第31話 タナー家は大洪水  原題:Triple Date


Mi: Stop.
St: Where are you heading, toots?
Mi: Chicken.
St: Kitchen? Hop on.
    That'll be fifty cents, please.
toots 《米俗》娘さん、かわいこちゃん

Je: Gee, this crazy sock goes with this wacky sock...
    And this sock goes.. This came out even, Michelle.
Mi: My sock.
Je: Oh, there it is. All right.
    Where is my sock, poopy, long stockings?
Mi: Sock, bye-bye.
Je: Sock, bye-bye. Come here, Michelle.
Da: All the girls I've loved before.
    Who traveled in and out my door.
    I'm glad they came along.
    I dedicate this song
    To all the girls I've loved before.
Jo: Oh, yeah. Danny, you know, you guys get some matching outfits,
    you can go on dance fever.
Da: Life is so beautiful. I met someone today at the market.
Je: Julio Iglesias?
Da: Her name is Denise. We met in the produce section.
    She turned to me and said, "The broccoli looks fresh today."
    And I looked deeply in her eyes and I said,
    "It's a great source of fiber." Next thing I knew,
    she was coming over here for dinner tonight.
Je: Hold it, hold it second. You picked up a woman at the market.
Jo: That wasn't on the shopping list.
Da: Well, there's just one little snag.
    Denise had dinner plans tonight with her two single friends,
    so I told her, "Hey, I've got two single roommates..."
Je: Wait wait... whoa whoa... I'm not going blind date, coppish?
Da: Look, I'm not gonna beg you. Yes, I am. Please do this for me.
Je: Ahh.. Okay, I'll do it. Will you just stop hugging? Thank you.
Da: You guys are the best.
Jo: Hey, Danny, why didn't you beg me?
Da: Joey.
Jo: Okay, I'll do it.
Da: Great. Okay, I'm with Denise, and you guys are with Cheryl and Zoey.
Je: Zoey? She's your date.
Jo: Hey, why do I get Zoey?
Je: Because Joey and Zoey, you already make a cute couple.
    Alright, let's make these girls something nice, huh?
    Michelle. Do you happen to know how my sock got in the freezer, young lady?
Mi: Joey.
Jo: Jess, she's trying to frame me. Look at her shifty eyes.
dedicate 捧げる
Julio Iglesias スペインのポピュラーシンガー
snag 思わぬ障害
coppish わかる、了解する
frame わなにはめる、でっち上げる、(人に)無実の罪[ぬれ衣]を着せる
shifty eye ずるそうな目付き

Da: And I thought while Uncle Jesse, Joey, and I are having
    a little dinner party, you three girls could stay next door with Gibblers.
St: I hate going there. All they do is watch the home shopping network.
DJ: Dad, why don't you let me baby-sit. It's the perfect job for me.
Da: DJ, babysitting is a big responsibility.
    But, since I will be right downstairs, I suppose we can give it a try.
    Steph, you mind your big sister.
St: You can't put DJ in charge of me.
Da: Why not?
St: Because when you are around, she is a sweet little angel,
    the minute you leave it, "I'll get you my pretty."
DJ: Isn't she precious? Dad, don't worry, I'm ready for the responsibility.
    I'm ready to be in charge, and I'm ready for three dollars an hour.
Da: You want me to pay three dollars an hour to stay at home and spend
    an evening with your little sisters?
DJ: Good point. Three fifty.
Da: Two fifty.
DJ: Deal.
Da: Deal. What do I feel like I'm raising a used car salesman?
DJ: I'll get you my pretty and your little bear, too. Ha ha...


Jo: How'd it go?
Da: I cut my lip kissing Denise.
Je: That girl is a wild animal.
Da: I missed her lips and kissed her earring. Jess, she's still hung up on you.
Je: I'm sorry, Danny.
Jo: Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my date hates my guts.
Da: I promise, next time you're gonna go smooth sailing, OK?
    You can't sail without water?
DJ: Switch.
St: DJ, how long do we have to do this. My finger looks like blue-pink raisin.
DJ: Uh, Dad, everything is under control.
Da: Everything is under control? Everything is under water.
DJ: Yey, how did you do that?
Je: I just turned the water bulb off, girls.
St: Let's remember that for next time.
Jo: You kids've been watching too much double-dare.(?)
St: Don't look at me, she is the baby sitter.
DJ: Dad, I'm really sorry.
    I accidentally dropped your wedding ring down the drain.
Da: My wedding ring? Alright, everybody out of the pool.
    Excuse me I need a minute alone with my daughter.
DJ: Uh, nice to meet you.
St: I think I'm gonna tuck myself right into bed and get a full night sleep.
    I'm the good daughter.
Jo: I'll take care of Michelle. My guess is she's wet, too.
Ch: Oh, let me help you, I love babies.
De: Jesse, can I talk to you for a minute?
Je: Sure. Excuse us.
be hung up on someone 恋煩い(lovesick)
raisin レーズン、干しぶどう
tuck 〜を押し込む,〜を隠す


DJ: I felt so bad about losing your ring.
    I know I should have come to you in the first place, but I panicked.
    I learned a good lesson and responsibility.
Da: Well, OK. Don't let it happen again.
DJ: Wait a minute. "Don't let it happen again"?
    That's the worst dad speech I've ever heard.
Da: I'm sorry, Deej. Not that you don't deserve a good dad speech,
    I've just had a horrible night. Denise and I didn't hit it off.
    I guess I'm just not the dating type.
DJ: That's not true. You're tall, you're smart, and you're handsome.
    Dad, you're a fox. (If) Some girls are too dumb to see that,
    then you don't want her anyway.
Da: Thanks, Deej. That's the best daughter speech I've ever heard.
Cy: I found your ring.
DJ: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Well, good night, Dad.
    Oh, by the way, about my baby sitting money, forget the tip.
Da: Thank you. This means a lot to me. How did you find it?
Zo: Oh, it was on the floor, I just went in to clean up.
    You see, I can't stand a messy bathroom.
Da: Really? I love that in a woman. Here we go.
Zo: Well, Danny, Thanks for a nice evening.
Da: You're very welcome.
Da: Nice meeting you.
De: It was nice meeting you, too.
Da: Bye bye.
Je: Denise, I'm glad you and I finally got to say good bye as friends.
De: Me, too, Jesse. Thanks.
Jo: I really enjoyed meeting you.
Cy: Same here, you are a lot of fun.
Jo: You are a lot of fun, too.
Da: Remember?  Always presoak your fine washables.
Zo: In tepid water.
Da: Have mercy!
Zo: Call me.
Cy: Call me, too.
De: Jesse, don't call me.
Da: And you guys were worried the blind dates wouldn't work out..
Jo: Hey, the night turned out great. Bathroom's still a mess.
Da: I'll handle it, boys. I'm feeling so good, I might just clean
    the whole house. To all the girls I've loved before..
Jo: Well, Jesse, I gotta go catch that girl.
deserve 受けるに値する
horrible ひどくいやな,恐ろしい,おぞましい
presoak 前もって浸す
washable 洗濯のきく衣類
tepid なまぬるい

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