第30話 まん中はもうイヤ!  原題:Middle Age Crazy


Da: Two more, Michelle.
Je: Wow. Dip it in there, put it in, and blow it.
Jo: Here goes a double. See that?
Da: Huge. Huge bubble, Joey.
Je: Watch I do. Watch I do. Now, take it up, and blow it, blow it.
Jo: Hey, watch how big mine is.
Je: Hmm, good.
Da: I got bubbles to the ten, pal.(?)
Je: Look out. Whoa...  Watch this, Joey.
Da: Look at all these bubbles. Not bad. Triple.
Je: Watch this. Watch how I'm gonna do.
DJ: Now, boys. I don't mind you playing,
    but I sure hope you finished your homework.
Da: Yeah. We finished our homework.
Je: Yeah.

Da: Okay, Michelle. Daddy is gonna make a home video of
    you to show all the nice viewers of Wake Up San Francisco.
    All right. When I say, "Action", you walk over to the table
    and you show everybody how you eat like a big girl.
    Alright, Michelle?
Mi: All righty.
Da: Okay. Now, go to the table and action.
    No, no. No horsey, no horsey, honey.
    Sit at the table. The table. The table.
Mi: Horsey.
Da: Okay, fine. We'll make it a western. All right.
    Okay, can you say, yippee, yipee-yi-o-kia.
Mi: No.
St: Daddy, daddy. Guess what.
    I did a hundred and three hula-hoops at school today.
Hu: It was awesome.
SH: One two three four five..
Da: Uh, Stephanie. Honey, I'm very happy for you but right now
    I'm busy making a movie about your adorable little sister.
St: Daddy, I can be adorable too. One two three four five six..
Da: Stephanie. I'm very sorry but this tape is just about Michelle.
    I'll watch you later.

Je: Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Oh, sure, don't worry, Mr. Dryer.
    You're gonna have the Sweat World Health Club jingle first thing
    tomorrow morning just like we promised.
    Yes, sir. How's it coming along?
    Oh, hu, we've got a barrel full of good ideas.
    Yeah, O.K. Yeah, well, I gotta, I gotta go.
    Yeah, another great idea just hit me. Ha, ha. O.K. Yes,sir.
    I promise. Tomorrow morning, Joseph, you'll have jingle magic.
    Yes, sir. Bye-bye. You are so immature.
Jo: Sorry, Jess. I'm just frustrated. We've got to get this jingle. O.K.
    What's the problem? I'm a funny guy. Must be you.
Je: Joseph, this is no time to start turning on each other. 
    Now we're, we make a great team, man.
    We are the best. We are the brightest.
    This particular jingle's taking a little extra time, because, well,
    because we're holding up for quality. Now check the trash again.
Jo: Hey, remember this one? It's that rap thing we did.
Je: We hated that three days ago.
Jo: Three days ago I wasn't down on my knees, sifting through the garbage.
Je: Good point. Get up.

 It's your body looking chubby
 Your friends call you tubby
 And your wife's out shopping for a brand-new hobby
 Then you better stop crying
 And start pumping iron at the Swea, Swea, Swea, Swea, Swea..Sweat World
barrel 樽、容器
immature 未熟な、大人気ない、幼稚な
turn on にたてつく、〜に反抗する
chubby 丸々と太った
tubby ずんぐりした
pump iron 重量挙げをする


(in the dining room)
St: Ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight,
    ninety-nine one hundred.
DJ: Steph, look out. We have work to do.
St: DJ, I was one hula away from my record!
DJ: Sorry, Steph. But you happen to be hooping in my laboratory.
Jo: Hey, what can we use to build this thing?
DJ: Ah, anything around the house. 
Je: How about a suitcase full of cotton?
DJ: Rule number 26. No suitcases full of cotton. 
St: Hey, no fair. You said you were too busy to play with me.
    How come you are playing with DJ?
Je: Stephnie, we are not playing. This is for DJ's school.
DJ: Yeah, this happens to be a sixth grade science project. 
St: Well, pin a rose on your nose.      *1
DJ; You're just too young to understand.
Jo: I got it. I got a great idea.
    We put the egg inside nature's perfect shock absorber, a Twinkie.
Je: Good thinking, Ding Dong. 
Jo: Watch and be amazed.
Je: Well, let's give her a try. Let 'er rip.
St: I'm too young for this? Shoosh! 
cotton 綿,木綿
let rip (怒りなどを)ぶちまける、ののしる


