第21話 ジェシー、カムバック!<後編> 原題:The Seven-Month Itch (2)


Jo: Jesse ran away from home?
St: I'm hungry.
DJ: Where is Uncle Jesse?
Da: Uh.. girls, if you'll excuse us for a brief moment,
    uh.. I have to talk to Joey privately about.. about
    this note that I wrote myself reminding me to talk to Joey privately.
    About this note that I wrote.
Jo: What are we gonna say to the girls?
Da: Joey, this is a delicate situation. It's a farther kind of moment.
    You'd better let me handle it.
Jo: What do you want me to do?
DJ: Just play dumb.
Jo: How do I do that?
Da: Perfect.
Da: Oh.. Hi, you are back.
St: Did uncle Jesse go somewhere?
Da: Girls, your father has something to say.
    Your Uncle Jesse has gone on a little.. vacation.
DJ: Where?
Da: Where? You saw him last, tell'em, Joey.
Jo: OK, father. Uh.. girls, your Uncle Jesse went on a vacation to the dessert.
    And why you ask? Uh.. because he loves the hot sand,
    and he loves the burning sun. Bottom line, your Uncle Jesse loves to sweat.
DJ: I thought he loved going to the beach.
Jo: Well, the dessert is all beach.

Jo: OK, here we go. Your favorite strawberry, yogurt, banana,
    pan cakes, just like your Uncle Jesse makes.
St: These aren't just like Uncle Jesse makes. His aren't soupy in the middle.
DJ: Mine aren't soupy.
Jo: Here, Michelle. You'll appreciate my cooking. That-a-girl.
Da: Go ahead. Taste it, honey.
Jo: Everybody is a critic. I got it.
    Gladstone's international house of flapjacks.
    Gladstone speaking. Jesse, hey, how's it going?
DJ: Oh, Jesse. I wanna talk to him.
Jo: Wait. Let me talk to him.
DJ: Hi, it's DJ.
Da: DJ, give me the phone.(?)
Je: I'll talk to anyone you want. Just make a decision.
DJ: Come on, please.
Da: How the heck is the desert, Jesse?
Je: What desert, I'm skiing in Tahoe.
    Look, I'm hanging out with my buddies, and I..
    I don't know when I'm coming back so in case of emergency,
    I'm gonna give you the number, It's 555-4322
St: I've got to tell Uncle Jesse something.
    I've got to tell Uncle Jesse something.
Da: OK, here.
St: Oh, no. I forgot what I was gonna tell him. Oh, I remember, silly me.
    Hi, Uncle Jesse. While you're on vacation, can I sleep in your room,
    which was my room before it was your room?
    Thanks Uncle Jesse. Everybody, say "Bye".
Ev: Bye.
Je: Bye-bye. Good bye.
St: Say "Bye-bye", Michelle.
soupy どろどろした、スープのような
that-a-girl int.《女性に対して》そのとおりだ,よーし,そうだ,それでいいんだ!
critic 酷評家
flab 脂肪太り、贅肉


St: Thanks for helping me move in, Michelle.
    Why don't you just put that stuff right over there. Thank you.
    You know, Michelle. I grew up in this room.
    Boy, this place brings back memories.
DJ: Here, Steph. You forgot the rest of your zoo.
St: Thanks, DJ.
    Isn't it neat we each have our own room for a couple of days?
DJ: Might be more than a couple of days.
St: What are you talking about?
DJ: Oh, nothing.
St: What is going on?
DJ: Uh, Steph, who do you think is the better singer, Alvin or Theodore?
St: Are you serious? Everybody knows without Alvin,
    they're just a bunch of squirrels dressed like Don Johnson.
DJ: You're right. See you.
St: Freeze! What is going on?
DJ: Alright, Steph. Sit down. You should hear this, too, Michelle.
    Uncle Jesse didn't just go on a vacation. He is thinking about moving out.
St: Can't daddy get him back?
DJ: Dad says there's nothing he can do.
St: Then we've gotta do something.
DJ: You're right, Steph.
St: What if uncle Jesse never comes back?
Mi: Da...
squirrel リス

DJ: OK. Here's a plan. I'll call uncle Jesse.
St: Check!
DJ: Then I'll tell him Michelle is really sick. And he'll come rushing back.
St: Then what?
DJ: Then you'll throw your arms around him and beg him to stay 
    while I let the air out of his tires.
St: Wow.
DJ: Uh, I need to speak to Jesse Cochran. This is his niece, DJ Tanner.
M1: Jesse's still out skiing.
DJ: Uh, could you hold the line for one brief moment?
    He's not there. What are we gonna do?
St: I don't know. Let me think. OK. I got it.
    This is Stephanie Tanner uncle Jesse's other niece.
    Now listen very carefully. HELP!
    Tell uncle Jesse the baby is sick and she's coughing real bad.
    Here, listen.
DS: Cough, cough.. Ahem....
Mi: Ahhh... Ahhhh....
DJ: Ahem Ahem. See? The baby's coughing really loud.
    Now, uncle Jesse is the only one who can get her to take
    her cough medicine.
    Promise me you'll tell him. Thanks.
St: I lied. I hate to lie.
DJ: But it was for a good cause.
St: I guess. But if you could cough a few times,
    I'd feel a lot better about this whole dirty business.
Mi: Ahem.
St: Thank you.


St: Hey, watch it.
Je: Sorry, kid.
St: Uncle Jesse, you're back, you're back, you're back, you're back,
    you're back. DJ, get in here, quick. Uncle Jesse is back. Our plan worked.
DJ: Uncle Jesse, you're back.
Je: Hey.. Well, I was in the neighborhood, you know.
DJ: Are you here to stay, or pick up your stuff and leave again.
Je: Come here, girls. Sit down. Come here, DJ.
    I came back because I was worried about Michelle,
    and because I missed you, two guys, and, no, I'm not going anywhere.
St: So, does this mean you'll never leave again?
Je: I can't promise I'm gonna live here forever,
    but what I can promise is I'm always gonna be your uncle,
    and I'm always gonna be there when you two need me,
    I'm always gonna love you two knuckleheads very very much.
St: Cross your heart and hope to die?
Je: Pinkie swear.
St: Oh, he does mean business.
Je: Hum, you're up. Here, I drove four hours, in the freezing cold,
    on my motorcycle behind a cattle truck...
    Here you go. Not impressed, are you? Michelle, can I talk to you a second?
    You know, when I first came here, I thought I was just gonna move in 
    for a few months, you know, just to help out, and get on with my life,
    but, you know what? This is my life.
    This is where I'm supposed to be right now. 
    Come here, do you realize, young lady, what you put me through tonight?
    I was with the most incredible woman in the world.
    Over two years old that is, sorry.
    Anyway, from the moment I heard you were sick,
    all I could do was think of this face. What is it about this face, huh? 
Je: Good answer. Good night, kid.
Mi: Da.
Je: Can I get a kiss? You know something, munchkin? I love you.
knucklehead のろま、ばか
cross one's heart and hope to die 神かけて誓う、指切りする
get on with (one's) life くじけずに毎日を生きていく

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