第14話 あせりは禁物!  原題:Half A Love Story


Ro: DJ, I remember you when you were that big.
    Do you remember me at all?
DJ: Sure I do. You were the one who looked like you.
Ro: Right.
Da: It's OK, Deej. You were only five.
St: I'm only five. Does that mean I'm gonna forget all of this/all this?
DJ: Probably.
St: I should be taking notes.

Jo: Now Michelle, if anyone asks you I made dinner completely by myself,
    you never saw these take-out cartons.
St: But I see'em.
Jo: Ha ha, hi.
St: Joey, Joey, Joey.
Jo: Steph, I'm tired of getting a hard time
    because I'm not the world's greatest cook.
St: Don't worry Joey. I'm not the world's greatest anything.
Jo: No. That is not true.
    You are the world's greatest Stephanie and that's a lot.
St: Thanks Joey and don't worry I'll keep your secret.
    But watch her. She's a blabbermouth.
Jo: OK, why don't you go tell everyone I'm almost through cooking.
    OK, alright, thank you. I'll just get rid of the evidence...


St: You're getting so pretty.
DJ: Can I help with your nails?
Ro: Sure DJ, just try to stay above the cuticles OK?
St: Are there any othet parts on your body that I can help with?
Ro: Would you like to brush my hair?
St: All right, much better than nails.
DJ: When you get the job and move here? You can come visit us all the time.
St: And date Uncle Jesse.
Ro: Well, I would love to see the two of you,
    but you know I wouldn't count on me dating your Uncle Jesse.
DJ: You know, David and Maddie in Moonlighting didn't like each other
    at first, either.
St: Uncle Jesse is a great catch.
DJ: He can sing.

St: And he gives fun piggyback rides.
DJ: He's got an awesome head of hair.
St: And he teaches you to ride a two-wheeler without training wheels,
    as long as you don't ride in the street.
Ro: Oh, now, you two are so sweet,
    I only hope someday that I have nieces just like you.
St: Marry Uncle Jesse, and you will.
Je: Good morning, girls.
DS: Good mooring.
Je: Hi, Robin?
Ro: Good morning, Jesse.
Je: Come on girls, I'll give you a ride to school on my bike mobile.
DJ: Shotgun.
St:  No, wait. I've gotta get my milk money.
Je: O.K, hurry up, kid, I'll wait for you.
St: Ouch, Ow, Ow, Ow...
Je: What? What? What?... Let me see. Let me see... Oh.. You're lucky.
    It just so happens that I went to a finger collage. O.K.
    Now, in order you to treat your finger,
    I've got to know what color the pain is.
    What you have to do is close your eyes, put your finger on your nose,
    that way we can tell what color the pain is.
    Come on, do it, I'm the finger doctor. O.K, very good, now.
    What color is the pain? 
St: It's kind of green.
Je: It's kind of green. Any other colors, how about polka dots?
St: Yeah, there's polka dots. Blue ones.
Je: Blue ones, any stripes?
St: No stripes.
Je: Oh, good. That's good, because stripes are dangerous.
    Alright, this is easier to diagnose.
    Nine out of ten doctors would agree that we can solve the pain
    by opening your eyes and taking your finger off your nose.
St: It's gone! Thanks Uncle Jesse.
Je: All right. No charge. We'll put it on your father's medical insurance.
St: You're wasting your time killing bugs.
Je: Come on, I'll give you a piggyback ride, here you go. Here you go...
St: Good luck today, what a guy, huh?

Da: and there were no fights in hockey.
    Finally, Michelle would like to thank all of you for your calls
    asking her to be a regular on the four o'clock sports.
    Yesterday, Michelle picked the Warriors by five, son of a gun,
    son of a gun, if they didn't win 106-101.
    But I'm afraid Michelle is retiring as oddsmaker.
    That's right, to resume her former carrier of eating,
    learning to talk, and burping. Ha ha ha ha.. Well, that's sports.
    This is Danny and Michelle Tanner, saying Bye-bye. And "bye-bye".
A: So long, San Francisco. Until six. See you then.
B: We're off the air.
Je: Beautiful, beautiful...
Da: Jesse, thanks for picking up Michelle.
Je: No problem. Everybody has their purpose in life.
    Mine is chauffeuring around little babies.
Da: Keep up the good work.
Je: O.K.
Ro: Substantial rainfall in key northern watersheds has eliminated 
    the threat of cutbacks on waters we live with next year
    the municipal and industrial uses in northern California.
    Now what does this...
Mi: Hi. Hi.
Ro: What is it, Jesse?
Je: Well, Michelle was just.. uh.. saying how interesting it was.
Ro: Don't do that Michelle business, please.
    You didn't like it, be honest.
Je: How do I say this without hurting her feelings? 
    It put me to sleep.
Ro: That's nothing **** saying it.
Je: You.. You have something special inside you.
    You've got to let it out. You've to show some energy.
Ro: Auditions scare me to death.
Je: You have to have fun. I mean, you know, you have to have fun.
    Like the kid. You can't be afraid to get crazy.
    Let me show you. Let me show you. I'll tell you, here.(?)
    Hold the baby. Come here. It's gotta be something like this.
Ro: O.K.
Je: Hello, San Francisco. How the heck are you?
    Jesse Cochran here for the Channel Ocho News.
    Today's top story is wetting wild.  Get this.
    There has been substantial rainfall in key northern watersheds. 
    What does that mean? No more having to beg for water in restaurants.
    Take longer showers. Wash your car every day.
    And, hey, yank that brick out of the toilet, huh?
    San Francisco, the good life is back.
    We got water coming out of our ears.
    The municipal and industrial uses in northern California.
    Have mercy. See that? See? You've gotta.. You've gotta laugh,
    you gotta smile. That's what you have to put into your audition.
C: We've got to beef up security in here. Ms Winslow, you're on.
Je: She is beautiful. She is intelligent. She is charming.
    Everything that I want in a newswoman.
    Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Ms. Robin Winslow.
    Give me the kid. 
Ro: Thank you, young man. Whoever he was, I..
    Hello San Francisco, this is Robin Winslow, Channel 8 News.
    Substantial rainfall in key northern watersheds has eliminated..

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