第28話 タナー家の家族会議  原題:Joey Gets Tough


Je: One, two. One.
Mi: One.
Je: Two.
Mi: Two.
Je: One.
Mi: One.
Je: Two.
Mi: Two.
Je: OK. Here. Alright, let's see your muscles. Muscles.
Mi: Muscles.
Je: Muscles.
Mi: Muscles.
Je: Alright. By day, a mere toddler. But by night, Superbaby.
Je: Look out. It's super baby coming to save the world. Ah.. She got me.
    Super baby got me. Thank you super baby. Let's see your muscles.
Mi: Muscles.

Da: Mmm. Great fried chicken.
    Joey, this could be your most delicious meal of the year.
Jo: Well, thanks, Danny. I was a little nervous at first,
    but once I actually drove up to the takeout window, I felt strong.
Da: Let's clean up.
DJ: No, no, no. Sit. I'll clean up.
St: It's our pleasure to serve you.
Jo: And for dessert, I am proud to present genuine imitation pudding.
DJ: None for me. I have a big karate tournament this weekend.
    I wanna stay lean and mean. Ha!
Jo: Here, Michelle. Kung fu this.
Mi: Ta!
Jo: Woo. Attack of the Ninja Baby. She has broken our dinner. She must pay.
Da: Michelle, you haven't eaten a thing. Don't you like your potatoes?
Mi: Cookie.
Jo: Doesn't that chicken look good?
Mi: Cookie, Joey.
Da: OK. Here are some Boston baked cookies.
Mi: Bean.
Da: Beans? Oh, so they are, my mistake.


Da: OK, we have a family problem. That means we have a family meeting.
    Now, who would like to review the rules?
St: Me, me, me.
Da: Stephanie.
St: This is a talking stick. Only the person that holds it can talk, OK?
    Now that I have your attention, Christmas will be coming soon.
    I'm getting bigger, my bike is getting smaller.
Da: Thank you, Stephanie. Now who would like to start?
DJ: I'll start. Dad, Joey had no right to try to ground me when I 
    have a karate tournament. Dad, tell Joey he can't do that.
Da: DJ, you know that when I'm not here, I turn over all
    responsibility for you, three girls to Uncle Jesse and Joey.
DJ: Dad, that punishment is way too unfair.
St: Cheating, no stick.
Ev: Shhh..
St: That wasn't talking, that was explaining.
Da: DJ, I think the reason this is so hard for you
    is because it's the first time Joey's really put his foot down.
Je: I have to say that I side with Joseph 100 percent.
    You do the crime, you do the time. You pay the piper, you face the music.
    Man, you've got to bite the bu..
    I have been watching too many old movies.
DJ: This meeting is not fair, everyone's against me. Dad, do something.
Da: Joey's decision is final.
DJ: How can you do this to me?
Je: DJ, you should've called him.
Da: I'm not doing anything to you.
    It's exactly right you should've called, and Joey..
DJ: This is not fair. This is not fair.
Jo: Stop it. I hate to see everyone fighting.
    Just sit down and listen to what I have to say.
    Danny, you told me that if I put my foot down the girls would respect me.
    Now DJ hates me and my foot.
Da: DJ was the one who came late without calling. Why are you blaming yourself?
Jo: 'cause this whole thing started when I tried to be Mr. Discipline.
    That's not me. The best part about being in this family is
    all the love and all the great times we have together.
    My family was always fighting. I don't want to go through that again.
Je: Well, Joseph, there's no such thing as a family that doesn't fight.
    I mean, even Harmon monster yelled at poor ****** lady once in a while.
Da: Look, Joey. The love, the fun, the responsibility, the discipline,
    they all go together. When you are in this family, you're in all the way.
    You did the right thing. DJ deserved to be punished. Am I right, DJ?
DJ: OK, I give up. I won't go to my karate tournament.
    But if you're waiting for me to be happy about it, it won't happen.
Da: I'll go talk to her.
Jo: No, I'll go talk to her.
St: I have here the names of everyone who talked without the stick.
    Uncle Jesse, me, daddy..
ground (罰として)外出禁止にする、自宅謹慎させる
turn over (仕事・責任などを)引き継ぐ
put one's foot down 強く反対する,断固として譲らない
side with 〜に同調する、〜の側につく
pay the piper [fiddler]  費用を負担する; 報いをうける
discipline 規律,しつけ,懲罰

Jo: DJ, can I talk to you a little more?
DJ: Sure. I'm not going anywhere, remember?
Jo: I'm worried about what's happening to us.
    We've always been great buddies, right?
DJ: Yeah, I guess.
Jo: DJ, you know we have. I've known you your whole life.
    I was at the hospital the day you were born.
    Boy, when I first saw you, talk about crying.
    You were fine I was sobbing hysterically.
    But I did you a big favor that day, do you remember?
DJ: Joey I was a day old.
Jo: Well, I remember. Your mom and dad wanted to name you Ferra.
DJ: Ferra?
Jo: I said, "Hey, we can't name her after her hair style."
DJ: That was close. I'd better do my homework.
Jo: DJ, we've always been great buddies.
    And I thought that living together would bring us even closer.
    But Now that I'm like a parent, (it) kind of changes things, huh?
DJ: Yeah, I never pictured you punishing me. 
Jo: Yeah, me either. DJ, last night when I didn't know where you were,
    I was scared to death. If anything ever happen to you.
DJ: I'm sorry about all those mean things I said to you. I was just mad.
Jo: That's good. Because I love you so much.
DJ: I love you, too, Joey. Hey, if it weren't for you, I'd be Ferra Jo Tanner.
JD. Ill.
Jo: You know what I'm thinking, Deej,
    I'm kind of new at this discipline thing.
    I know that you should be grounded,
    but maybe grounding you for this weekend was a little unfair.
DJ: You mean it? I can go to my karate tournament?
Jo: Yeah, what the heck.
DJ: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You're gonna make a great dad.
Jo: Why? 'cause you got what you wanted?
DJ: No, because you're fair.
Jo: Oh, thanks. Now, remember, next weekend you're grounded.
DJ: Oh, that's fine, that's great, that's perfect. Oh, wait.
    I just remember, Kimmy and I have plans to go horseback riding.
    You know I had to try. OK, I just karate.
sob すすり泣く
picture を(心に)描く,想像する

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