第10話 七面鳥とパイの悲劇  原題:The Miracle Of Thanksgiving


Da: Gabo gabo gabo gabo.....
    Happy Thanksgiving, Michelle.
    Today you have an opportunity that only comes around
    once in your career as a baby.
    You can blow everyone away at Thanksgiving dinner by uttering
    one simple word, turkey. Turkey. Turkey, turkey....
    I'm sorry. You don't need this kind of pressure, do you?

Da: Happy Thanksgiving.
Je: Why is there a butterball on my head.
Da: Jesse, apparently your hair is some sort of baby magnet.
Je: Man, it's seven o'clock. It's a holiday. Good night.
Da: Jesse, I am sorry. But I've got a little problem
    and I need to see you and Joey downstairs.
    Right now. Come on.
Je: Gotta get a lock for my door. All right.
Da: We're coming in some stairs.(?) I recommend you opening your eyes.
Da: Joey. Come on. Wake up, buddy.
Jo: Good morning. How are you guys doing?
    Boy, it's great to be alive. Happy Thanksgiving, buddy.
Je: Can't you wake up grumpy and grouchy like normal people.
Jo: Because it's a beautiful day.
Je: Yeah.
Da: Boys, brace yourselves. It's snowing in Tacoma.
Je: No. Boy, it's a good thing I didn't sleep through that news.
Da: You don't understand, my mom lives in Tacoma and she's snowed in.
    She was supposed to make our Thanksgiving dinner for us.
Jo: It's no problem.
    We'll make that seven-course meal ourselves.
    How you ask.
    The miracle Popopopoooo of Thanksgiving.
Je: You, popopopoo.. are a moron.
    There's a miracle of Christmas and there's smoky rabbit
    and there's the miracle was with miracle whip.(?)
    But there's no miracle of Thanksgiving, huh?
Jo: Oh, no? Suppose the Pilgrims had landed in Florida.
    We'd all be eating flamingo.
Da: All I know is everything today has to be absolutely perfect.
Je: Why?
Da: Because it's the girls' first Thanksgiving without their mother.
Je: Oh, that's right, man. It's gotta be rought on'em.
    We gotta.. we gotta make this a fun day.
    We gotta make it a great day for these girls.
Jo: And it will be. You know why?
Je: Why?
Jo: The miracle Popopopoooo of Thanksgiving.
    Now, let's get in there and cook.
Je: Right. Right after that will,
    Hunt for eggs left by the Thanksgiving bunny.


Da: We should have been the new Monkeys.
Jo: Ladies and gentleman, the miracle papaapa...of thanksgiving.
Je: Little miracle lady who made it all possible DJ. Alright Deej.
DJ: Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you guys.
Da: OK guys, go carve the turkey.
    Ladies, please be seated at our thanksgiving table.
    Michelle, what are they gonna carve? Turkey. Turkey, turkey...
DJ: This is so much better than a restaurant.
St: Yeah, I hate those booster seats. They squeeze my tush.
Jo: Jess, we've got a problem here.
Je: Let me try. It's frozen.
Da: I had no idea you two were so good in the kitchen.
    The turkey, the pie. You should open up a restaurant and
    just support me the rest of my life.
Je: It's frozen. (The) thing's frozen.
DJ: I'm so glad this worked out so perfect.
    Now I wasn't sure if I could pull it off.
    But it turned out just the way mom cooked it last year.
    Do you think she would've been proud of me?
Da: Well, I'm sure she would've been, honey.

Da: Excuse me a second. I'll be right back.
    You two stay right here.
DJ: Is there something wrong with my turkey?
Jo: Uh, no, no. There's uh no turkey problem here at all uh..
    This is a very happy bird.
Je: Yeah. He's happy in heck to be dead right here in our kitchen.
Da: In fact, I'm just gonna shove that sucker back 
    in the oven for just a couple more minutes.
DJ: Are you sure there's nothing wrong with my turkey?
Da: Oh, of course, honey.
    You know what a nut I am about that extra crispy skin.
DJ: But, dad. Don't overcook it. You don't want it to get dry.
Da: There's no danger of that happening, DJ.
-- Bell rings --
Da: But, oh my Gosh. Someone's at the door.
    Who's gonna get it. I don't know.
    Let's all go get it.
Je: Let's all go get it. Come on girls.
    Let's go see who came to vist us on Thanksgiving day.
Da: We're coming.
Je: Yeah.
Da: Yes, yes, yes. Hi.
Po: Hi.
Da: (They) must be your friends, Jesse.
Je: No. Not yet. Come in.
Po: Hi, I'm Pola. And this is my sister Alexandra.
Da: Hi, I'm Danny Tanner. And these are my kids,
    Michelle and DJ and Stephanie. And that's Jesse and Joey.
Je: Hi.
Jo: Hi.
DJ: Hi.
St: Hi. Who are you?
Al: Isn't this 1882 Girard?
Jo: Uh.. Girard way, avenue, street, place or lane?
Al: I'm not sure, uncle Henry's just moved to town.
Po: Could we use your phone?
    We're already late and this hot turkey is getting cold.
Da: Hot turkey, sure. Come on in.
    There's the phone right over there. Great. Uh, girls,
    take Michelle and go upstairs and wash your hands.
St: Why? They're clean.
Da: Yeah, but they're not Thanksgiving clean. Go go go...

