第19話 ふくれっ面のD.J.  原題:Just One of the Guys


Sp: Ta-da ta-da! Ta-da ta-da! Hey, Steve, Ta-da ta-da means get in here.
Sv: Sorry, that was my first "Ta-da ta-da". Greetings from Baltimore.
DJ: Steve?
Sv: DJ, how are you doing, sport?
DJ: Hi, Steve. What happened to your glasses? 
St: Oh, I got contacts.
DJ: Your braces?
St: I got them off.
DJ: Your faceful of zits?
Sv: They cleared up. Yeah, at one night I went to bed looking like a nerd,
    and woke up looking like this. Isn't nature great?
Ki: The best.
Da: Kimmy, do you realize you just slammed the door in my face?
Ki: What door?
Sv: Here, let me help you with that.
Da: Great. You'll be staying in our beautiful spacious alcove.
Sv: All right.
Da: DJ, can you believe your little cousin Stevie is being offered 
    a baseball scholarship from Stanford? I am really proud of you.
    I can't get over how you've shot up.
Sv: Yeah, well, I'll give it the credit to good food, plenty of exercise,
    and all that sleep I got during class.
Ki: He's funny too.
Sv: I'm sorry, we haven't met.
Ki: I'm.. uh.. I'm.. uh..
Sp: You're Kimmy Gibbler. How did she make it all the way to fifth grade?
    Jesse, Joy, where are you?
Jo: Hey, Stevo.
Je: Hey, cousin, Steve.
Sv: Hey, wait, now. Wait. Let me guess, uh..
    Uncle Danny has told me all about you guys.
    Now, you've got to be Jesse, the great looking rock'n'roller
    who gets all the girls, and spends hours on his hair.
    And you must be Joey, the guy with all the funny voices.
Da: Uh.. Steve, that's Joey. And this is Joey.
Jo: But thanks anyway.
Da: And here's someone else you haven't met yet,
    say hello to your new cousin, Michelle.
Sv: Hi, hi, sport, goo-chee-goo-chee-goo.
    What's the matter? Don't you speak baby?
brace 歯列矯正器.
faceful 顔をおおうだけの量
zit 《米俗》にきび(pimple)
nerd 《俗》カッコよくない人,ダサイ人
spacious 広々とした、広い範囲の、雄大な
I can't get over ...には驚いた.
shoot up = 大きくなる、急に成長する
credit  《行動・性質などの》 称賛, 是認
make it うまくやり遂げる、うまくいく


Jo: Jess, I bet you two bucks Magic steals the ball.
Je: No, no. not the way with Bird's been playing, buddy. You're on.
Da: Magic steals the ball.
Je: No.
Jo: Yes. Two founding fathers, please. Thank you.
Sv: Joey, that's incredible.
Jo: I come from a long line of psychics.
Je: You mean psychos. Alright, give me a chance to win my money back here.
Jo: OK, I'm getting another vision here.
    I bet you two more bucks that Cooper steals the ball,
    passes it off to Magic, who'll lead a fast break down quart,
    ended with a slam dunk by Worthy.
Je: You're out of your gourd. All right, you're on.
Da: Look at this, Cooper steals the ball, fast-break Magic to Scott to Magic,
    and no-look pass to Worthy, slam-dunk.
Je: No way.
Da: Unbelievable.
Sv: That's amazing.
Jo: Sometimes I'm so good I actually win money from myself. Thank you.
Sp: Boy, Joey, you didn't know all this stuff
    when we watched this game this morning.
Jo: Ha ha ha..
Je: Ha ha ha..
Jo: Kids, what an imagination!
Je: One final wager.
    Oh, I'll bet that if you don't get my money back, you're gonna die.
Jo: And I was gonna give you half.
Da: Oh, baby alert. I gotta go check on Michelle.
Sv: No, no. You guys stay here and watch the game, I'll take care of the kid.
Da: Oh, thanks, I'm sure you can take care of her,
    considering you have no experience with an infant whatsoever.
Sv: No problem.
Da: Help him.
Jo: Hey, your nephew, Steve, is a great kid.
Da; Thanks for being so nice to him.
    Ever since his dad moved out, he hasn't had that much of this guy stuff.
Sp: Yap. Us guys gotta stick together.
psychics 心理学、心霊研究
psycho 精神病者、気の狂った人、変人
out of one's gourd  狂って
fast-break 速攻する
slam-dunk  【バスケ】 スラムダンクする
wager 賭け、賭事
infant 乳児、幼児
whatsoever=whatever 少しの〜もない
stick together 助け合う、団結する