Je: Come on, Michelle. 
Da: You can do it, Michelle..
Je: Come on, Michelle.
Da: You're the best, Michelle.
Je: Come on. Go!
Da: Oh.. I..
St: Hi, everybody. I've just got back from Mars. I'm the first kid in space.
Da: Oh, that's nice, honey. Wipe your feet.
Je: Shh.. she's ready to do it now. Don't mess up her concentration. Ready?
Da: She did it.
Je: She blinked.
Men: She's so cute.
St: Excuse me, did anybody hear me say "I went to Mars"?
Je: Steph, Steph, later. Michelle, for being so cute, and adorable,
    and such a good blinker. Joey, tell her what she's won.
Jo: Well, Jess, cute, adorable, blinking Michelle has won Stephanie's bike.
Me: Great.
St: My bike?
Mi: My bike.
St: You get my bike for blinking? I've just got back from the Mars.
    What do I get?
Me: Get the door.
St: Hot dog!
St: For me?
DJ: No. For me. Get off my rug, you nerd bummer.
Da: DJ. Oh.
Je: We missed you.
Da: My firstborn. We're so proud of you.
St: What did she do?
DJ: I went to the mailbox, and got the mail.
St: But I went to Mars. Look what I learned to do.
Je: DJ, DJ, DJ.
Da: Oh, you're the best daughter.
Je: Alright, let me get this straight. You walked over to the mailbox,
    and back all by yourself. Talk about guts.
DJ: It was scary, guys. There were cracks in the sidewalk.
Da: Ooh.
St: Yoo-hoo. Up here. A person is flying.
Je: DJ, come on. Let's go into the kitchen, get your party started.
    Patrick Swayze is in there, and he wants the first dance.
DJ: I love being first born.
Da: Oh, uh.. Steph? As long as you're up there,
    could you uh..dust the top of the mantel?
St: How rude!
rug じゅうたん
nerd 《俗》うすのろ、ばか、ぐず
sidewalk 歩道
yoo-hoo ちょっとー、ねえ、オーイ
mantel 炉棚

St. How very rude! Come in.
Ha: Hi, chief. I wanna get a picture of you and your hoop for my scrapbook.
St: Harry, you're the only one who cares about me.
Ha: Your family cares about you.
St: No, they don't. DJ is the oldest and Michelle is the cutest
    and I'm nothing. I wish I could move out,
    but I'm stuck living here until I get married.
Ha: Tough break.
St: Yeah, unless you marry me.
Ha: Marry you? I'm not even allowed to cross a street.
St: Married people are allowed.
Ha: Really? OK, I'll marry you.
St: Harry, you have to propose. A girl waits her whole life for this moment.
    Get down on one knee.
Ha: OK, chief. I can see up your nose.
St: Harry, this is supposed to be romantic.
Ha: Sorry, I can see up your nose, darling.
St: Never mind. We'll get married today.
    I'll call our friends, and we can get a house.
    Then we won't have to put up with DJ, Michelle anymore.
    I'll be Stephanie Takiyama.
Ha: And I'll be Harry Tanner.
put up with 〜を我慢する,〜に耐える


St: People, I would like to make a very important announcement.
    I was married this afternoon.
Da: Pardon me?
Ha: Hi, Dad.
Da: Well, don't you two make a cute little bride and groom.
    You could stand on top of your own wedding cake.
St: Well, good bye, everyone. It's been a great six years.
    Harry, let's go house-hunting.
Ha: No, I have to go home. Bye, Steph. Bye, Pap.
St: Wait, wait. You can't walk out on me.
Ha: Yes, I can. Tonight's meat loaf night.
St: Great. Nobody wants me.
Da: Steph? What do you mean "Nobody wants you"? Your family wants you.
St: Some family.
    You didn't even care if I broke the hula-hoop record, or went to Mars.
Da: You went to Mars? Maybe, we have been uh.. ** preoccupied.
Je: Kiddo, we're, uh, we're sorry if we ignored you. We didn't mean to you.
Jo: Yeah, I think we were just little caught up in what we were doing.
DJ: Well, now that my science project's done, I can watch your hula-hoop.
St: Forget it. It doesn't matter. You're always gonna be the oldest,
    Michelle's always gonna be the baby,
    I'm always gonna be stucked in the middle.
Je: Hold it, kid. Go relax. (?)
St: See what I mean. I'm stucked in the middle again.
Da: Stephanie.
Je: Sit down.
Da: I understand how you're feeling. But there's another way to look at this.
    There's a lot of special things about being in the middle.
Je: Yeah, your pop's right. Uh.. take a bologna sandwich, for instance.
    What's the best part of a bologna sandwich?
St: Bologna.
Je: And where is the bologna?
St: In the middle.
Je: Bingo!
Je: Alright, and uh.. Oreo cookie. What's the best part of an Oreo cookie?
St: Chocolate milk you dunk it in.
Je: Come on, Steph. You know where I'm going with this.
Jo: I know. The cream is the best part.
Je: Yes, Joseph. The cream. And where is the cream?
Jo: In the middle.
Je: Don't help. It's in the..
St: Middle.
Je: Right.
Da; Steph. What all this bologna and cookie talk is getting to 
    is every position in a family is special in its own way.
Jo: Yeah, you're the only one in the family who has a big sister
    and a little sister.
St: That's true. What else you got?
Da: Well, another good thing about the being middle child is a lot of the
    mistakes we made raising DJ, we won't have to make on you.
DJ: I'm getting depressed. So far, I'm the soggy part of the sandwich,
    and the throwing part of the cookie.
St: I like that.
bride 花嫁
groom 花婿
house-hunt 家探しをする
walk out on 〜を見捨てる, (人の)もとを去る
preoccupy 心を奪う,夢中にさせる
pop とうちゃん,おじさん
Bologna ボローニャソーセージ《牛・豚肉製の大型のスモークソーセージ》
dunk コーヒー[紅茶など]に浸す
depress 落胆させる,憂欝にする
soggy ずぶぬれの,無気力な

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