Let's face it, it gets us a lot of trouble,
    doesn't it? Are you two ready to uh.. really talk to each other?
Ni: When you say, "You two", you really mean me.
Je: I think we could do better, Pap.
Ni: Yeah, you're right, Jess.
Je: Good. 'cause this fog's gonna lift, and quite frankly father,
    you can't live here.
Ni: That's my boy.
parking lot 《米》駐車場
cuddle 抱擁
ambition 大きな望み,野心,大志

Je: About this drum things, I'm sorry. I was wrong, and you were right.
Da: Thanks Jess.
DJ: What's going on down there?
Da: DJ, what are you doing up?
DJ: Well, first it was Kimmy's snoring, and then there was a loud crash,
    people screaming, but this time I was on my way back from the bathroom.
Je: DeeJ, can you come down here, I want to talk to you a second.
DJ: Now?
Da: Jess, it's three o'clock in the morning. Can't it wait?
Je: Well, I just wanted to tell her that I was wrong, and you were right.
Da: DJ, get down here. Come on, honey.
    Uncle Jesse needs to talk to you right away.
DJ: Dad, can I keep my drum set?
Da: Yes, you can keep the drums.
DJ: Oh, alright.
Da: But the sticks have got to go.
Je: DJ, I should've talked to you today about our fighting
    instead of buying you a big gift.
DJ: Don't be so hard on yourself.
Je: You know, kid. People have things they don't like about themselves,
    and well, me, I have my temper.
    And sometimes I say things the wrong way, and I hurt people that I love.
Da; I don't blame you for being mad at me. I did tape over your pancake jingle.
Je: Yeah, but I didn't handle it right. I mean, I embarrassed you in front 
    of your friend, and I hurt your feelings. And then I tried to buy 
    your forgiveness. I was wrong. And, you know what I'm saying?
DJ: Kind of.
Je: Maybe this will help you. When I was a kid and I did something wrong,
    my dad would blow his top and send me to my room,
    and a couple of hours later, he'd come back with a Batman comic book.
    And that's how I knew everything was OK.
    But we never talked about the problem.
    You know, we never talked about our feelings the way that I felt.
    I don't want that to happen to you and me.
    I want our relationship to be better than that.
DJ: I think we're doing pretty good.
Je: You ain't seen nothing yet, kid.
    When I was your age, I used to get into so much trouble.
    I remember this one time, I was playing football,
    my pap was watching TV, his favorite show, Beverly Hillbillies.
    I kicked the field goal right through Jethro's face.
    Oh, he yelled at me all night long.
    We had nothing better to do The TV was busted.
    Anyway, kid, the point I'm trying to make here is..  DJ? DJ..
    And they lived happily ever after.
hard on oneself 自分に厳しい
blow one's top カーッとなる,かんかんにおこる

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