Je: Half of that money is mine, kid.
Ki: You want another one of my sandwiches?
Sv: Uh.. no thanks. Three is enough.
DJ: Speaking of basketball, did you know that Wilt Chamberlain scored
    the most points ever in an NBA game?
    And Moses Malone joined the league right out of high school.
    And if the Bulls ever build their team around Michael Jordan,
    they'll be unstoppable. Enough talk. Let's play FOOTBALL.
Ev: All right, FOOTBALL. Let's go.
Da; OK. we'll pick teams. I'll be a captain because.. it's my football.
Je: Alright, I'll be a captain.
Jo: Because your hair looks like a helmet.
Je: OK, yes, Watch Michelle. There you go.
Da: OK, the first person I'm gonna pick is.. my man Steve.
Sv: Yeah, all right, Uncle Danny.
Je: All right, let me see. The first person I'm gonna pick is .. my man DJ.
DJ: Yeah! I want you. I want you.
Da: Let me see..
Ki: If I'm not on Steve's team, I'll die.
Da: Kimmy.
Ki: Way to go, big Stevie.
Je: OK, here we go. Let me see, I'll pick.. I need someone with good hands.
    I need someone with good hands.. I'll pick my man..
    Michelle. Come on Michelle, high five, high five.
Sp: Can you believe he picked Michelle over me?
Jo: Steph, please. I have my own problems.
Da; OK, Steph, you can be on our team.
Jo: What?
Da: Low five.
Jo: Somebody, please pick me before a stray dog shows up.
Je: OK, we'll take Joey. But you guys gotta spot us a touchdown.
Da: It's only fair.
DJ: Enough messing around. Let's play FOOTBALL.
build around  〜を中心に造る
unstoppable 止められない、制止できない、防止できない
stray 野良犬
spot (口)〈競争相手など〉にハンディを与える

DJ: Who is it?
St: It's Steve. Can I come in?
DJ: Uh.. Yeah, I guess.
St: You're sure it's safe?
DJ: Yeah.
St: Thanks. I uh.. didn't wanna make the wrong move and get creamed again.
    Well, um.. you know, I've been here two days
    and this is the first time I've ever been up to your room.
DJ: You're a busy guy.
St: Yeah, well, my schedule kind of opened up,
    and I was hoping that maybe I could talk to you.
DJ: To me? You wanna talk to little old me?
St: Yeah. Look. DJ, I was.. I was wondering why you clobbered me.
DJ: 'Cause I felt like it.
St: Well, why did you feel like it?
DJ: 'Cause I did.
St: Well, why did you?
DJ: Because I was mad at you.
    I was really looking forward to your visiting,
    and you didn't even wanna go ice skating.
    I thought we could do stuff like we did last time.
    I miss the old Steve.
St: DJ, I'm still the same Steve.
DJ: No, you're not. The old Steve wouldn't have taken this long
    to come up to my room.
St: DJ, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Look, but I'm here now.
    DJ, I'm still your cousin and I still love you.
    So don't you think we can try and be friends again?
DJ: You seem so much older than me now.
St: Well, I know it may seem like a big difference now
    because I'm seventeen and you're eleven.
    But you know, when I'm a hundred and.. and you're ninety four,
    you'll probably hardly even notice the difference.
DJ: So..
St: So..?
DJ: So.. you wanna start all over.
St: Great idea. Alright. I'll go outside and come right back in.
DJ: Okay.
St: Ta tada! Greetings from Baltimore.
DJ: Hi, Steve. What happened to your braces, glasses and zits?
St: Oh um.. all gone. Isn't nature great.
    Hey, I've got a great idea.
    What do you say uh.. we go ice skating?
DJ: Nah.. that's for little kids.
    But if you really want to go.
St: Yeah.
cream《俗》《特に運動競技で》 やっつける, ぶちのめす
clobber 容赦なくたたく, ぶちのめす

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