第7話 パパの強烈パンチ  原題:Knock Yourself Out


Da: Wish daddy luck, honey. It's a big night.
    Daddy's getting a tryout as color man for the big fight.
    Cable TV, national wide.
    Yes I see how impressed you are.
    Oh, here you go.
Mi: Dada.
Da: Michelle, I'd love to give you a hug, but
    twenty million people will be watching me and
    I just assume I'm not seeing your cookies on my shoulder. *1
    You promise everything inside of you is gonna stay inside of you?
Mi: Ah, ah...
Da: Okay. 
Mi: Ggh.
Da: That's a preview, isn't it.
    Okay, baby-dribble guard.  Come here.


DJ: Wait, dad. Hold on. Don't go yet.
St: Whoa, whoa...
DJ: We got some stuff for you for good luck.
    Guess what this is.
St: A tie!
DJ: Steph, you knew!
St: Oh, yeah. Daddy, now you guess.
Da: Uh, I give up.
St: It's a tie, remember?
Da: Oh.. Oh! A tie! I'm so surprised.
    This is beautiful. I'm gonna wear this tonight.
St: I got you a surprise too, daddy.
Da: Oh, I love surprises. Oh, this is great.
    Thank you for the, um, this is great.
Jo: That's the most beautiful one of those I've ever seen.
St: Try it on, daddy.
Da: Of course, I'm gonna try it on. Oh, uh..
DJ: Isn't that a cool tie tack, dad?
Da: God bless you. Steph, I love this. Thank you, girls.
DS: You're welcome.


Je: Alright, I'm coming right up.
    Girls, get some snacks first.
DJ: Hurry up! Dad's almost on.
    We're gonna watch it in our room.
Je: Alright.
St: Don't forget the ice cream.
Je: Okay. Alright. I got it.
St: And the bowls and spoons.
Je: Bowls and spoons. Who can eat ice cream without
    bowls and spoons? Alright.
DJ: And licorice.
Je: Licorice. Alright. Licorice.
St: Red licorice.
Je: Alright.
St: And fruit.
Je: Fruit. Okay. Get some fruit.
DJ: And milk.
Je: Milk. Got it.
DJ: Don't forget to shut the door.
Je: Shut the door. Licorice and milk.
St: And we need peanut butter and jelly and bread and carrots.

Je: Alright, girls.
    It's enough to get us through the first two rounds.
DJ: Uncle Jesse, we've changed our minds.
    We're gonna watch the fight downstairs.
Je: Freeze, uncle biters.
    This is as far as your uncle lunchwagon goes.
DJ: Ooh, it's uncle bad attitude.
St: I guess this is a bad time to mention
    you forgot the carrots.
Je: Yes, bad time. Help me out here. Come on. Grab that.
    Keep an eye out.
Jo: Yo, Jess, quick. I need you in the nursery.
Je: Yes, okay.
Jo: Come here, I'll give you a hand with this?
Je: Thanks. What is happening to my life?

Jo: Michelle, please don't be sick.
Je: Alright, Joseph. What's the problem here?
Jo: I heard Michelle cough.
Je: Hey, kid, are you Okay? She's cool.
St: It's time. Daddy's gonna be on right
    after the underarm commercial.
Je: Alright. We're coming.
Jo: Jess, I don't like the sound of that cough.
    We should bring Michelle with us.
Je: Joey, you gotta realize babies cough, man,
    babies dribble, babies barf.
    Think of'em as little tiny teenagers.
    Come on, Michelle. Come on, pal.
    Are you Okay? Are you Okay?

Je: Girls, have you ever heard that cough before?
St: It sounds like a hair ball.
Je: Come on, Steph.
    Babies don't get a hair... Do babies get hair balls?