Da: Men, this is the miracle of Thanksgiving.
    That turkey was meant for us.
Je: Oh, I got a feeling that it may come as a surprise with the young ladies.
Da: There's only one person who can convince these women to stay for dinner.
Je: I don't know, fellows. This can be a little rough.
    I mean, this'd be easier if it was like, say, 
    one girl with a chicken on Groundhog's Day.
Da: Jesse, just think of little DJ's face when she goes into the kitchen
    and sees a turkey ice sculpture in the oven.
Je: All right, O.K. I'll give a shot. But I need a few things, uh..
    you.. you dim the lights, Joey, go get some drinks.
Jo: I'll get us some traditional pumpkin margaritas.
    All right, I'll surprise you.
Je: Get out of here. これは言葉じゃないかも
A : Thank you. I'm really sorry if we interrupted your dinner.
Je: Oop! dinner! What a coincidence! I was just gonna talk about dinner.
    See I just figured, why spend dinner over uncle Hank's house,
    which by the way you can't even find  uh.. when fate is kinda
    dropped you and your bird if you will, here on our laps.
Po: Because our husbands wouldn't like it.
Je: Ha! The ball's in your court.
Da: Uh.. I'll give you a hundred dollars for that turkey.
Po: Excuse me?
Da: One twenty five.
Po: You wanna buy our turkey?
Je: You bet, one forty.
Po: This is crazy.
Da: One fifty.
Po: Let's talk


St: Uncle Jesse, are you still here?
Je: No, I left. Come out of the closet now.
St: Nice try.
Je: Alright. That's it. I'm coming in there with you. Look out.
St: Hi. I broke the pie.
Je: That's all right. People break things all the time.
    It's okay, no big deal, everybody makes mistakes.
St: Not pie mistakes.
Je: Even pie mistakes. You know what?
    I'm gonna show you a mistake I made when I was your age.
    Hop on my back. Come on, I'll give you a piggy back ride. Hop on. 
    There we go. It's kinda fun hanging out in the closet.
St: You don't get out much, do you?
Je: All right, come here. Now you settle down here and be prepared to 
    be amazed at my stupidity. Here come on and sit on my lap.
St: O.K.
Je: All right. Take a look at that.
St: Who's that goofy-looking guy with silly hair and big ears?
Je: I don't have big ears.
St: They are fine now that dread's bigger.
    Why is your hair so lopsided?
Je: Well, that's the thing, you see.
    When I was five, and your mom was ten, I let her cut my hair.
    Because she said she was in beauty school.
St: And you believed her? 
Je: Oh, I said I was five.
St: I am five, and I wouldn't fall for that.
Je: Maybe you're just a little smarter than I am, ha?
    You little uncle biter, huh? Look at this one.
St: Oh, yeah. Who's that little girl with you?
Je: That's your mommy. She is pretty, isn't she?
St: Yeah, what is she holding?
Je: Well, in one hand she's holding her scissors,
    in the other hand she's holding about ninety-five percent of my hair.
St: Oh, yeah, that's for Halloween.
Da: How are you guys doing?
Je: We are cool.
St: We're fine.
DJ: Let's go have some black turky and some pie a la floor.
St: O.K. But, can we make a new pie?
DJ: Sure, Steph.
St: I promise not to drop it.
DJ: And I promise not to freeze it.
Da: O.K. Let's go.
St: O.K. come on, let's go eat. I'm hungry.

Je: I miss that great Thanksgiving, sis.
Da: You're coming?
Je: Yeah, yeah, let's go.
Da: Wait, look at this.
    I forgot how much the girls look like Pam when she was their age.
Je: Yeah, right. Come on. Let's go, man.
Da: Wait a second, you wanna talk?
Je: No, why would I wanna talk? Come on, let's go.
Da: Jesse, it's O.K, if you're hurting.
Je: I'm not hurting, I'm hungry. I wanna go eat. Let's go please.
Da: You know, I hadn't thought about this.
    But this must be real hard on you.
    You spent more Thanksgivings with Pam than any of us.
Je: Hey, what does it take to get through you?
    I don't want to have this conversation. Okay? So, leave me alone.
Da: O.K, fine. I'll just be moseying alone.
    But if you want to talk, you know my home number.
Je: When's it gonna stop hurting, man?
    I keep thinking that Pam's gonna go away.
    But.. it doesn't when I see pictures, or I think of her or
    I get this feeling, em..
Da: I know that feeling, Jesse.
    And I don't think it ever completely goes away.
    Sometimes it's easier, but on days like this it's real hard.
    But you don't have to go through this alone.
Je: I'm missing her, man. It's so hard for me to talk about it.
Da: Talking about it, that's what helps me. Talking about the memories.
    That's what keeps her in your heart.
Je: Yeah?
Da: Yeah.
Je: You know, everybody knows the story about how I got my hair all 
    chopped up and everything, but I bet you don't know how I retaliated.
    Look at this. See, you ever see your wife with red, white and blue hair?
Da: I think she looked cute. How did you do this?
Je: Picture this, man. I was the middle of the night
    two things were finger paints and vanilla pudding.
    I was a wicked little five-year-old, wan't I?
Da: I'm glad you're here, Jesse.

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