第18話 D.J.のずる休み  原題:D.J. Tanner's Day Off


Da: Girls, come on down, and say good-bye.
    OK, here's a few phone numbers you might need while I'm down in LA.
    Uh.., pediatrician, grandma, police, fire department,
    the other grandma, uh.. poison control, dentist..
Je: You left off the White House and equalizer.
Da: OK, maybe I'm overreacting.
    It's just that it's my first night away from the girls over night.
DJ: Bye dad.
St: Good bye.
DJ: I'll miss you.
Da: Ah.. I'm gonna miss my girls. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. 
    I'll miss you. I'll miss you.
St: Daddy, take it easy. You're hugging other people's kid.
Da: Sorry, Kimmy. Now, you all know that while I'm gone,
    Uncle Jesse and Joey, they're gonna be in charge.
    So you'll be on best behavior, right?
DJ: We won't let you down, dad.
Jo: Come on, girls. Time for bed, let's go.
Je: Let's go, girls. Steph, let's go. Come on.
St: Uncle Jesse, can I stay up fifteen extra minutes?
Je: Absolutely not.
Da: Bye-bye honey.
DJ: Dad, before you go. You wouldn't mind if I got an autograph
    from my favorite singer, Stacy Q would you?
Da: No. Not at all.
DJ: Great. You're the best dad. Just sign this note,
    excuse me from school tomorrow, and have a wonderful trip.
Da: Nice try DJ.
DJ: Oh, come on, dad. You just said that I could have the autograph.
    I'll only be missing one day of school.
Da: I'm sorry.
DJ: I'll make it up. I'll go to school on Christmas.
Da: DJ, we all have our jobs. My job is go to LA and cover a
    surfing competition, your job is to go to school.
Da: Kimmy gets to go, why can't I?
Da: Because you are not Kimmy. I don't know why Kimmy is missing school,
    but there's a lot of things about Kimmy that I don't understand.
DJ: If I don't get this autograph, I'll die.
Da: DJ, no one has ever died from lack of autograph.
    I've really got to go now. Come on, give your father a big hug.
DJ: Good bye, father.
Da: Come here, daughter. Give your dad a hug. Have a good time. 
    See you tomorrow afternoon.
Ki: Sorry, DJ.
DJ: This isn't over yet.
pediatrician 小児科医
equalizer 等しくするもの
in charge (of) 〜の責任を負っている、担当している


DJ: 106.. hospital. 104.. doctor. 101.. out of school. Oh..
St: What's wrong?
DJ: I'm sick.
St: Poor baby, I'll get Joey. You just need some peace and quiet.
    Joey, Get in here! Get out of your room!
Jo: What is it? What's wrong?
St: She's sick. I'll get you some juice, DJ.
    I wish I could get you Stacy Q's autograph.
Jo: DJ, you're burning off. You have a fever, 101.
DJ: 101? Let me see.
Jo: DJ, your hands feel like icicles.
DJ: They do. But Joey, I have to go to school today.
    There's a big test on C.. C.. Canada.
Jo: You want to go to school? You must be really sick.
    I'm calling school right now.
DJ: Oh.. I am so rad.
Jo: Michelle, you're doing a great job.
    Yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna show you how to vacuum.
DJ: Hi, Joey.
Jo: What are you doing out of bed?
DJ: My hands are warm, and my head is cool. I can go to school.
Jo: Freeze. Woooo... Move it. I need to see your license, registration,
    and forehead. It feels fine. How can that possibly be?
DJ: It's a miracle.
Jo: No, the miracle-would-be is if I fell for this.
    I know exactly what's going on.
DJ: Oh, no. You do?
Jo: What do you think, I'm an idiot? It's pretty obvious to me.
    You felt so guilty about getting out of that test with that phony sick bit
    that you finally broke down and decided to go to school.
DJ: That's exactly right. Boy, I can't fool you.
Jo: No, you really can't, Deej. You're a classy kid, and I'm proud of you.
DJ: Uh.. right. Well, I'm off to school, take that test.
Jo: No speeding. Michelle, your daddy is gonna be very happy when he
    sees the way that I'm handling things. No Michelle, I wash, you dry.
icicle つらら、氷柱
registration 書き留め、記載、登録
guilty  罪の意識がある、罪を犯した、有罪の
phony にせの、まやかしの
fool だます、からかう
classy 高級な