TV: And now, live from San Francisco with special boxing presentation,
    here's Danny Tanner.
Da: Good evening, boxing fans, I'm Danny Tanner.
Lo: Hey, hey.. 
Da: I'm Danny Tanner.
Lo: Come on. back up. back up... jab!
Da: I AM Danny Tanner, Now I'm really Danny Tanner.
    Welcome to tonight's fight.
    We're in the training room of former heavyweight champion
    of the world, Reggie, the Sandman Martin.
    Only moments away from the Sandman's first attempt
    on the comeback trail to reclaim his heavyweight crown.
    And here he is now. Well, champ, how're you feeling?
Sa: I feel good, I feel strong, I feel like hittin' somebody.
Da: Without me, right?
Sa: That depends on the question.
Da: O.K. No pressure here. Well, champ, the obvious question.
    Why the comeback? You've got plenty of money in the bank.
    Heck, you own a bank. You've been retired for two years,
    what is it? Do you miss wearing the shorts?
Sa: No, no. You see..
Lo: It's pride. It's pride and respect.
    The champ wants a good honor as the greatest fighter
    in the history of boxing.
Da: Are you sure it's not the six million dollars?
Sa: O.K, I miss wearing the shorts.
St: My tie tack.
SD: Yeah!
Sa: I'm wearing the one who win(s) a cup.
    But now, why are you wearing a saucer?
Da: Oh, this? This is a gift from my daughter, Stephanie,
    and the tie is a gift from my daugher, D.J.,
    and I have a little baby, Michelle, too. You can't wear her gifts.
Da: You probably haven't seen much your family
    during these three months of training.
St: Yeah, Lou runs a pretty tough camp.
Lo: The toughest. Total isolation, just me, the Sandman,
    and misery. No phone calls, no women, no nothing.
Sa: Look. I'm sorry about that, Marcy. How are you feeling, honey.
Da: I think it's wonderful that you and your wife are still good friends 
Sa: Considering what?
Da: You know...
Lo: Yeah, right champ Just loosen up, baby. Loosen up.
Sa: Hey, hey, the man said considering, considering what?
Da: Uh... Considering what happened.
Lo: Well, loosen up, champ. Kind of just loosen..
Sa: Hey, If I don't get some information, I'm gonna loosen somebody's head.
    Now he said it's great we're still friends.
    Why/How wouldn't my wife and I still be friends?
Da: So, about tonight's fight. Let's talk strategy.
Sa: Hey, you, man?
Da: Let's forget about strategy.
    All I meant was usually when a woman moves out on her man,
    they stop being friends.
Sa: She moved out?
Lo: Champ, it's time to fight. Let's go.
Sa: Hey, man. You expect me to fight when I just fouund out
    my wife walked out on me?
Lo: Use it, Champ, use the anger.
Da: Oh, champ, I'm sorry. Oh, boy. Am I sorry.
    I can't believe you didn't know about this.
Sa: You call me a liar?
Da: Oh, not at all. Why would I choose those as my last words.
    I just figured since the story was in the newspapers,
    and the magazines, and the soon-to-be TV Movie.
Sa: She left me?  And so all the right.. Oh, no, Marcy, baby, no, no..
Da: It'll be O.K., champ. It'll be O.K.
Lo: You kind of taken the edge off him, huh, Tanner?
Da: You know, in a way this is kind of a beautiful moment.
    Thanks for sharing it with us. Sandman best of luck on tonight's fight.
Sa: Fight? I can't fight.
Lo: Come on, champ, You fight.
Sa: I can't fight now. I can't fight...
Lo: You fight, champ. You fight and you knock'im out, champ.
    You go in and win..
Sa: But I can't fight..
St: Why was that man crying?
Je: Well, the man was crying.. because..
    because your dad made him so happy.
St: I don't think so.
Da: We'll be back after this word from anybody but me.

St: Now, what happens?
Je: Well, two guys beat each other up for about 36 minutes
    then they get 6 million dollars.
St: Six million dollars? Forget about being a ballerina.
Jo: Uh, maybe you girls shouldn't be watching all this
DJ: Joey's right. Steph, let's go watch reruns of The A-Team.
Je: Did you hear that? She coughed again. This cough's
    getting serious. I'll think of something.
    What are you doing?
Jo: Calling the baby's doctor.
Je: Good. I knew I'd think of something.
Jo: Here. Oh, Dr. Landers. You're home? You answer your own
    phone? Are you any good? Yeah, I'm calling about Michelle
    Tanner. She's um.. She's coughing. Hold on doc.
    He wants to know what kind of cough.
Je: What do you mean "What kind o' .." It's a little baby's cough.
    Like, you know, like ehe, ehe, like that.
Jo: Doc, I do impressions for a living. It was more like
Je: Give me the phone. I'm sorry. We're new parents. Alright
    Come here. Listen to Michelle cough. Here you go, cough
    Michelle, come on, cough. It's just like when you take
    your car to a mechanic. It never makes that same noise.
Je: Alright. Her nose? Yes, it's running like a fountain.
    What's coming out of it, diet cola. Fever, I don't know.
    Of course I know how to take her temperature. You simply
    put the thermometer under her ta... I put it where?
    Joey, it's for you.
Je:    *   up, to   *   down, to the right, normal,
    no temperature. High five, Michelle, high five.

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