第13話 姉さんはつらいヨ!  原題:Sister Love


Da: Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to introduce American's newest super star.
    Our own mini Meryl Streep. Miss Donna Jo Tanner.
Je: Oh, beautiful...
DJ: Thank you. Thank you.
Da: Oh, what an afternoon at theater.
    DJ is the beautiful princess in "The Frog Prince".
    I laughed, I cried, I learned about life.
Jo: I wish I wouldn't've missed the ending.
    Michelle, why did you have to start crying, huh?
Je: Because she was so moved by DJ's performance.
    Or she had gas.
St: DJ, do it again for Joey.
Jo: Yeah, could you, please, Deej.
DJ: I'd love to. But I need a frog.
Je: What? Do I look like a frog? Just checking.
DJ: OK, let's do it.
Je: Alright.
Jo: You guys get the front row seat.
DJ: OK, Jesse, get on the floor and try to act like a frog.
Je: How's this?
Da: Ooh, I just wanna dip your legs in garlic butter.
DJ: Oh, frog, why does the world force us to meet in secret?
Je: Ribbit.
DJ: Do you know all of God's creatures share the heart 
    that feels pain, love, joy and sorrow?
Je: Ribbit.
DJ: If my true love is a frog. Then so be it.
Je: My princess.
DJ: My prince.

St: Ooh, the girl is hot.
DJ: This acting thing is so cool.
Je: Hey, Daniel, you've got a major talent here.
    You know people in show biz. Why don't you make some calls,
       *   *   audition for like a commercial or something?
DJ: Great idea, uncle Jesse.
Da: Oh yeah, great idea, uncle Jesse. Uh, DJ honey, I'll
    ask around but don't get your hopes up too high, OK?
DJ: I understand, dad. Whatever happens happens.
    But I hope it happens this week.
Da: If I kiss you, will you turn back into a frog?


Da: Hi, honey. Homework?
DJ: Yeah. We're learning about the Bill of Rights.
    Does freedom of speech mean I can say anything I want around the house?
Da: Sure. But don't forget.
    I have freedom of say that again and you're grounded.
    Look, DJ. There's.. DJ.. DJ..
    There's something I want you to think about very carefully.
    I called a casting director and there'a an audition next week
    for a cereal commercial.
DJ: Great. I wanna do it.
Da: Honey, you realize the chances of getting this job
    are very very tiny, microscopic.
DJ: I wanna do it.
Da: If you do this, you should be for fun.
    I don't want you to feel disappointed if you don't get it.
DJ: Listen to me, Dad. I want to do it.
Da: I understand you want to do it.
    But will you consider all of this before you make your decision?
DJ: Sure, dad.
Da: Okay.
DJ: I wanna do it.

Je: Okay, this is ***, girls.
DJ: They all look so professional.
Vi: Very nice audition, Karen.
Ca: Thank you so much, Vivian. It felt good for me, too.
    Well, I'll leave you my new picture and resume.
    Well, I hope I'll be hearing from you soon. Chao.
Vi: Uh-huh.
St: Was that a little kid or a tiny grownup?
Je: OK, Steph. Why don't you go over there and do some color, okay?
DJ: Uncle Jesse, this was a mistake.
    I don't have a picture. I don't have a resume.
    All I did was kiss a frog.
Je: All right. I'll take care of this for you, alright.
    May I call you Viv? Hi, viv. Listen, uh..
    I'd like to introduce you a very talented young actress
    Miss. Dona Jo Tanner. Look at that face.
Vi: Nice face.
    Just sign in and leave your picture and resume at the desk.
DJ: But I don't have a picture.
St: Yes, you do. Right here. I didn't have time to make hair.

DJ: Hey, moms and dads. Come real close to the set.
    Send all the kids out of the room. Are they gone?
    Good. I've got a secret.
    Oat Boats are chocked full of vitamins and minerals.
    But don't let your kids know.
    They'll eat'em anyway 'cause they taste so great.
    Yeah, Oat Boats. Now remember. This is our little secret.
    If the word gets out, I'll deny everything.
Je: Oh, beautiful, great.
    That was so.. I'm sorry, I was touched.. I was moved.
St: Kids will love her. I do.
Vi: And so do I. I thought you were terrific.
    I want you to stay and do it one more time for Mr. Benton,
    and he makes the final decision.
DJ: Yeee yes yes yes yes... Yes! I mean very well.
Ev: Yeeeee!
DJ: Um.. excuse me.
    Do I have time to do my hair before Mr. Benton gets here?
Vi: Sure. No problem.
Je: Alright, I've gotta go put some change in the meter.
    Steph, you stay right here and be good, okay? Alright.

JD: Yeee yes....
St: Miss. Vivian. Can I please have a little cereal?
    DJ was so good (that) she made me wanna eat some.
Vi: Knock yourself out.
St: Thanks. I love Oat Boat races. It's a strawberry against a banana.
    And they're off. It's a banana. It's a strawberry.
    And a banana wins. First prize is a trip to my mouth.
Be: I love it. I didn't think we were gonna go this young but
    this little girl is adorable.
    Vivian, you've done it again.
Vi: Well, Mr. Benton.
    Sometimes you just have to go with your instincts.
Be: Congratulations, young lady. You are the new Oat Bout Girl.
St: What?
DJ: What?
Je: What?

Jo: Well, here we go. Some of my special seaweed protein wheat germ tonic.
    Cholesterol free. 
Da: DJ?
Jo: Hi, Deej.
Da: Something tells me, things didn't go so great at the audition,
    did they?
DJ: Oh, NO!
Da: We talked about how this might happen. 
    They probably just gave the part to somebody's relative.
DJ: Oh, Yeah!
Je: Hello.
Jo: Hey.
Da: I know, DJ didn't get the part.
Je: Here's something you don't know, Steph did.
Da: Stephanie got the part? That's wonderful. I'm really sorry. 
    But that's wonderful. I'm really sorry. How did this happen?
Je: Uumm, If I said, "Hey, that's showbiz, babe,"
    that wouldn't get me off the hook, would it?
Da: No.
Je: No.
Jo: Hey, cheer up. There's a bright side.
Je: What's that?
Jo: I had nothing to do with it.
St: DJ, are you mad at me?
DJ: Why would I be mad at you?
St: Because I ... Oh, no reason.
DJ: I'm not mad, I'm happy for you. Way to go, Steph.
    You know, if you'll excuse me, I have some homework to do.
St: Is it OK to be happy?
Da: Of course, it is, sweet heart.
St: I got it, I got it.
DJ: Stephanie, for your sister's sake, be happy a little quieter.
St: I got it, I got it.

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