Jo: You know Michelle, it's a shame kids have to grow up.
    I mean, why can't they stay like you, so sweet, so innocent, so ladylike..
Je: Joey, what's the emergency?
Jo: DJ cut school to get Stacy Q's autograph.
Je: I left work early for that?
    Joseph, do you realize I was this close to finally figuring out
    where that line of ants actually begins? How are you doing, kid?
Jo: She didn't more than cut school, Jess she completely faked me out.
Je: You? No.
Jo: Jesse, this plan was diabolical. She faked a flu, I called in
    sick for her, then boom she's better, and she takes off just like that.
    The conniving little sneak.
Je: No, Joey she's not a conniving little sneak, I gave her that plan.
Jo: You what?
Je: Well, she was uh.. interviewing me for her essay on the person
    she admires most.
Jo: Ha ha...
Je: There's no essey. The conniving little sneak.
Jo: Danny's gone, we're in charge now what are we gonna do?
Je: Alright, let's think about this.
    See when I was a kid, and I got in trouble, my dad showed me no mercy.
    In fact he took so many privileges away that to this day,
    when I go visit my parents, I got to go straight to my room.
    No TV, no dinner.
Jo: Well, whenever I was bad, my dad would sit me down,
    talk about right and wrong and good and bad for hours and hours,
    on and on till finally I just beat the hell out of myself.
Je: The worst part though, the worst part was when my dad gave me the dad face,
    you know, it was like, it was like this.
Jo: Dad face, that's good. Let me try.
Je: No, no, no, Joey, that's the I-just-ate-bad-chili-face.
innocent あどけない、無垢な
ladylike しとやかな、めめしい、上品な
diabolical  悪魔の、悪魔のような
boom 急上昇の
connive 共謀する
sneak ひそかに抜け出す[立ち去る]こと
privilege 特権、基本的人権
beat the hell out of 激しく(乱暴に)打ちのめす(扱う)

DJ: You don't have to do that. I feel bad enough. I'm really sorry.
    I totally blew it. I'll never do anything like this again.
Je: Regardless, but Joseph and I must deal with your misconduct young lady.
    Misconduct? Young lady? I really am turning into my father.
    If I start wearing a white belt and shoes to match,
    throw me down the stairs.
Jo: I'd be honored. DJ, we're gonna have to punish you. So no TV for two weeks.
Je: What? You call that punishment? No TV, no music for two weeks.
Jo: Oh yeah? I see you no TV and no music for two weeks.
    And I raise you no friends over for a month.
Je: I call. No TV, no music and no friends over for a month.
    Aren't we agreed young lady?
DJ: Sure. I deserve to be punished. Dad trusted me and I let him down.
    I hate myself.
Je: Excuse us. Listen, man. I think the kid is sorry.
    I mean, she's been punished. I think when Danny comes back from L.A.,
    maybe we shouldn't tell him about this.
Jo: Don't you think he has a right to know exactly what happened?
Je: Yes, I do. But I don't want him to think we can't take care of the girls.
Jo: You're absolutely right. I forgot about that.
    He may never want to leave the house again.
    Alright. DJ, we're not gonna tell your dad what happened.
DJ: Well, alright. Oh, thank you, thank you...
Jo: The bunny and the Ducky and the turtle and the frog.
    All rode home on a rainbow. And smiled for the rest of their lives.
Je: I love this story.
regardless かまわない、無頓着な、不注意な
misconduct 非行
honor 引き受ける(accept; take)
deserve 〜に値する、〜を受けるに足る


DJ: Steph, what are you doing?
St: I'm making a get-sick card.
DJ: I said I was sorry.
St: Uh oh, lecture time. See you.
Da: Steph, I think you should stay.
St: Why do I get a lecture? I didn't do anything.
Da: But you will. So, take accurate notes. DJ, come over here.
    Why did you do what you did today?
DJ: Because I wanted that autograph more than anything.
Da: Do you know what the worst part is about what you did?
DJ: That I cut school? 
Da: No.
St: That you tricked Stephanie?
Da: That you were selfish. All you cared about was DJ.
    You did whatever you had to do to get DJ what she wanted.
    Even if it meant lying, and hurting other people.
DJ: I don't want to be selfish.
    I don't want to hurt other people's feelings. 
Da: I know you don't. I.. I think you really care about other people.
DJ: I'm really sorry, dad.
Da: Well, I know next time you'll think things through a lot more carefully.
    Because you are a lot better than what I saw today. Come here.
St: Daddy, am I your favorite now?
Da: Yes.
DJ: Hey.
Da: No, no, no. No matter what happens,
    I'm always gonna love all three of you exactly the same.
St: Oh? All right.
Da: I wish Michelle was here. I like her the best.
DS: Hey!
selfish わがままな、自分勝手な、利己的な

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