第25話 パパは3人 原題:Jingle Hell


DJ: Isn't Patric Sweezy cute?
Mi: Funny.
DJ: Not funny.
Mi: Yuck.


Da: Now, Michelle, with any luck, this is something
    you'll be doing the rest of your life.
    Now, watch close. Potty Parley(?) sits down
    and she makes the bell go ding-ding.
    And then she gets a cookie.
Mi: Hat. Hat.
Da: No, no. Bad hat. Not a big hit in the Easter parade.(?)
potty《口》 幼児用便器, おまる


Da: Come here, you little food processor.
    I got you. Uh, don't worry, no more potty training today.
    All I really want is for you to be happy, get good grades,
    and get into an Ivy League College.
    Of course, most major universities do want you to be potty-trained.
    Give me a kiss. Oh.
St: Daddy, look what DJ did.
DJ: I did it for your own good.
St: Boy, are you gonna get it. OK, daddy, ready?
    On your mark. Get set. Punish.
DJ: Daddy, she's always messing with my stuff. I had to teach her a lesson.
Da: I'll take it from here, OK? Stephanie, honey,
    you know that we need to treat each other's property with respect.
    And DJ, in this family, we do not tie together each other's shoes.
    Unless there's some kind of weird emergency. 
DJ: OK, sure.
Da; Red light. What's our rule after we fight?
DS: Never walk away angry.
Da: Very good. Now, go ahead and apologize.
DS: Sorry.
DJ: Now, DJ, help Stephanie untie her shoes.
Mi: Poo-poo.
Da; Poo-Poo? Oh, Michelle, oh, I'll tell you what.
    Why don't we uh just mosey on upstairs?
    And, you know, just sit down may be on the potty.
    And go thumb through some college catalogs.
Ivy League アイヴィーリーグ 《米国北東部の名門8大学から成る運動競技連盟》
On your mark! Get set! Go!:位置について, よーい, ドン!
poo-poo 《幼児》うんち
mosey ふらりと訪ねる
thumb through(本などに)にさっと目をとおす、〜をぱらぱらめくる

St: OK, DJ, you heard the man. Untie my shoes.
DJ: The man said help untie your shoes. Here's some help.
    Start with the little white sneaker.
St: You have to untie them, too.
DJ: No I don't.
St: Yes, you do.
DJ: No I don't.
St: Yes, you do.
DJ: No, I don't.
St: Yes, you do.
DJ: No, I don't.   Jo: No, I didn't.
St: Yes, you do.   Je: Yes, you did.
DJ: No, I don't.   Jo: No, I didn't.
St: Yes, you do.   Je: Yes, you did.
DJ: No, I don't.   Jo: No, I didn't.
St: Yes, you do.   Je: Yes, you did.
Je: Yes, you did.
Jo: No, I didn't.
St: See what you started.
Jo: Why I do get all the blame for this, huh?
    They said, "Thank you very much, but we're going another way."
Je: Which is advertising lingo for "put your puppet where the sun don't shine."
Jo: I took a risk. I dared to be silly.
Je: Why didn't you tell me before you dared to be silly? Man, you promised me.
Jo: I kept my promise. I did not wear a cat suit.
Je: You wore a cat suit on your hand. You stabbed me in the back with it.
Jo: Jess, this is not that big a deal.
    You are not really mad at me, there is something else bothering you.
    So what is your problem? Really.
Je: My problem is I'm living in the same house with you.
Jo: Now, Jess, what is that supposed to mean?
Je: Maybe it means we don't need three fathers.
    Haven't you ever seen that show "My Two Dads"? Two is all you need.
Jo: Fine with me.
Je: Fine with me.
Jo: Fine.
Je: Fine.
Jo: Fine.
Je: Fine.
Jo: It's just ridiculous.
lingo 専門語 (jargon)、業界用語
puppet あやつり人形
stab sb in the back (卑劣に)人の背を刺す; 人を中傷する, 人を裏切る

St: DJ, they sound really mad. Are they gonna get a divorce?
DJ: Not if we get them to make up. You get Uncle Jesse, and I'll get Joey.
    We'll all meet back in our room.
St: You have a great mind, DJ. If you could only use it for good.
Je: Stephanie, I'm sure there're no monsters in your closet,
    but I'll check for you.
Jo: I don't believe you broke a window.
    I don't believe it 'cause it's not broken.
St: Well, well, well. Look who's here.
Je: Well, well, well. Look who's leaving.
Jo: I'm out of here.
DJ: Red light. We have a rule in this house. "Never walk away angry."
St: So, say you're sorry to each other, please.
Je: Sorry.
Jo: Sorry.
DJ: That was pathetic.
Da: I don't want to get anybody's hopes up,
    but I think Michelle is on the verge of a major break through.
    Oh, my god. We're missing it. Michelle, we did it. That's my big girl.
Je: Yeah.. All right, Michelle. You're one step closer to the diaper-free world.
Da: Come on, little mouse, I'll get you ready and we'll all go out and celebrate.
Je: ********* something.(?)
Jo: Did you see her with that magazine? Was that too cute or what?
St: Does this mean you're not gonna get a divorce?
Jo: Divorce? What are you talking about?
St: You said there were too many dads here.
Je: You guys heard us fighting, huh?
DJ: We don't want anybody to leave.
Jo: Uh.. We need to talk. 
Je: Come on. Let's sit down.
pathetic 哀れな,まったく不十分な,無価値な
on the verge of 〜寸前、いまにも〜しようとして

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